Do cops really have a quota?


May 5, 2011
Always heard about it but never believed it.

Spoiler [+]
baby paw
they say they don't.

but they are out in full force stopping people last week of the month. coincidence? i think not.
Originally Posted by BronLe

baby paw

Yes. It's not a coincidence the same time of the month you can find them all doing speed traps.

They have a "contact" quota as well, which means they just have to pull you over, not necessarily give you a ticket, basically encourages profiling. It's a (&ed system, but at the same time, on occasion big time criminals get caught on regular "contact" traffic stops like Timothy McVeigh
I hear the news say it all the time. 'Slow down out there and beware of Georgia State Patrol. It's the end of the year and they will be out and about as they try to reach their quota for the year'.  This is the news so I guess it's true. They be out HEAVY too.
There are no quotas for individual cops, per say. Entire departments have quotas they need to meet in order to keep their funding. So who takes care of that? Officers in the field. But you have some cops who are super chill and hate writing tickets, and you have some that pass them out like candy. It all evens out, but the notion that all cops have quotas is a little misleading.
Have some friends in law enforcement. The answer is yes. When it gets towards the end of the month,
if they haven't written a certain amount of tickets, they definitely will have that amount by the time
the next month hits. The good noble cops will just be more observant looking out for seatbelts and
little things like that, just paying more attention than usual. The lame-o cops will write tickets for the
most minute things, while attempting to make you think you have drugs in your car or that you have
a body in the trunk.
I've heard conspiracy theories about handing out as many tickets possible to increase car insurance.

Car insurance companies then give them equipment, new vehicles and other stuff.

I'm sure who can find some information on it if you're interested.
Originally Posted by Scientific Method

Yes. It's not a coincidence the same time of the month you can find them all doing speed traps.

They have a "contact" quota as well, which means they just have to pull you over, not necessarily give you a ticket, basically encourages profiling. It's a (&ed system, but at the same time, on occasion big time criminals get caught on regular "contact" traffic stops like Timothy McVeigh

Yup.. this is definitely true..
Its bogus that they can just get behind you when you're doing nothing wrong and run your plates
Originally Posted by JayHood23

Its bogus that they can just get behind you when you're doing nothing wrong and run your plates
Don't do anything illegal and don't have any outstanding tickets/fines, and then you have nothing to worry about
Originally Posted by dmbrhs

Originally Posted by JayHood23

Its bogus that they can just get behind you when you're doing nothing wrong and run your plates
Don't do anything illegal and don't have any outstanding tickets/fines, and then you have nothing to worry about
You're right but still they are out there meeting those "goals"
I was listening to a radio show report about this. It said they do have a quota but not meeting quota (even consistently) is not a fire-able offense. The captains/chief inspectors take them seriously because there is a pay incentive involved. If their station gets enough arrests and tickets in, they get some kind of bonus. I don't recall if it was just for the bosses or for everyone.
Originally Posted by JayHood23

Its bogus that they can just get behind you when you're doing nothing wrong and run your plates

Well not really because plates are gov property and your information is public as well. I can request info from DMV if I go in with your tag number..

But yes cops have goals/quotas. If they dont meet it they dont get scolded by boss. They say they dont but they do. Ask them if they have goals
I just asked my pig friend who I happened to be having some drinks with as I read this thread.

He says there is no quota but there is a "suggested amount" in terms of tickets.
Yes. And OP I have no clue what the spoiler has to do with the topic.
Originally Posted by dmbrhs

There are no quotas for individual cops, per say. Entire departments have quotas they need to meet in order to keep their funding. So who takes care of that? Officers in the field. But you have some cops who are super chill and hate writing tickets, and you have some that pass them out like candy. It all evens out, but the notion that all cops have quotas is a little misleading.

QFT atleast here in RVA they do not had quotas. I've been on many ride alongs with difference cops and all them tell me NO. But it's not unheard of in other small counties that make most of their revenue by writing tickets or setting up speed traps to pay for their small town.
Yes and No.

From what ive heard atleast

Yes. They are judge on how "Productive" they are.

But there is no "set" goal for the whole department.
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