Do 9 out of 10 thread need a Volume? Volume: Played out.


Nov 2, 2007
The over use of the "Volume" continues to run rampant among Niketalk general forum users. It has spread like wild fire among significant andinsignificant posts alike with intention of quirkiness to ensue from the get go. Today I make a plea to my fellow users. Stop with the volumes. It'slame and its fad has come and gone. Much like your oakley sunglasses and your fossil watches, this is not cool nor necessary anymore. Get more creative withyour post title and may the man who started these shenannagins die of athletes foot.

::::waits for predictable "fail" pics from lames that use said post description::::
does this thread need to come up every week? you're later than that abortion dude's girl's period
Damn cuz, you def gotta find betta things 2 write a thesis statement about. You sound cranky...aint get none in a while? The time you spent makin this threadcoulda been used in that pursuit...just sayin...
the first page has 2 threads total with vol in the title, your sh1tty one being one of, so +#!!
what are you talking 'bout? no one uses "volume" we use "vol." around here

actually i use colons :
Originally Posted by eod0807

The over use of the "Volume" continues to run rampant among Niketalk general forum users. It has spread like wild fire among significant and insignificant posts alike with intention of quirkiness to ensue from the get go. Today I make a plea to my fellow users. Stop with the volumes. It's lame and its fad has come and gone. Much like your oakley sunglasses and your fossil watches, this is not cool nor necessary anymore. Get more creative with your post title and may the man who started these shenannagins die of athletes foot.

::::waits for predictable "fail" pics from lames that use said post description::::

It doesn't really bother me, but nice avy. Tool FTW!!

- Tical.
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