Do people really believe in Angels?

But your logic always you to believe your a descedant of a crustacean that crawled out of the ocean.  OK
And I said this where? A lot of you like to assume things and paint of picture of someone and end up arguing with yourself.

LB you knew damn well what would become of this thread when you created it.
Dude knew what he was doing
Like clockwork, two admitted theists making fun of a religion thread instead of participating in it.

How ironic.

You'd think a gang of people who believed in this stuff would actually care to talk about it. 
 Dammit where is the rolling emoticon when you need it?

"Making fun of a religion thread"? By saying that OP probably knew what would become of it? Okay 

A few of the comments here were genuinely mirth-inducing. They came from detractors of religion, not that I care one way or the other. See quoted below.

Being a contrarian just for the sake of being a contrarian MUST be exhausting.

The way they're described in the good book is very different from what the common perception of an angel is. In the Bible, they're described as terrifying creatures with multiple wings, non-human features, and are often literally on fire.
I think you are thinking of the Hells Angels. They are just a biker gang.
lmao, bruh. I don't have all the answers. However, they are some good questions.
I'm thinking since they are spirits and not in this physical realm; snooping on girls would probably not be on their motives. Shoot, if I can fly or float around universe best believe I'll be going through blackholes #pause or other galaxies, checkout their planets.
Why can't you do both? Why do you have to be restricted to one thing?

Why don't you think ******* would be on a spirit's mind but getting someone through a situation in the physical world would? I don't understand that logic.
I understand that you "would like to think" that something works that way.

How do you go about validating this actually being true?

Do you not care about that or is it just more comfortable to make assertions, not back them up, then just build up off of them? 

FutureMD, you're not mad at me; you're mad at your two dads. haha jk
I have two dads?

There must be a correlation between being a christian and being immature. 
lmao @ this whole thread.

Positive and negative energy, I enjoy them both. I don't need to prove that right?
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I made a name just so I could comment on this subject, lol.

I don't believe in angels, as the word as been defined recently, but I do believe in a case of mistaken identity. I believe that there are interdimensional beings that we sometimes get a glimpse of that in the past our ancestors mistook them as spirits, ghosts, or as this thread mentions angels. 
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For those of you that believe in Spirits, where do these spirits reside during "down time." When there isn't anything going on, what are they doing? How are they summoned? Serious question.
I don't believe in God and religion because my logic won't allow me. However I believe there is something to spirits. How? We all have souls. Our personality, likes/dislikes, dreams/aspirations and why and what we do is all unique. I've always felt from a young age our bodies are just vessels. What happens to our soul when we die? I don't believe we just evaporate or disappear. I believe some of the universe is compromised of energy/souls and that's why it's constantly expanding. I don't believe spirits have "down time" because they don't have a concoius. They are a spirit/energy and they are just that. They don't have a measurement of time. They help us in subtle ways. They won't move a bus out of the way from hitting you or repair a plane engine before it crashes; they will instead work through you and give you a edge in surviving certain situations. 
A soul? What is that? Why does it have to go somewhere when you die? 

You mean the degree of your cognition? Its not a tangible thing. Its all your brain. Thats it. 

You're making A LOT of assertions that you can't prove that should remain as such. Speculation. 

You're saying THAT spirits don't have down time.

That spirits exist

THAT spirits help us

THAT they don't have measurement of time

THAT they won't move buses from hitting us

THAT they won't repair planes

THAT they will work through you
I don't care what people are using NT for or how long their days were. Don't come in here with wild ridiculous assertions if you're going to be lazy and get mad when people start pulling your card.

You're just spewing speculation and asserting it as if its some sort of proven set of assertions. Its dishonest of you to even think that sort of thing is respectable or even acceptable.

I don't care who likes to debate. 

You said something that makes no sense.

If you're mad, you should make better arguments. Its not my job to defend your arguments for you.

And what does "love" have to do with this? I accept that there is a list of biochemical markers and set of identified physical behaviors that typify "love" depending on the society I'm in. Additionally, people that meet the objective and specific subjective qualifications would exhibit those feelings towards me.
Also, Science is constantly evolving. What was true now wasn't true 100 years ago and what's true now may not be true in another 100 years. It's based on how much evidence we FIND, how much we can comprehend, and where the information is relevant. What may be true in this galaxy may be false in another one.
OK. And?

Not having the information to make a decision doesn't give you the license to make stuff up to fill the holes in your unsubstantiated barber-shop level assertions. 

You clearly value the use of evidence, but on that same level, you then can't make statements in the absence of said evidence. 
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But your logic always you to believe your a descedant of a crustacean that crawled out of the ocean.  OK

Hold up.

Who the hell believes this? :lol: Crustaceans?

And even if we did evolve from crustaceans, makes more sense to me than being made out of nothing by an all-powerful invisible god figure that happens to care more about the minute details of a person's sex life rather than about malaria or cancer.
"Dammit FutureMD, why must you reject my opinion!" :rofl:
That's the thing you don't understand. No one cares about what you think.

You're whole act on here is getting old.

Go listen to some drake and relax little guy.
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But your logic always you to believe your a descedant of a crustacean that crawled out of the ocean.  OK
Hold up.

Who the hell believes this?

And even if we did evolve from crustaceans, makes more sense to me than being made out of nothing by an all-powerful invisible god figure that happens to care more about the minute details of a person's sex life rather than about malaria or cancer.

Plus, we didnt evolve from MODERN crustaceans. Thats not what evolution posits.

It suggests that we had a COMMON ANCESTOR. 

If you go far enough back, everything came from that...

You didnt evolve from MODERN chimps. You branched off from an ancestor way back when. 
I made a name just so I could comment on this subject, lol.

I don't believe in angels, as the word as been defined recently, but I do believe in a case of mistaken identity. I believe that there are interdimensional beings that we sometimes get a glimpse of that in the past our ancestors mistook them as spirits, ghosts, or as this thread mentions angels. 

How can we really know you're a girl? Prove it!?!?!? Word to FutureMD
"Dammit FutureMD, why must you reject my opinion!" 
That's the thing you don't understand. No one cares about what you think.

You're whole act on here is getting old and tiresome.

Go listen to some drake and relax little guy.
I don't care if anyone cares what I think.

I just don't take it so hard, like the rest of you, when people don't share my stance. 

If you're looking for a similar opinion, go talk to a mirror. 
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I made a name just so I could comment on this subject, lol.

I don't believe in angels, as the word as been defined recently, but I do believe in a case of mistaken identity. I believe that there are interdimensional beings that we sometimes get a glimpse of that in the past our ancestors mistook them as spirits, ghosts, or as this thread mentions angels. 
How can we really know you're a girl? Prove it!?!?!? Word to FutureMD
Well until "brakgirl14" could prove it, then you'd be agnostic to the claim. 
A soul? What is that? Why does it have to go somewhere when you die? 

You mean the degree of your cognition? Its not a tangible thing. Its all your brain. Thats it. 

You're making A LOT of assertions that you can't prove that should remain as such. Speculation. 

You're saying THAT spirits don't have down time.

That spirits exist

THAT spirits help us

THAT they don't have measurement of time

THAT they won't move buses from hitting us

THAT they won't repair planes

THAT they will work through you

I don't care what people are using NT for or how long their days were. Don't come in here with wild ridiculous assertions if you're going to be lazy and get mad when people start pulling your card.

You're just spewing speculation and asserting it as if its some sort of proven set of assertions. Its dishonest of you to even think that sort of thing is respectable or even acceptable.

I don't care who likes to debate. 

You said something that makes no sense.

If you're mad, you should make better arguments. Its not my job to defend your arguments for you.

And what does "love" have to do with this? I accept that there is a list of biochemical markers and set of identified physical behaviors that typify "love" depending on the society I'm in. Additionally, people that meet the objective and specific subjective qualifications would exhibit those feelings towards me.

OK. And?

Not having the information to make a decision doesn't give you the license to make stuff up to fill the holes in your unsubstantiated barber-shop level assertions. 

You clearly value the use of evidence, but on that same level, you then can't make statements in the absence of said evidence. 
I take it you've never been in the same room or even the same building when someone dies
A soul? What is that? Why does it have to go somewhere when you die? 

You mean the degree of your cognition? Its not a tangible thing. Its all your brain. Thats it. 

You're making A LOT of assertions that you can't prove that should remain as such. Speculation. 

You're saying THAT spirits don't have down time.

That spirits exist

THAT spirits help us

THAT they don't have measurement of time

THAT they won't move buses from hitting us

THAT they won't repair planes

THAT they will work through you

I don't care what people are using NT for or how long their days were. Don't come in here with wild ridiculous assertions if you're going to be lazy and get mad when people start pulling your card.

You're just spewing speculation and asserting it as if its some sort of proven set of assertions. Its dishonest of you to even think that sort of thing is respectable or even acceptable.

I don't care who likes to debate. 

You said something that makes no sense.

If you're mad, you should make better arguments. Its not my job to defend your arguments for you.

And what does "love" have to do with this? I accept that there is a list of biochemical markers and set of identified physical behaviors that typify "love" depending on the society I'm in. Additionally, people that meet the objective and specific subjective qualifications would exhibit those feelings towards me.

OK. And?

Not having the information to make a decision doesn't give you the license to make stuff up to fill the holes in your unsubstantiated barber-shop level assertions. 

You clearly value the use of evidence, but on that same level, you then can't make statements in the absence of said evidence. 
I take it you've never been in the same room or even the same building when someone dies
Actually. I have.

On top of that, I've been in quite a few cadavers.

Didn't find a soul there either.

But tell me. 

What is a soul?

Please define that. 
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So...OBVIOUSLY where is the evidence of this? 

What spirits are you talking of? 

Got details for that claim?

A near death experience?

What does that mean? I swear that phrase is one of the most annoying things ever. It makes NO sense.

Would you rather have died? 

Walking down the street is a "near death experience" 

Driving in the rain is a "near death experience"

Flying on a plane is a "near death experience"

Would you RATHER have been shot?

Would you RATHER have died in a car crash? 

A miracle is nothing more than a statistical rarity. You lived through a car crash? Thank the manufacturers of your vehicle and mandated safety features. 
yeah i have lots of scientific data but i cant upload them because of the outdated software on the computer that its on..

and im sorry you get upset when you hear near death experience,other people do actually go out into the real world..

would i rather have died?? where did this even come from..and no walking down the street is not a near death experience,if you were walking and you stopped for some reason and then a car ran up the curb exactly where you would have been if you had not stopped that is one of those experiences..and the car model didnt save me..we hydroplaned and hit a pole there was no way to gain control..but anywho you obviously live under a padded rock and how do you expect people to know what happens when these spirits aint around?? do you know what the stars are doing right now at this moment?? what is the reason they exist? the real reason? not what you read in a book..i think it upsets you that other people have experienced these types of things and you cant come up with anything but pointless bone picking about how a sentenced was worded, this is something YOU obviously wouldnt i said im not religious but sometimes i think something steps in to let us know its not our time..and maybe when you're dead and being eaten by worms, and we are chillin floating about watching girls get dressed and living it up, youre going to hope you believed in SOMETHING, ANYTHING..
"Dammit FutureMD, why must you reject my opinion!" :rofl:

That's the thing you don't understand. No one cares about what you think.

You're whole act on here is getting old and tiresome.

Go listen to some drake and relax little guy.
I don't care if anyone cares what I think.

I just don't take it so hard, like the rest of you, when people don't share my stance. 

If you're looking for a similar opinion, go talk to a mirror. 
:lol: You're joking, right? The guy that's been in more arguments on the Internet than the entire web combined is claiming he doesn't take stuff "hard"? Lulz. This is your life, b.

With the amount of time you spend on here and reddit, I find it hard to believe you're a future anything. You're a google doctor.

You're the guy that admitted to consciously posting stuff that you know will get you reps.

You care little guy.
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Hold up.
Who the hell believes this?
And even if we did evolve from crustaceans, makes more sense to me than being made out of nothing by an all-powerful invisible god figure that happens to care more about the minute details of a person's sex life rather than about malaria or cancer.
Hold up.  Who told you that, and believing that you are some how very distant cousins to shrimp is equally if not more ******ed.  Now thats somthing to laugh about
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