DMV Gamer Tags

Jan 24, 2005
it seems to me that our "urea" has a pretty decent gamer it seems only right to make a thread for everyone's online gamer tags...360 or em here so we can duke it out on them sticks...madden tourney anyone?

360: Eddiebauer757

I only have 3 games and I am terrible at them all. MLB 07', NBA 2k8, GTA IV

Oh and I only had the free xbox live membership. Lol I guess ill upgrade in a week or so.
PS3: Its either lakersrock20901 or titansrock20901 but im down to smash anyone. ill post my name when i know for sure

I play halo 3 religiously, vegas 2 every now and then and i'll be on GTA 4 a lot til the novelty wears off...
glad to see my fellow gamers on NT...gimme a challenge while im down in the 757 at school...just make sure to specify whether your on 360 or ps3...i kno amajority of yall gon have that 360 but i had to rock with that free online gameplay ya dig?
i need to step it up n get with the live, i just play games til i beat em then i throw em on the shelf :-/
man i lost 2 games of madden online today to some dude ranked like 200 something. im so blown, lol. anyone wanna see me on madden? hit me on the aimlakersrock20901
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