Do material things make you happy?

Yea I guess. But when I see that I have no money left after I buy something, that happiness kinda dies a little
The pursuit of happiness is attributed to whatever society you are brought under will shape your desires. Currently in the US, the capitalist system placesheavy emphasis on material gain so it is plausible to understand the state of today. Mass media marketing since day 1.
Eh at times. All I really want is shoes, fitteds, n clothes. I'm not much of the jewerly type.
Of course material things make people happy. People who say that material things dont make you even the slightest bit happy is a lie.

Of course family and friends are the most important things in life, material things do play a part in someone's happiness. The biggest part? Naw it reallyshoudnt be
Nice to have, but they don't really make me. Money buys security in this world, it doesn't buy you happiness.
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by jumpman247

I don't know about you but material things make me happy, I don't understand how people can say they don't make you happy. Family is great too, I love my family, but nothing can beat the feeling of going shopping and buying clothes, or buying a new car, or a house (even though I've never purchased my own house) Those things make you feel wonderful, material things are the best.
You have an empty life then my brother. Material possessions are nice, but they aren't everything.
.... what the F. NOTHING CAN BEAT THE FEELING OF BUYING CLOTHES? hahaha what are you a gay fashion designer? i mean seriously man, you do have anempty life if thats how you roll.

what about the feeling of finding out your moms cancer is in remission? or your wife delivering your first kid? or hell, even graduating college (although youcan argue that education is a commodity... but im talking about the accomplishment). i mean honestly, talking crap about buying things is good and cool whenyour dirt poor, but once you have even the slightest bit of cash, youll realize that an armani shirt is just like any other, driving a mercedes or bmw isntTHAT much different than driving a nissan, etc etc

i mean seriously, get some priorities in your life. learn whats important
Originally Posted by Oh YoU MaD

Originally Posted by JState33

co-sign. I always forget that even though material items are tangible and i can actually use them, the happiness i get from them only lasts solong and gets weaker the longer i have the item.

Good memories/experiences on the other hand withstand the test of time.
Yes. Temporarily though. The thing is, after the excitement of a new item fades a bit, I get a little depressed to find my checking account relatively lowafter continually buying things that eat up each paycheck.
I've thought about this many times. I always end up comparing myself to someone in Africa? Brazil? Places that are ran by poverty where they have nothing.its sad, really sad.

Thats just my thought though
Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

yes of ourcse tjhey do who are ytou fdiing
drunk posting again, crank?

material things should be balanced with non-material things, for an efficient, fulfilling life. non-material things such as promotions, family membergraduating, birth, etc. mean more to people (or should) than buying a new pair of ferragamo dress shoes.
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