Do people really believe in Angels?

Before? Yes.

I don't do it enough to say that I'm a user though so, no. 

But keep introducing topics that sidestep the fact that you're not directly responding to anything in this thread. 

I'm more intrigue on your behavior. haha

Have you smoke salvia? Are you willing to try it?
Actually. I have.

On top of that, I've been in quite a few cadavers.

Didn't find a soul there either.

But tell me. 

What is a soul?

Please define that. 
We aren't talking about someone that's been dead for weeks or hours.  I'm talking about right at the time of death or a few hours before.  Or even someone on life support with absolute no hope what soever for recovery.

To even bring up a cadaver shows how oblivious you are to the subject
I'm more intrigue on your behavior. haha
Have you smoke salvia? Are you willing to try it?
I'd pay to see that
So...OBVIOUSLY where is the evidence of this? 

What spirits are you talking of? 

Got details for that claim?

A near death experience?

What does that mean? I swear that phrase is one of the most annoying things ever. It makes NO sense.

Would you rather have died? 

Walking down the street is a "near death experience" 

Driving in the rain is a "near death experience"

Flying on a plane is a "near death experience"

Would you RATHER have been shot?

Would you RATHER have died in a car crash? 

A miracle is nothing more than a statistical rarity. You lived through a car crash? Thank the manufacturers of your vehicle and mandated safety features. 
yeah i have lots of scientific data but i cant upload them because of the outdated software on the computer that its on..

and im sorry you get upset when you hear near death experience,other people do actually go out into the real world..

would i rather have died?? where did this even come from
It came from the fact that you say you had a near death experience.

What makes something "near death?"

Is breathing second hand smoke "near smoking?" 

Is living "almost dying?" 

Its a buzzword devoid of any meaning. 

Its a ploy to garner emotional support from people who weren't there to experience something with you so you come up with these vivid, and inaccurate, terms to relay your experience.

You didn't have a near death experience.

You just didn't die.

If you wanted to have a death experience, you should have just asked for that. 

..and no walking down the street is not a near death experience,if you were walking and you stopped for some reason and then a car ran up the curb exactly where you would have been if you had not stopped that is one of those experiences..and the car model didnt save me..we hydroplaned and hit a pole there was no way to gain control.
A. Your car model did save you. If it wasn't for the resillency of those materials, you'd have been dead.

B. Thats not a near death experience. Something happening when I'm not in that immediate spot is not a near death experience. THERE IS NO SUCH THING. You either die OR you do not die.

You're either alive OR you're dead.

You're not "near dead" 
.but anywho you obviously live under a padded rock and how do you expect people to know what happens when these spirits aint around?? d
You claim that spirits exist so how are you sure that they were around you when you claim they were?

At what point did they come and leave?
do you know what the stars are doing right now at this moment??
No. I don't claim to know. The answer is: "I don't know, but I will find out"
what is the reason they exist? the real reason?
Reason? Huh? Stars have a reason for existence?

I know how stars form (up to a point) but what does that have to do with "reasons" for existing? 
 not what you read in a book..
You mean proven factual evidence? Oh ok. 

Booooo books! 

i think it upsets you that other people have experienced these types of things and you cant come up with anything but pointless bone picking about how a sentenced was worded, this is something YOU obviously wouldnt understand..
ACTUALLY, I'm pretty aware of how easy it is for people to experience things they don't understand and to attribute those experiences to things they want to believe.

There isn't much to understand. Cognitive bias is a powerful thing when people undergo things they can't explain.

You don't get to have something happen and then say "well since I can't explain it, therefore spirits!"

Think of this.

Why do you call the things you experienced, "spirits?" 

You ever think the fact that people refer to things that way causes you to subconsciously attribute those things to these notions you passively heard of in the past?

You haven't even proven the things you've even aligned yourself with. 
like i said im not religious but sometimes i think something steps in to let us know its not our time..
Such as? 
and maybe when you're dead and being eaten by worms, and we are chillin floating about watching girls get dressed and living it up, youre going to hope you believed in SOMETHING, ANYTHING..
You'd have to prove that this was actually true and not something you SPECULATE to be true. 
For (some) believers, faith is hope or trust in things that are unseen. For non-believers, faith is opposed due to lack of evidence.

If anyone is looking for scientific evidence of the existence of God, Angels, souls, etc, they will come up empty handed.

Therefore, this constant "debate" of "prove" that these things exist will go in a continuous circle. Those who believe, believe due to faith. Those who don't, don't. To continue to ask for proof is asinine. 
Actually. I have.

On top of that, I've been in quite a few cadavers.

Didn't find a soul there either.

But tell me. 

What is a soul?

Please define that. 
We aren't talking about someone that's been dead for weeks or hours.  I'm talking about right at the time of death or a few hours before.  Or even someone on life support with absolute no hope what soever for recovery.

To even bring up a cadaver shows how oblivious you are to the subject
I've watched people die. On their death beds. At the time of death.

Watched them go limp and see their last single breath.

I also said IN ADDITION to seeing people die, I've worked on quite a few cadavers. It was to drive home the point.

I'm familiar with death.

Now, stop evading the question. What is a soul and where is it?
For (some) believers, faith is hope or trust in things that are unseen. For non-believers, faith is opposed due to lack of evidence.

If anyone is looking for scientific evidence of the existence of God, Angels, souls, etc, they will come up empty handed.

Therefore, this constant "debate" of "prove" that these things exist will go in a continuous circle. Those who believe, believe due to faith. Those who don't, don't. To continue to ask for proof is asinine. 
Its only asinine because theists don't realize that religion is the ONLY topic that they choose not to use that same standard of evidence and reason.

They use the legitimacy of evidence to make every other decision, but for some reason religion is exempt from critical thinking. 
"Dammit FutureMD, why must you reject my opinion!" 

That's the thing you don't understand. No one cares about what you think.

You're whole act on here is getting old and tiresome.

Go listen to some drake and relax little guy.
I don't care if anyone cares what I think.

I just don't take it so hard, like the rest of you, when people don't share my stance. 

If you're looking for a similar opinion, go talk to a mirror. 
You're joking, right? The guy that's been in more arguments on the Internet than the entire web combined is claiming he doesn't take stuff "hard"? Lulz. This is your life, b.

With the amount of time you spend on here and reddit, I find it hard to believe you're a future anything. You're a google doctor.

You care little guy.
You asserted that I care what peoples opinions of me are.

I told you that I don't care what others think of me. The only thing I'm concerned about is my stance.

Keep worrying about how I spend my time though. That doesn't add any legitimacy to your argument. 

You're the guy that admitted to consciously posting stuff that you know will get you reps.
I did that?

and maybe when you're dead and being eaten by worms, and we are chillin floating about watching girls get dressed and living it up, youre going to hope you believed in SOMETHING, ANYTHING..
I believe in angels cuz they helped me keep my handsomeness while the left FutureMD the way he looks.

But back to the topic at hand....I have no physical/tangible proof to give anyone for some of the beliefs I have, but I do have the hope that some of these beliefs are found to be true one day during this life or afterwards. I believe in the belief of something higher than myself so that my world doesn't seem so closed in and finite. Being the best human is finite and their is always a cap at your potential in the corporeal realm of existence, no matter what science may bring to the table to enhance us physically and mentally. I do understand when some say that science will evolve into god though, because just like my belief in "other-worldly things" it's a possibility. Whether or not something higher than myself exists, in the form I believe it exists in, or actually the all encompassing form I think it's exists as, atleast I can bask in the understanding that in the end I may never understand everything there is to know. That's exciting to me, it helps me live.

What athiests and religious folk say is alike....they want to ridicule you for belief in this or that and they need proof in their hands for them to believe but the absence of evidence does not mean the evidence of absence.

I'm not gonna posite a far fetched story about angels or demons or could all be very well speculation. I'm fine with that. But I got my bar set high for this life.

Even if it turns out to be untrue and I fall from such a height....I get to fall on all you ************* who set your limits to the top of your heads.

I really believe that athiests and people(s) of a certain religion(s) i'll leave unnamed are waiting for a promised day when their beliefs are proven concretely (whenever that is) so that they can be like "Aha! I told you!" and start laughing at you for their their life was soooo bleak and abysmal that they spent a major portion of it waiting just to prove people wrong. And even if atheists were right, there would be no one there at the end for them to laugh at, right?

But that's all speculation, everything is speculation. And we know nothing....gotta get comfortable with that's liberating.
I believe in angels cuz they helped me keep my handsomeness while the left FutureMD the way he looks.

But back to the topic at hand....I have no physical/tangible proof to give anyone for some of the beliefs I have, but I do have the hope that some of these beliefs are found to be true one day during this life or afterwards. I believe in the belief of something higher than myself so that my world doesn't seem so closed in and finite. Being the best human is finite and their is always a cap at your potential in the corporeal realm of existence, no matter what science may bring to the table to enhance us physically and mentally. I do understand when some say that science will evolve into god though, because just like my belief in "other-worldly things" it's a possibility. Whether or not something higher than myself exists, in the form I believe it exists in, or actually the all encompassing form I think it's exists as, atleast I can bask in the understanding that in the end I may never understand everything there is to know. That's exciting to me, it helps me live.

What athiests and religious folk say is alike....they want to ridicule you for belief in this or that and they need proof in their hands for them to believe but the absence of evidence does not mean the evidence of absence.

I'm not gonna posite a far fetched story about angels or demons or could all be very well speculation. I'm fine with that. But I got my bar set high for this life.

Even if it turns out to be untrue and I fall from such a height....I get to fall on all you ************* who set your limits to the top of your heads.

I really believe that athiests and people(s) of a certain religion(s) i'll leave unnamed are waiting for a promised day when their beliefs are proven concretely (whenever that is) so that they can be like "Aha! I told you!" and start laughing at you for their their life was soooo bleak and abysmal that they spent a major portion of it waiting just to prove people wrong. And even if atheists were right, there would be no one there at the end for them to laugh at, right?

But that's all speculation, everything is speculation. And we know nothing....gotta get comfortable with that's liberating.
See, i'm more of someone who really don't care, but my main problem is that if you're REALLY going to assert something, you need to be honest enough with yourself to care if its true and to seek to prove it.

Other than that, you have to accept that all you're doing is making stuff up and believing it because you want to, not because its actually true. 
I believe in angels cuz they helped me keep my handsomeness while the left FutureMD the way he looks.

But back to the topic at hand....I have no physical/tangible proof to give anyone for some of the beliefs I have, but I do have the hope that some of these beliefs are found to be true one day during this life or afterwards. I believe in the belief of something higher than myself so that my world doesn't seem so closed in and finite. Being the best human is finite and their is always a cap at your potential in the corporeal realm of existence, no matter what science may bring to the table to enhance us physically and mentally. I do understand when some say that science will evolve into god though, because just like my belief in "other-worldly things" it's a possibility. Whether or not something higher than myself exists, in the form I believe it exists in, or actually the all encompassing form I think it's exists as, atleast I can bask in the understanding that in the end I may never understand everything there is to know. That's exciting to me, it helps me live.

What athiests and religious folk say is alike....they want to ridicule you for belief in this or that and they need proof in their hands for them to believe but the absence of evidence does not mean the evidence of absence.

I'm not gonna posite a far fetched story about angels or demons or could all be very well speculation. I'm fine with that. But I got my bar set high for this life.

Even if it turns out to be untrue and I fall from such a height....I get to fall on all you ************* who set your limits to the top of your heads.

I really believe that athiests and people(s) of a certain religion(s) i'll leave unnamed are waiting for a promised day when their beliefs are proven concretely (whenever that is) so that they can be like "Aha! I told you!" and start laughing at you for their their life was soooo bleak and abysmal that they spent a major portion of it waiting just to prove people wrong. And even if atheists were right, there would be no one there at the end for them to laugh at, right?

But that's all speculation, everything is speculation. And we know nothing....gotta get comfortable with that's liberating.
See, i'm more of someone who really don't care, but my main problem is that if you're REALLY going to assert something, you need to be honest enough with yourself to care if its true and to seek to prove it.

Other than that, you have to accept that all you're doing is making stuff up and believing it because you want to, not because its actually true. 

I'm cool with that, ugly.
But do you think God is really going to "give you credit" for only believing in him just in case he exists? Instead of believing in him because you actually believe in him. I ask because some of you say, "Wouldn't you want to just believe just in case it all is real." I mean why would "he" give me credit for that.
I've watched people die. On their death beds. At the time of death.

Watched them go limp and see their last single breath.

I also said IN ADDITION to seeing people die, I've worked on quite a few cadavers. It was to drive home the point.

I'm familiar with death.

Now, stop evading the question. What is a soul and where is it?
Why do you countinue to bring up a cadaver.  A body that's been dead for days, weeks, months.  How does that drive your point home
I remember watching a short documentary about Dr. Duncan MacDougall and how he weighted people on the death beds. The bodies losses 21 grams after death. It doesn't prove much, but however discovery there's something.
"Dammit FutureMD, why must you reject my opinion!" :rofl:

That's the thing you don't understand. No one cares about what you think.

You're whole act on here is getting old and tiresome.

Go listen to some drake and relax little guy.
I don't care if anyone cares what I think.

I just don't take it so hard, like the rest of you, when people don't share my stance. 

If you're looking for a similar opinion, go talk to a mirror. 

:lol: You're joking, right? The guy that's been in more arguments on the Internet than the entire web combined is claiming he doesn't take stuff "hard"? Lulz. This is your life, b.

With the amount of time you spend on here and reddit, I find it hard to believe you're a future anything. You're a google doctor.

You care little guy.
You asserted that I care what peoples opinions of me are.

I told you that I don't care what others think of me. The only thing I'm concerned about is my stance.

Keep worrying about how I spend my time though. That doesn't add any legitimacy to your argument. :rofl:

You're the guy that admitted to consciously posting stuff that you know will get you reps.
I did that?

Hilarious. :lol:
Whatever you say little guy. Keep thinking your "winning".

And when I get back to the house tonight, I'll find the exact quote for ya.
I've watched people die. On their death beds. At the time of death.

Watched them go limp and see their last single breath.

I also said IN ADDITION to seeing people die, I've worked on quite a few cadavers. It was to drive home the point.

I'm familiar with death.

Now, stop evading the question. What is a soul and where is it?
Why do you countinue to bring up a cadaver.  A body that's been dead for days, weeks, months.  How does that drive your point home
Because it was IN ADDITION to me being familiar with the dead. Did you not read anything I just aid? 

Its supplementary information.

Again for the 4th time.

What is a soul, and where is it?
I believe in angels cuz they helped me keep my handsomeness while the left FutureMD the way he looks.

But back to the topic at hand....I have no physical/tangible proof to give anyone for some of the beliefs I have, but I do have the hope that some of these beliefs are found to be true one day during this life or afterwards. I believe in the belief of something higher than myself so that my world doesn't seem so closed in and finite. Being the best human is finite and their is always a cap at your potential in the corporeal realm of existence, no matter what science may bring to the table to enhance us physically and mentally. I do understand when some say that science will evolve into god though, because just like my belief in "other-worldly things" it's a possibility. Whether or not something higher than myself exists, in the form I believe it exists in, or actually the all encompassing form I think it's exists as, atleast I can bask in the understanding that in the end I may never understand everything there is to know. That's exciting to me, it helps me live.

What athiests and religious folk say is alike....they want to ridicule you for belief in this or that and they need proof in their hands for them to believe but the absence of evidence does not mean the evidence of absence.

I'm not gonna posite a far fetched story about angels or demons or could all be very well speculation. I'm fine with that. But I got my bar set high for this life.

Even if it turns out to be untrue and I fall from such a height....I get to fall on all you ************* who set your limits to the top of your heads.

I really believe that athiests and people(s) of a certain religion(s) i'll leave unnamed are waiting for a promised day when their beliefs are proven concretely (whenever that is) so that they can be like "Aha! I told you!" and start laughing at you for their their life was soooo bleak and abysmal that they spent a major portion of it waiting just to prove people wrong. And even if atheists were right, there would be no one there at the end for them to laugh at, right?

But that's all speculation, everything is speculation. And we know nothing....gotta get comfortable with that's liberating.
See, i'm more of someone who really don't care, but my main problem is that if you're REALLY going to assert something, you need to be honest enough with yourself to care if its true and to seek to prove it.

Other than that, you have to accept that all you're doing is making stuff up and believing it because you want to, not because its actually true. 
I'm cool with that, ugly.
"Dammit FutureMD, why must you reject my opinion!" 

That's the thing you don't understand. No one cares about what you think.

You're whole act on here is getting old and tiresome.

Go listen to some drake and relax little guy.
I don't care if anyone cares what I think.

I just don't take it so hard, like the rest of you, when people don't share my stance. 

If you're looking for a similar opinion, go talk to a mirror. 
You're joking, right? The guy that's been in more arguments on the Internet than the entire web combined is claiming he doesn't take stuff "hard"? Lulz. This is your life, b.

With the amount of time you spend on here and reddit, I find it hard to believe you're a future anything. You're a google doctor.

You care little guy.
You asserted that I care what peoples opinions of me are.

I told you that I don't care what others think of me. The only thing I'm concerned about is my stance.

Keep worrying about how I spend my time though. That doesn't add any legitimacy to your argument. 

You're the guy that admitted to consciously posting stuff that you know will get you reps.
I did that?

Whatever you say little guy. Keep thinking your "winning".

And when I get back to the house tonight, I'll find the exact quote for ya.
You believe in these little guys though:

Yeah you're DEFINITELY winning the war on wits. 
Because it was IN ADDITION to me being familiar with the dead. Did you not read anything I just aid? 

Its supplementary information.

Again for the 4th time.

What is a soul, and where is it?

You sounds like the monkey from "Planet of the Apes" looking for the soul. lmao
I wish people would do Salvia at least once in their life, especially FutureMD. He's going to be a doctor for crying out loud!
You believe in these little guys though:

Yeah you're DEFINITELY winning the war on wits. 
this has nothing to do with wits
.  This is about beliefs, and the fact that you believe a body that's been dead for days, weeks, months is relevant to a conversation about souls
.  Shows your wit
You believe in these little guys though:

Yeah you're DEFINITELY winning the war on wits. 
this has nothing to do with wits
.  This is about beliefs, and the fact that you believe a body that's been dead for days, weeks, months is relevant to a conversation about souls
.  Shows your wit



"Dammit FutureMD, why must you reject my opinion!" :rofl:

That's the thing you don't understand. No one cares about what you think.

You're whole act on here is getting old and tiresome.

Go listen to some drake and relax little guy.
I don't care if anyone cares what I think.

I just don't take it so hard, like the rest of you, when people don't share my stance. 

If you're looking for a similar opinion, go talk to a mirror. 

:lol: You're joking, right? The guy that's been in more arguments on the Internet than the entire web combined is claiming he doesn't take stuff "hard"? Lulz. This is your life, b.

With the amount of time you spend on here and reddit, I find it hard to believe you're a future anything. You're a google doctor.

You care little guy.
You asserted that I care what peoples opinions of me are.

I told you that I don't care what others think of me. The only thing I'm concerned about is my stance.

Keep worrying about how I spend my time though. That doesn't add any legitimacy to your argument. :rofl:

You're the guy that admitted to consciously posting stuff that you know will get you reps.
I did that?

Hilarious. :lol:

Whatever you say little guy. Keep thinking your "winning".

And when I get back to the house tonight, I'll find the exact quote for ya.
You believe in these little guys though:

Yeah you're DEFINITELY winning the war on wits. :lol:
Those little guys > you, little guy.
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