Do people here purposely avoid being the 20th poster in threads here on NT?

Aug 8, 2001
just wondering because when i post, i am often the last post on a page and then a new page opens up, leaving me behind. Are people waiting purposely for that20th post on a page so they will be at the top of the next?
Never heard that one before.
^ i think im just bored and trippin right now. its as random as it gets for me with this kinda BS question.
Sometimes in the heavily active threads where there are multiple arguments going on.
i notice dudes on wdywt and pickup post would purposely "double post" so they would come up first on the next page hahaa

but nah, 20th is the corner
I certainly don't try to avoid it, but I remember someone quoting himself after being the 20th poster, and then saying that he hated being the lastresponse on a page.
Originally Posted by Big J 33

Originally Posted by DSK aka iLLoQuent

No but I could see why.

Dudes stay skimming over threads on here and only read the first few replies or so in a page.

A more important thing to consider is if you're the last person to reply to a thread. That is an awful feeling. I've looked checked back on threads I've commented on, only to see I'm the last reply... I'm like the $+@%+## kiss of death

i feel ya
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