Do men compare themselves to other men?

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How about all the men in this thread post pictures of themselves?

It's like beating a dead horse. Won't happen. Not looking for validation here.

Suppose I did put up pictures. How do you know it's actually me?

But thanks for the entertainment though. It just verifies what type of men are online. I've been called conceited, vain, a this thread but the most urgent request is pictures? Who's vain again?

This is the Internet. I am not shook. I don't care. I can easily shift through craziness and come across genuine advice like I do all the time when I go online.

I posted a pic already.
They point is chicks on NT is rare. So its hard to believe what you say because we dont know if your coming from a genuine place.
We trust you to be honest with your concern and your pic. Got nothing to due with vainity, but everything to do with honesty, or however close we can get to it on the internet.
Post pics of your elbows, can't be pointy..

Lets see those feet while you're at it
:lol: at you coming here asking for our advice and then end up using lines like "anything else."

Don't be that girl. You said you lurked NT for a minute. You should know how things work around here.

You going to post actively from now on or go back to lurking?

I said that for anyone wanting to accuse me of anything else.

I guess it depends on the topic. I like confessions. There are intelligent , insightful discussions here. I don't do TAY or Instagram chicks. One, I'm very straight. Two, I know the photoshop aps used to enhance lighting, acne, cleavage, hips, and thighs. I basically can see through it.
Im tired of even reading what your typing. No wonder homeboy left your selfish ***. You cant keep one if you dont please em. Im done wit this thread.

You prolly got a hairy snatch too since you were a virgin till 26. Nobody likes hair there. Nobody.

[emoji]9996[/emoji]️ Im out dis ***** [emoji]9996[/emoji]️


Have a good day!
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Do you consider yourself a selfish person? Or are the claims being made against you in this thread coming as a complete surprise to you?

I ask because I used your first few posts as the basis for my determining what kind of person you were. That wasn't entirely fair.
Do you consider yourself a selfish person? Or are the claims being made against you in this thread coming as a complete surprise to you?

I ask because I used your first few posts as the basis for my determining what kind of person you were. That wasn't entirely fair.

No. I don't think of myself as selfish. At least not overtly.

First time having those claims. I can see the vanity and ego in the first post but not selfishness.

Like I said I loved the guy. He could have been with a VS model and I'd probably have torn her apart to make myself feel better. Probably would have called him vain and complained about it.

I thought he was the one. When it didn't work out and I saw him happy, it hurt because I thought I would be the one to do that for him.
This clown talks like he's been posting on here for years.

Abbreviating thread titles, spacing

words. Lulz.
Oh look, he used "Kelly" in his SN. Oh man, must be a female. :lol:

I could have learn that on NT or maybe...

Just maybe I went to school. Dissertations and the like. Learned proper phrasing, sentence structure, punctuation, emphasis...etc.

I don't appreciate low key insulting me.
Op you just seem jealous of the new girl and insecure. Get over it

I am a little bit of both. Was just looking to relate.

You're in the wrong place...

Look, you loved him and he either didn't love you or stopped loving you. Why sit there and wallow in sorrow over someone who doesn't want to be with you? If you have your **** together like you say you do you should have no problem upgrading from the last dude you were with. There's no reason you've listed for anyone to feel sorry for you. Keep it moving and good luck in your next relationship.
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You're in the wrong place...

Look, you loved him and he either didn't love you or stopped loving you. Why sit there and wallow in sorrow over someone who doesn't want to be with you? If you have your **** together like you say you do you should have no problem upgrading from the last dude you were with. There's no reason you've listed for anyone to feel sorry for you. Keep it moving and good luck in your next relationship.

Didn't ask for sympathy. What's upgrading to you?

Finding what I want takes time. I'm not wallowing. I'm sitting with myself and healing. Not jumping into the next boat.
This is why we can't have nice things
You're in the wrong place...

Look, you loved him and he either didn't love you or stopped loving you. Why sit there and wallow in sorrow over someone who doesn't want to be with you? If you have your **** together like you say you do you should have no problem upgrading from the last dude you were with. There's no reason you've listed for anyone to feel sorry for you. Keep it moving and good luck in your next relationship.

Didn't ask for sympathy. What's upgrading to you?

Finding what I want takes time. I'm not wallowing. I'm sitting with myself and healing. Not jumping into the next boat.

Which is why you're in the totally wrong place. You wanted "to relate" and you're not going to find that here. NT is probably about 98% male and most males don't sit around and heal after leaving a relationship we go out and smash what's next available. Just like @Brolic Scholar already told you.

And upgrading would be the exact definition of the word. Finding something better than what you had. Which would be a partner who actually loves you, wants to be with you, and is more compatible with your needs.
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Which is why you're in the totally wrong place. You wanted "to relate" and you're not going to find that here. NT is probably about 98% male and most males don't sit around and heal after leaving a relationship we go out and smash what's next available. Just like @Brolic Scholar already told you.

And upgrading would be the exact definition of the word. Finding something better than what you had. Which would be a partner who actually loves you, wants to be with you, and is more compatible with your needs.

Most women do the same.

But I'm not like most women. And I'm sure not every male can jump into bed with one woman and be in love with another.
Most women do the same.

But I'm not like most women. And I'm sure not every male can jump into bed with one woman and be in love with another.
Lol Wut? It's extremely easy for a man to cheat with another woman and have no emotional attachment to that other woman. We're impulsive by nature.
OP, how you not know your ex was sliding in free willy? The fact that he didn't stop to strap should have been an indication he was up to something.
 Based on the story OP gave I've decided to analyze the possible realities and have come up with a few conclusions.

1. OP doesn't look/isn't as attractive as she thinks she is.

2. illuminati not as ugly/unattractive as OP thinks she is.

3. Not being sexually active til your mid 20's usually indicates something abnormal about your personality/upbringing/social development.

4. Her boy must have been a NTer because coming on a man's the message board he frequently visits for advice is a sign of the logic of a stage 5 clinger (he did take her virginity right). I mean... if she was a lurker... what type of guy dates a chick who goes on niketalk..but he's not on NT himself?

This is some BS... even the main question has nothing to do with the real issue... OP's self esteem and the clinger symptoms she's showing... I suggest the same advice we would give a guy in this situation. Move on...find somebody new...hit the gym hard.. focus on your bread

PS. Heres's some real G game for you. You are never THAT hot... there's no ***** like new *****. You'r looks only factor into the equation til that *** is gone.
 Based on the story OP gave I've decided to analyze the possible realities and have come up with a few conclusions.

1. OP doesn't look/isn't as attractive as she thinks she is.

2. illuminati not as ugly/unattractive as OP thinks she is.

3. Not being sexually active til your mid 20's usually indicates something abnormal about your personality/upbringing/social development.

4. Her boy must have been a NTer because coming on a man's the message board he frequently visits for advice is a sign of the logic of a stage 5 clinger (he did take her virginity right). I mean... if she was a lurker... what type of guy dates a chick who goes on niketalk..but he's not on NT himself?

This is some BS... even the main question has nothing to do with the real issue... OP's self esteem and the clinger symptoms she's showing... I suggest the same advice we would give a guy in this situation. Move on...find somebody new...hit the gym hard.. focus on your bread

PS. Heres's some real G game for you. You are never THAT hot... there's no ***** like new *****. You'r looks only factor into the equation til that *** is gone.
***** what?
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