Do material things make you happy?

Anyone that answers no is kidding themselves. Pretty much all of our life is centered around obtaining more material things.

I don't think just material things can make you happy, but if you don't have them you probably won't be happy.
The excitement of having them goes away after a while. So no, they don't make me happy, but they do entertain my mind for a little while. I mean, with allof these new things releasing left and right, how can you stay happy with your outdated possessions?
Originally Posted by The Yes Guy

Anyone that answers no is kidding themselves. Pretty much all of our life is centered around obtaining more material things.

I don't think just material things can make you happy, but if you don't have them you probably won't be happy.
Quoted for lie.
Originally Posted by The Yes Guy

Anyone that answers no is kidding themselves. Pretty much all of our life is centered around obtaining more material things.

I don't think just material things can make you happy, but if you don't have them you probably won't be happy.

nah man. some people are just very humble and live happy talking about people who make good money too.

i have an Aunt like this............she just upgrade her pos TV because she had to for the switch. has a pos kia sportage for the dog and an old volvo.

she always talkin to me an my cousins about us waistin our money. she is just like into art, travel, chakra i dunno everybody got their own thing

id say my dad is like this too, could care less about what he drives (he travels a lot so big factor) clothes etc.
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by jumpman247

I don't know about you but material things make me happy, I don't understand how people can say they don't make you happy. Family is great too, I love my family, but nothing can beat the feeling of going shopping and buying clothes, or buying a new car, or a house (even though I've never purchased my own house) Those things make you feel wonderful, material things are the best.
You have an empty life then my brother. Material possessions are nice, but they aren't everything.
Quoted for truth.
at OP... I really feel sorry for you that you feel that way.
Originally Posted by KenJi714

yes it does. People who say money can't buy you happiness hasn't had enough
I would argue the exact opposite... those who say money can buy happiness have never experienced the true happiness that comes with family,camaraderie, love, community, spiritual fulfillment, helping others, etc.
Sure but I def do not need it.

I'm a very simple dude, nothing makes me happier than a medium-well 16oz steak and red wine.
Originally Posted by GTEK

Originally Posted by The Yes Guy

Anyone that answers no is kidding themselves. Pretty much all of our life is centered around obtaining more material things.

I don't think just material things can make you happy, but if you don't have them you probably won't be happy.
Quoted for lie.
Lie? Go give away all your things then and see how happy you are. You're on a forum about shoes and have shoes in your avatar. You clearlycare about material things. Material things doesn't mean super expensive TVs or cars, it means things in general. Hell, money is material. I don't liketo judge people, but based on this and other posts you have tried to argue with me in, you are clearly fairly naive.

The guy who posted about how his aunt has a lame car and lame TV tried to say that she is happy without having nice things, but she still has things. She wasable to upgrade her TV, so she has money, and she has two car, however lame by NT standards they may be. Liking art is a material thing. If someone is makingmoney, they have the ability to get things. Someone without money won't have things, and most likely won't be happy. Let's erase "materialthings" from the argument and just use "money" instead. You can't be happy with only money, but without money it's very hard to behappy. Someone who doesn't own lots of material things but still makes "good money" is much different from someone without money and no materialthings.

Mez One, A steak is a material thing.
Originally Posted by The Yes Guy

Originally Posted by GTEK

Originally Posted by The Yes Guy

Anyone that answers no is kidding themselves. Pretty much all of our life is centered around obtaining more material things.

I don't think just material things can make you happy, but if you don't have them you probably won't be happy.
Quoted for lie.
Lie? Go give away all your things then and see how happy you are. You're on a forum about shoes and have shoes in your avatar. You clearly care about material things. Material things doesn't mean super expensive TVs or cars, it means things in general. Hell, money is material. I don't like to judge people, but based on this and other posts you have tried to argue with me in, you are clearly fairly naive.

The guy who posted about how his aunt has a lame car and lame TV tried to say that she is happy without having nice things, but she still has things. She was able to upgrade her TV, so she has money, and she has two car, however lame by NT standards they may be. Liking art is a material thing. If someone is making money, they have the ability to get things. Someone without money won't have things, and most likely won't be happy. Let's erase "material things" from the argument and just use "money" instead. You can't be happy with only money, but without money it's very hard to be happy. Someone who doesn't own lots of material things but still makes "good money" is much different from someone without money and no material things.

Mez One, A steak is a material thing.
I know people who have literally given all of their possessions away and they are some of the happiest people I know.

My parents were missionaries for three years in Sao Paulo, Brazil, where they lived in the slums without heat, electricity, hot water, etc. organizing peoplearound education and labor rights. I was actually born there in the middle of their stay and spent the first year and a half of my life there. They alwaystell me how those were some of the happiest times of their lives and how the people that they worked with were some of the happiest and most amazing peoplethat they ever met and called their friends despite sometimes not having even their most basic needs met (adequatefood, clothing, and shelter).

One of my professors and mentors worked for a year in India with Mother Theresa. She lived with her, ate with her, worked with her, and slept in the bed nextto hers. All she took to India was a few sets of clothes and a comfortable pair of shoes. She lived the existence of the people she worked with, some of themost destitute on this planet... and she loved it. She also said she couldn't believe how happy people were in India who didn't even have clean waterto drink.

How can you explain these things if money and material wealth are needed for people to be happy? These people often lived without basic human necessities yet found joy and beauty in their lives everyday...
What you base your hapiness around: material, women and large paper? Thats mean you inferior not major.
Material things don't make me fully happy, the appeal wears off and then your feen for new things comes back....

The things that means more to me are People I love hanging out with, music, and food.
Originally Posted by red mpls

Originally Posted by The Yes Guy

Originally Posted by GTEK

Originally Posted by The Yes Guy

Anyone that answers no is kidding themselves. Pretty much all of our life is centered around obtaining more material things.

I don't think just material things can make you happy, but if you don't have them you probably won't be happy.
Quoted for lie.
Lie? Go give away all your things then and see how happy you are. You're on a forum about shoes and have shoes in your avatar. You clearly care about material things. Material things doesn't mean super expensive TVs or cars, it means things in general. Hell, money is material. I don't like to judge people, but based on this and other posts you have tried to argue with me in, you are clearly fairly naive.

The guy who posted about how his aunt has a lame car and lame TV tried to say that she is happy without having nice things, but she still has things. She was able to upgrade her TV, so she has money, and she has two car, however lame by NT standards they may be. Liking art is a material thing. If someone is making money, they have the ability to get things. Someone without money won't have things, and most likely won't be happy. Let's erase "material things" from the argument and just use "money" instead. You can't be happy with only money, but without money it's very hard to be happy. Someone who doesn't own lots of material things but still makes "good money" is much different from someone without money and no material things.

Mez One, A steak is a material thing.
I know people who have literally given all of their possessions away and they are some of the happiest people I know.

My parents were missionaries for three years in Sao Paulo, Brazil, where they lived in the slums without heat, electricity, hot water, etc. organizing people around education and labor rights. I was actually born there in the middle of their stay and spent the first year and a half of my life there. They always tell me how those were some of the happiest times of their lives and how the people that they worked with were some of the happiest and most amazing people that they ever met and called their friends despite sometimes not having even their most basic needs met (adequate food, clothing, and shelter).

One of my professors and mentors worked for a year in India with Mother Theresa. She lived with her, ate with her, worked with her, and slept in the bed next to hers. All she took to India was a few sets of clothes and a comfortable pair of shoes. She lived the existence of the people she worked with, some of the most destitute on this planet... and she loved it. She also said she couldn't believe how happy people were in India who didn't even have clean water to drink.

How can you explain these things if money and material wealth are needed for people to be happy? These people often lived without basic human necessities yet found joy and beauty in their lives everyday...

People who don't know that there can be more will be more happy with nothing than people who live in a consumer culture like ours. Someone who is raisedwith nothing naturally won't be unhappy if they don't own an LCD TV. Someone in America or another affluent country who sees advertisements for allthen newest toys will want those things. And for your parents and the missionaries, there are exceptions to every rule. Most people would not be happy givingaway all their possessions, and I don't see how you can argue that.
Materialism and this constant pursuit of 'whips & chains' is basically new age slavery.

I like nice stuff, but to say that I *NEED* it in my life or that it makes me happy is a complete lie.

I feel bad for anyone who reads the title of this thread and answers 'yes'.
Yes and no. I'm happy when I buy something usually. But I lose that feeling a few hours afterward. It's like an empty satisfaction.
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