Do people really believe in Angels?

"If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough."
I didn't say anything about how you reply to your elders. Reread what I posted.
Dragging ppl out the cave is definitely over your head cuz you still have no clue what I'm referencing. If you do I don't see how saying losing one's hands could ever apply to the meaning of what I referenced.
@ the comment had nothing to do with me. Like I can't comment on any post I want on this forum. Your argument with FutureMD exists in a vacuum where only he is allowed to reply to it. Grow up son. I think that's what you're really mad about. I called you out on something that I was following the whole time and you're all perturbed that I'd question it when FutureMD initially looked past it only to come back to it later and echo similar sentiments I've been telling you from the jump.
Also I'm no victim I'm calling it how I see it. What you're portraying is faux open mindedness and sincerity, if you were really what you claim you are you would've explained yourself on your first reply to me but you didn't. Instead you'd rather tell me stories about who you had conversations with and who you grew up with claiming I made an assumption while you in turn do the same exact thing about me. You got me all figured out but can't address the argument.
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"If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough."
I didn't say anything about how you reply to your elders. Reread what I posted.
Dragging ppl out the cave is definitely over your head cuz you still have no clue what I'm referencing. If you do I don't see how saying losing one's hands could ever apply to the meaning of what I referenced.
@ the comment had nothing to do with me. Like I can't comment on any post I want on this forum. Your argument with FutureMD exists in a vacuum where only he is allowed to reply to it. Grow up son. I think that's what you're really mad about. I called you out on something that I was following the whole time and you're all perturbed that I'd question it when FutureMD initially looked past it only to come back to it later and echo similar sentiments I've been telling you from the jump.
Also I'm no victim I'm calling it how I see it. What you're portraying is faux open mindedness and sincerity, if you were really what you claim you are you would've explained yourself on your first reply to me but you didn't. Instead you'd rather tell me stories about who you had conversations with and who you grew up with claiming I made an assumption while you in turn do the same exact thing about me. You got me all figured out but can't address the argument.
Lets zoom in on this.

Do you REALLY think your grandfather spoke to you or do you think it was just a dream conjured up from your memories of him? I don't think theres anything wrong with trying to preserve the memories of your lost ones either, however thinking that they do in fact exist, especially when you don't have anything to support that notion, is probably the definition of delusional. 

Oh, and Obama inspiring people to believe in themselves? I have no problem with that.

If Obama had told people to believe in some supernatural entity that doesn't exist, then yeah I don't have a problem with that.

HOWEVER, Hope is not the only means of motivation, as I've said before. Its not ALL thats out there. 
Lets zoom in on this.

Do you REALLY think your grandfather spoke to you or do you think it was just a dream conjured up from your memories of him? I don't think theres anything wrong with trying to preserve the memories of your lost ones either, however thinking that they do in fact exist, especially when you don't have anything to support that notion, is probably the definition of delusional. 

Oh, and Obama inspiring people to believe in themselves? I have no problem with that.

If Obama had told people to believe in some supernatural entity that doesn't exist, then yeah I don't have a problem with that.

HOWEVER, Hope is not the only means of motivation, as I've said before. Its not ALL thats out there. 
The issue here is this, do you realize how insulting you are being, by suggesting that he may not continue to exist?

I am not saying that he does, I am just are now talking about not only someone's family member, but possibly someones motivation to stay alive.
"If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough."

I didn't say anything about how you reply to your elders. Reread what I posted.

Dragging ppl out the cave is definitely over your head cuz you still have no clue what I'm referencing. If you do I don't see how saying losing one's hands could ever apply to the meaning of what I referenced.
:lol: @ the comment had nothing to do with me. Like I can't comment on any post I want on this forum. Your argument with FutureMD exists in a vacuum where only he is allowed to reply to it. Grow up son. I think that's what you're really mad about. I called you out on something that I was following the whole time and you're all perturbed that I'd question it when FutureMD initially looked past it only to come back to it later and echo similar sentiments I've been telling you from the jump.

Also I'm no victim I'm calling it how I see it. What you're portraying is faux open mindedness and sincerity, if you were really what you claim you are you would've explained yourself on your first reply to me but you didn't. Instead you'd rather tell me stories about who you had conversations with and who you grew up with claiming I made an assumption while you in turn do the same exact thing about me. You got me all figured out but can't address the argument.

I've underlined and then placed in bold the insults.
Son is just the slang I use. The other part has clearly been proven by your posts. Had you truly been about what you say you are you wouldn't be using straw men arguments in every post where you have replied to me and you need to get over and stop whining about me commenting on your post directed at someone else. It doesn't take anything away from what I said about your post in the slightest. You assuming I didn't read your back n n forth with him or I didn't understand what was being talked about is on you.]

You feeling insulted because someone doesn't believe in what you believe in is also on you. That's your fault for putting it out there, especially when you don't support the story with anything worth believing. I could say I believe when my grandfather died his spirit came out of his body and ascended to Asgard. If someone says that's fiction I can't be mad at that. All it is a feeling one believes in to make them cope with loss.
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Son is just the slang I use. The other part has clearly been proven by your posts. Had you truly been about what you say you are you wouldn't be using straw men arguments in every post where you have replied to me.
I am going to ignore this insult as well.
Lets zoom in on this.

Do you REALLY think your grandfather spoke to you or do you think it was just a dream conjured up from your memories of him? I don't think theres anything wrong with trying to preserve the memories of your lost ones either, however thinking that they do in fact exist, especially when you don't have anything to support that notion, is probably the definition of delusional. 

Oh, and Obama inspiring people to believe in themselves? I have no problem with that.

If Obama had told people to believe in some supernatural entity that doesn't exist, then yeah I don't have a problem with that.

HOWEVER, Hope is not the only means of motivation, as I've said before. Its not ALL thats out there. 
The issue here is this, do you realize how insulting you are being, by suggesting that he may not continue to exist?

I am not saying that he does, I am just are now talking about not only someone's family member, but possibly someones motivation to stay alive.
No, and frankly I don't care.

I can not care.

I don't see why you think it would matter to me.

I'm being completely honest with you.

Whether or not you WANT it to be true does not have any bearing on the reality of the situation.

What don't you get? You can't wish things to be true, if they aren't true.

You're going to take this the wrong way but I can't help but feel like I'm talking to a teenager, even though I know i'm not. 

It bothers me to no degree if we're talking about a family member of yours or someone you've never met. Its a person. This person either exists, or they do not.

Theres not much to debate here. 

We all have connections to concepts and ideas, but if you're not willing to step beside your bias and honestly critique these things, then we won't get anywhere.

Are you serious right now?
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Son is just the slang I use. The other part has clearly been proven by your posts. Had you truly been about what you say you are you wouldn't be using straw men arguments in every post where you have replied to me.
I am going to ignore this insult as well.
It's the truth. You just did it again. Every post you've replied to me has consisted of tangents, straw men arguments, and other irrelevant statements. This is what just happened. It's not an insult because that's what happened.

I'm beginning to think you don't know what an insult is or maybe you think you're last resort is to play the victim when in your first reply to me you insulted me.
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No, and frankly I don't care.

I can not care.

I don't see why you think it would matter to me.

I'm being completely honest with you.

Whether or not you WANT it to be true does not have any bearing on the reality of the situation.

What don't you get? You can't wish things to be true, if they aren't true.

You're going to take this the wrong way but I can't help but feel like I'm talking to a teenager, even though I know i'm not. 

It bothers me to no degree if we're talking about a family member of yours or someone you've never met. Its a person. This person either exists, or they do not.

Theres not much to debate here. 

We all have connections to concepts and ideas, but if you're not willing to step beside your bias and honestly critique these things, then we won't get anywhere.

Are you serious right now?
I being incredibly serious.

You do realize that your reality, is not someone else's, right?

Now here YOU go throwing insults, saying that you feel as if you are talking to a teen, really?

What if you were talking to a teen, and that person may have been looking for some help, any help?

Would this be your approach?
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It's the truth. You just did it again. Every post you've replied to me has consisted of tangents, straw men arguments, and other irrelevant statements. This is what just happened. It's not an insult because that's what happened.
I'm beginning to think you don't know what an insult is or maybe you think you're last resort is to play the victim when in your first reply to me you insulted me.
You cant stop yourself, can you?
No, and frankly I don't care.

I can not care.

I don't see why you think it would matter to me.

I'm being completely honest with you.

Whether or not you WANT it to be true does not have any bearing on the reality of the situation.

What don't you get? You can't wish things to be true, if they aren't true.

You're going to take this the wrong way but I can't help but feel like I'm talking to a teenager, even though I know i'm not. 

It bothers me to no degree if we're talking about a family member of yours or someone you've never met. Its a person. This person either exists, or they do not.

Theres not much to debate here. 

We all have connections to concepts and ideas, but if you're not willing to step beside your bias and honestly critique these things, then we won't get anywhere.

Are you serious right now?
I being incredibly serious.

You do realize that your reality, is not someone else's, right?

Now here YOU go throwing insults, saying that you feel as if you are talking to a teen, really?

What if you were talking to a teen, and that person may have been looking for some help, any help.

Would this be your approach?
Yeah, now you're bugging.

Objectivity is such. Either this person exists or they do not. Are my experiences the same as everyone elses? Hell no. Are the contents that create those unique experiences present to all of us? Yes. 

I'm asking you a simple question. 

Did your grandfather REALLY talk to you in your dream or not? I frankly don't care if your cat spoke to you. Its a simple question. Leave all the fake "respect" and feigned sincerity out of the picture.

Oh and if i was talking to a troubled teen, it'd be pretty similar. I certainly will not be an agent in reinforcing their desire to connect to the dead if it won't help them move on, especially if they really think that they're talking to to a passed relative. I'll get them the help they need to focus on the here and now, not the unfulfilled aim to connect with the dead. I would encourage them to focus on the memories of that person or even trying to gather the lessons they learned to bring closure, but I won't have ANY part of encouraging them to continue to make aimless wishes on the tenet that employing a comfortable delusion is preferable to actually dealing with reality. 
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It's the truth. You just did it again. Every post you've replied to me has consisted of tangents, straw men arguments, and other irrelevant statements. This is what just happened. It's not an insult because that's what happened.

I'm beginning to think you don't know what an insult is or maybe you think you're last resort is to play the victim when in your first reply to me you insulted me.
You cant stop yourself, can you?
You trolling now baby?
Yeah, now you're bugging.

Objectivity is such. Either this person exists or they do not. Are my experiences the same as everyone elses? Hell no. Are the contents that create those unique experiences present to all of us? Yes. 

I'm asking you a simple question. 

Did your grandfather REALLY talk to you in your dream or not? I frankly don't care if your cat spoke to you. Its a simple question. Leave all the fake "respect" and feigned sincerity out of the picture.

Oh and if i was talking to a troubled teen, it'd be pretty similar. I certainly will not be an agent in reinforcing their desire to connect to the dead if it won't help them move on, especially if they really think that they're talking to to a passed relative. I'll get them the help they need to focus on the here and now, not the unfulfilled aim to connect with the dead. I would encourage them to focus on the memories of that person or even trying to gather the lessons they learned to bring closure, but I won't have ANY part of encouraging them to continue to make aimless wishes on the tenet that employing a comfortable delusion is preferable to actually dealing with reality. 
This is how I posed it earlier...
I am not religious, and actually, I abhor religion. However, I am not against the belief in a higher power. That said, I maintain daily discipline through the belief in my ancestors, those who've walked the earth before me, that they are actually watching me, looking out for me, during my travels. Some may call them angels,  and that's cool. But I try to make sure that I do not do anything that they may frown upon, which really keeps me out of trouble during my movements from day to day.

As far as actual  angels  existing, or even interfering with our lives, I really do not know. But I've had an experience or two with actual people, those that made me think that there may actually be something a bit bigger out there.  

For me it's very simple. They exist in the subconscious, through memory stimulated by familiar encounters. My grandfather comes to me in my dreams all the time.  
You sure do miss a lot, while seeking confrontation!
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Yeah, now you're bugging.

Objectivity is such. Either this person exists or they do not. Are my experiences the same as everyone elses? Hell no. Are the contents that create those unique experiences present to all of us? Yes. 

I'm asking you a simple question. 

Did your grandfather REALLY talk to you in your dream or not? I frankly don't care if your cat spoke to you. Its a simple question. Leave all the fake "respect" and feigned sincerity out of the picture.

Oh and if i was talking to a troubled teen, it'd be pretty similar. I certainly will not be an agent in reinforcing their desire to connect to the dead if it won't help them move on, especially if they really think that they're talking to to a passed relative. I'll get them the help they need to focus on the here and now, not the unfulfilled aim to connect with the dead. I would encourage them to focus on the memories of that person or even trying to gather the lessons they learned to bring closure, but I won't have ANY part of encouraging them to continue to make aimless wishes on the tenet that employing a comfortable delusion is preferable to actually dealing with reality. 
This is how I posed it earlier...
I am not religious, and actually, I abhor religion. However, I am not against the belief in a higher power. That said, I maintain daily discipline through the belief in my ancestors, those who've walked the earth before me, that they are actually watching me, looking out for me, during my travels. Some may call them angels,  and that's cool. But I try to make sure that I do not do anything that they may frown upon, which really keeps me out of trouble during my movements from day to day.

As far as actual  angels  existing, or even interfering with our lives, I really do not know. But I've had an experience or two with actual people, those that made me think that there may actually be something a bit bigger out there.  

For me it's very simple. They exist in the subconscious, through memory stimulated by familiar encounters. My grandfather comes to me in my dreams all the time.  
Thats not what I asked you.

Did your grandfather ACTUALLY speak to you?
I being incredibly serious.

You do realize that your reality, is not someone else's, right?

Now here YOU go throwing insults, saying that you feel as if you are talking to a teen, really?

What if you were talking to a teen, and that person may have been looking for some help, any help?

Would this be your approach?

There is only one reality. Thats how we determine who belongs in insane asylums and who should be on the outside.
Thats not what I asked you.

Did your grandfather ACTUALLY speak to you?
You can't possibly be that...nevermind.

You're the one who got offended when I asked you the first time.

So since its laughable to you, I'll take it to mean that No, your grandfather hadn't spoken to you and you're willing to take these poetic stretches of common english to suggest that he "lives in your subconscious" instead of being accountable for your proclamations. 

Lets be honest. You dream about your grandfather and want to pass it off as this majestic and grand symbol of "representation" and "guidance"...which is cute, but at the end of the day, all you're doing is projecting the conclusion you want to be true by twisting what you know to not be true.

I'm glad we smoothed that one out. 
I think future MD won this sit back and believe someone that tells you that their is ghosts and spirits watching you is really gullible and preposterous. That's a slave mentality, for you to not question and find factual evidence that this so called "god" exists is unreal beyond me and shows how much you actually utilize the most powerful thing in the human body( Brain). You guys need to stop being sheep and think for yourselves.
I being incredibly serious.

You do realize that your reality, is not someone else's, right?

Now here YOU go throwing insults, saying that you feel as if you are talking to a teen, really?

What if you were talking to a teen, and that person may have been looking for some help, any help?

Would this be your approach?

There is only one reality. Thats how we determine who belongs in insane asylums and who should be on the outside.
Yup. And the reality is that the world is flat, that's why Galileo was declared a heretic and excommunicated. Solid move by the Church, imo

There is only one reality, but all we can do as humans is come up with our own interpretations of that reality. It is foolish to believe that your beliefs and interpretations in some way encompass the totality of reality. That goes for people on both sides of this argument.

To the dude who wrote that long thing about "hope".. what is "Hope"? Hope is not a real thing.

If you're going to argue, speak using real terms and not abstractions.
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To the dude who wrote that long thing about "hope".. what is "Hope"? Hope is not a real thing.

If you're going to argue, speak using real terms and not abstractions.
Interesting link here. I had no idea thats what that was called. I knew something was off about that argument and couldn't tell, but here we go. 

ALSO, Lets not go down that slippery slope either. I won't even contend that there is "one reality" because we all see things ever so differently and I don't want anyone getting pinched for that slight miscalculation either....HOWEVER, my main point is that if you are to assert something as actually existing, then its within your realm to also be responsible for supporting that notion.

If I say I have proof of the higgs-boson, then I can't just assert it without backing it up. 
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Originally Posted by FutureMD  

I don't care if anyone cares what I think.

I just don't take it so hard, like the rest of you, when people don't share my stance. 

If you're looking for a similar opinion, go talk to a mirror. 
You're joking, right? The guy that's been in more arguments on the Internet than the entire web combined is claiming he doesn't take stuff "hard"? Lulz. This is your life, b.

With the amount of time you spend on here and reddit, I find it hard to believe you're a future anything. You're a google doctor.

You care little guy.
You asserted that I care what peoples opinions of me are.

I told you that I don't care what others think of me. The only thing I'm concerned about is my stance.

Keep worrying about how I spend my time though. That doesn't add any legitimacy to your argument. 

You're the guy that admitted to consciously posting stuff that you know will get you reps.
I did that?

Originally Posted by FutureMD  

I don't care if anyone cares what I think.

I just don't take it so hard, like the rest of you, when people don't share my stance. 

If you're looking for a similar opinion, go talk to a mirror. 
You're joking, right? The guy that's been in more arguments on the Internet than the entire web combined is claiming he doesn't take stuff "hard"? Lulz. This is your life, b.

With the amount of time you spend on here and reddit, I find it hard to believe you're a future anything. You're a google doctor.

You care little guy.
You asserted that I care what peoples opinions of me are.

I told you that I don't care what others think of me. The only thing I'm concerned about is my stance.

Keep worrying about how I spend my time though. That doesn't add any legitimacy to your argument. 

You're the guy that admitted to consciously posting stuff that you know will get you reps.
I did that?

You should ALSO post the comment with that post.

Keep reaching though. 
C'mon GoogleMD, took you 4 minutes to respond last time.

To quote your favorite artist:

"say something...say say, something".
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