Do men compare themselves to other men?

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I guess to an extent... ive never really done so , but I've had friends who've been hurt by girls and wondered what was it that made the girl choose the other guy...

sometimes it comes down to compatibility and future growth... maybe you were too good for him and he knew it... some guys will have sex with a girl but after they have sex they have nothing to offer, while the girl can cook clean have exceptional conversational skills and hobbies, while the dude just lives to maintain and he see's her eventually leaving so he cuts his losses before its even tallied...

He makes more money/has a better life style than me. Not it.
At 26 im guessing youre pretty intelligent.

You got played kelly.

It happens.

Mite happen again.

4get about ol boy.

But during this conversation you also said to treat the next girl better, right? I thought that's what you said on the first page.

So it could basically be surmised that after this conversation you two had broken up - right?

I would definitely say he had something lined up beforehand - or at least a possibility lined up - before you two broke up, if she was as comfortable with him as you say she was. Otherwise, she could have also been some random Tinder date.

To answer the question in your subject line though: yeah, I compare myself. Usually don't let it get me really heated or anything though. If you two broke up and you weren't really in "exclusive" physical contact or anything anymore, there's nothing you can really say.

I stopped talking to him first. Yes. Afterwards I felt it wasn't worth losing him over.

Ok. I did say things about his house but really it came about after something he did which I didn't agree on. After he explained I felt I overreacted by getting so upset. I should have been upset but I overdid it.
inb4 AI Audi
Outta reps. But I owe you. 

 Damn near spit out my water.
I stopped talking to him first. Yes. Afterwards I felt it wasn't worth losing him over.

Ok. I did say things about his house but really it came about after something he did which I didn't agree on. After he explained I felt I overreacted by getting so upset. I should have been upset but I overdid it.

What did he say that got you so emotional?

It could be that your reaction to whatever it was told him a lot about what he was facing in the future with you. Maybe "I don't want to hurt you" was in response to how easily you got hurt and he knew that if you couldn't handle that you would fall victim to his Mackish Package later on in life.

To answer your original question, oddly the only dude I ever loosely compare myself to is LL Cool J. Weird. But when I want to get in great shape, he's always the standard I try to get to. As far as other areas of life or whatever, I'm pretty confident so I don't care about that ****. I feel like I could be a bum and still be happy to see my ex with someone else, not giving a you know. I live my life for me, not for others to appraise.
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3 pages deep and you cant even post a pic from the neck down?

Sweater puppies and down?

Mid back and down?

Your the one that prolly has bacon back not her
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making more money doesnt equate to being a better person or having better values... trust me, people who make money arent always happy or satisfied with their lives... i've got friends making WAY more money than me but are so miserable inside...
That Audi post is gold.

Kelly - Audi can make you feel like you're the only girl in the world. He's also not a street cat which may be good for you. Holla at him. wouldn't hurt.
To answer your question OP, some men do, some don't.
I don't. Doesn't mean anything, just how ppl think.

Since you said you are christian, you should have waited for marriage for sex.
Then you would be stuck on dude and be in this position.

Do you cook?

If so, is it good?

As alluded to several post prior to mine, was he sexually satisfied with you?

You mention how you commented on his house being a mess, did you ever try to clean it?

Perhaps the young lady he seemingly left you for does all of the above. And instead of complaining about his house being messed up, he may have came home to a clean place at the hands of Ms. "Triangle Body". Not saying that it is your place to clean anyone's home. But I can tell you, the times I've come home to an apartment that was squeaky clean at the hands of someone I was dating (it's happened twice), it caught me completely off guard, and I had a genuinely good feeling about what someone else took the time to do for me.

Once again, not saying its your place to clean any guy's home. But I will highlight how it felt for me to come home to a clean apartment, totally unexpectedly. If you know without a doubt that you've provided a similar sense of joy in your man's heart on more than a few occasions, I don't think you'll be dealing with a situation like this.

And this post was to provide insight into your initial question of comparison. Comparison is a very tricky thing.
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No longer Christian.

Sex isn't the reason I'm stuck on him. The person he was or presented himself to be in why my feelings were invested.
What did he say that got you so emotional?

It could be that your reaction to whatever it was told him a lot about what he was facing in the future with you. Maybe "I don't want to hurt you" was in response to how easily you got hurt and he knew that if you couldn't handle that you would fall victim to his Mackish Package later on in life.
Of course, I would have but it was

To answer your question OP, some men do, some don't.
I don't. Doesn't mean anything, just how ppl think.

Since you said you are christian, you should have waited for marriage for sex.
Then you would be stuck on dude and be in this position.
Not Christian. I fell for him. With or without it my feelings were involved
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Do you cook?

If so, is it good?

As alluded to several post prior to mine, was he sexually satisfied with you?

You mention how you commented on his house being a mess, did you ever try to clean it?

Perhaps the young lady he seemingly left you for does all of the above. And instead of complaining about his house being messed up, he may have came home to a clean place at the hands of Ms. "Triangle Body". Not saying that it is your place to clean anyone's home. But I can tell you, the times I've come home to an apartment that was squeaky clean at the hands of someone I was dating (it's happened twice), it caught me completely off guard, and I had a genuinely good feeling about what someone else took the time to do for me.

Once again, not saying its your place to clean any guy's home. But I will highlight how it felt for me to come home to a clean apartment, totally unexpectedly. If you know without a doubt that you've provided a similar sense of joy in your man's heart on more than a few occasions, I don't think you'll be dealing with a situation like this.

And this post was to provide insight into your initial question of comparison. Comparison is a very tricky thing.

Of course, I would have but it was his space. I think it didn't have anything to do with that because I'd have done it all.

Everyday I asked him about work , how he was doing, letting him know I was still interested. After we were in bed, I let him know I was happy with him. And I know he enjoyed himself.

He lasted barely 2 minutes the first time we were together. I always had nice things to say. That's the thing. What more did he want?

He just wanted something different. He got his sex freak/ compatible partner.
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