Do people really believe in Angels?

I wish people would do Salvia at least once in their life, especially FutureMD. He's going to be a doctor for crying out loud!
Yeah, we need all doctors to try meth at least once too. 
"Dammit FutureMD, why must you reject my opinion!" 

That's the thing you don't understand. No one cares about what you think.

You're whole act on here is getting old and tiresome.

Go listen to some drake and relax little guy.
I don't care if anyone cares what I think.

I just don't take it so hard, like the rest of you, when people don't share my stance. 

If you're looking for a similar opinion, go talk to a mirror. 
You're joking, right? The guy that's been in more arguments on the Internet than the entire web combined is claiming he doesn't take stuff "hard"? Lulz. This is your life, b.

With the amount of time you spend on here and reddit, I find it hard to believe you're a future anything. You're a google doctor.

You care little guy.
You asserted that I care what peoples opinions of me are.

I told you that I don't care what others think of me. The only thing I'm concerned about is my stance.

Keep worrying about how I spend my time though. That doesn't add any legitimacy to your argument. 

You're the guy that admitted to consciously posting stuff that you know will get you reps.
I did that?


Whatever you say little guy. Keep thinking your "winning".

And when I get back to the house tonight, I'll find the exact quote for ya.
You believe in these little guys though:

Yeah you're DEFINITELY winning the war on wits. 
Those little guys > you, little guy.
I actually exist though... 
A soul? What is that? Why does it have to go somewhere when you die? 

You mean the degree of your cognition? Its not a tangible thing. Its all your brain. Thats it. 

You're making A LOT of assertions that you can't prove that should remain as such. Speculation. 

You're saying THAT spirits don't have down time.

That spirits exist

THAT spirits help us

THAT they don't have measurement of time

THAT they won't move buses from hitting us

THAT they won't repair planes

THAT they will work through you

I don't care what people are using NT for or how long their days were. Don't come in here with wild ridiculous assertions if you're going to be lazy and get mad when people start pulling your card.

You're just spewing speculation and asserting it as if its some sort of proven set of assertions. Its dishonest of you to even think that sort of thing is respectable or even acceptable.

I don't care who likes to debate. 

You said something that makes no sense.

If you're mad, you should make better arguments. Its not my job to defend your arguments for you.

And what does "love" have to do with this? I accept that there is a list of biochemical markers and set of identified physical behaviors that typify "love" depending on the society I'm in. Additionally, people that meet the objective and specific subjective qualifications would exhibit those feelings towards me.

OK. And?

Not having the information to make a decision doesn't give you the license to make stuff up to fill the holes in your unsubstantiated barber-shop level assertions. 

You clearly value the use of evidence, but on that same level, you then can't make statements in the absence of said evidence. 
Damn dude. You had to look in a book to check if you're parents met the requirements of loving you?

That's one of the saddest things I've ever heard in my life but it sheds more light on your personality. 

You don't understand that people who are happy in life and stand firm in their beliefs don't feel the need to EXPLAIN it someone who has no interest other than to try to prove them wrong. Especially when that someone is a random person on the Internet. 

You're trying to prove to me that there's no souls and love with scientific evidence?

...But you just agreed with me that science is constantly evolving and what's true changes all the time. 

Do you not see why it's pointless to argue with you?

What is a soul? 

It's all of us. It's the choices we make. Our thoughts, dreams, likes/dislikes, dreams/aspirations, personality, etc. We all have the same organs and body parts but yet we're all unique. No matter how hard you try to program someone or institutionalize a set of beliefs in them they will always develop their owns opinion. We see it happen all the time. People that grew up in religious households that break out or atheists who suddenly pick up a religion and start following it. 

If everything was as programmed as you say it is, shouldn't we all be the same? 

Also, where is it?

Where are your dreams and thoughts? Your dreams and opinions exist right? Problem is there's no physical evidence of either. 



What was the original question?  Have you been near someone before or right at the time of death.  So why do you feel the need to keep throwing in you cadaver experience.  How in your mind would you think that would pretain to this discussion. 

Quick question tho.  Why do we have DMT in our bodies?  What does our body need it for?
:lol: Everyone that's said they believe and claim they're not religious has gone on to give some bat **** crazy explanation that just goes so off the rails of reason it's comical. Talking about shadow ppl and that only innocent children can see them.

Word to Chameleon Street, even your conditioning has been conditioned.

I figured the thread might go this route after my first post in here.
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A soul? What is that? Why does it have to go somewhere when you die? 

You mean the degree of your cognition? Its not a tangible thing. Its all your brain. Thats it. 

You're making A LOT of assertions that you can't prove that should remain as such. Speculation. 

You're saying THAT spirits don't have down time.

That spirits exist

THAT spirits help us

THAT they don't have measurement of time

THAT they won't move buses from hitting us

THAT they won't repair planes

THAT they will work through you

I don't care what people are using NT for or how long their days were. Don't come in here with wild ridiculous assertions if you're going to be lazy and get mad when people start pulling your card.

You're just spewing speculation and asserting it as if its some sort of proven set of assertions. Its dishonest of you to even think that sort of thing is respectable or even acceptable.

I don't care who likes to debate. 

You said something that makes no sense.

If you're mad, you should make better arguments. Its not my job to defend your arguments for you.

And what does "love" have to do with this? I accept that there is a list of biochemical markers and set of identified physical behaviors that typify "love" depending on the society I'm in. Additionally, people that meet the objective and specific subjective qualifications would exhibit those feelings towards me.

OK. And?

Not having the information to make a decision doesn't give you the license to make stuff up to fill the holes in your unsubstantiated barber-shop level assertions. 

You clearly value the use of evidence, but on that same level, you then can't make statements in the absence of said evidence. 
Damn dude. You had to look in a book to check if you're parents met the requirements of loving you?
Do I "love" my parents? Sure. Do they "love" me? Sure.

But you asked if I believe in "love" and "love" isn't really a thing. its a state that we as a society define. Its not a universal thing. 
That's one of the saddest things I've ever heard in my life but it sheds more light on your personality. 
Trying to be exact/accurate? Sure. 
You don't understand that people who are happy in life and stand firm in their beliefs don't feel the need to EXPLAIN it someone who has no interest other than to try to prove them wrong. Especially when that someone is a random person on the Internet. 
I don't care what makes people happy. Thats not my prerogative.

I'm not interested in proving people wrong. I'm interested in learning.

If you aren't willing to support your claims then don't get mad when people are satisfied with your attempts to evade having to be responsible for the things you assert. 
You're trying to prove to me that there's no souls and love with scientific evidence?
I haven't seen any evidence for "souls" 

On top of that, if you're not going to suggest any thing to back up what a "soul" is then no matter how much you believe it, or want it to be true, then that doesn't make it true. 
...But you just agreed with me that science is constantly evolving and what's true changes all the time. 

Do you not see why it's pointless to argue with you?

"Science" learning more means that souls are reasonable now? There is NO evidence. Science doesn't change whats "true." It collects evidence to determine where the "truth" lies and to back up assertions made.

As of yet, there is no evidence for anything you're saying.

None of it. 

What is a soul? 

It's all of us. It's the choices we make. Our thoughts, dreams, likes/dislikes, dreams/aspirations, personality, etc.
You'r brain and cognition? 

Other than that, I don't see how thats a "soul". Thats your brain.

Since its our thoughts, do the elderly with alzheimers(sp?) have "lesser" souls? 

We all have the same organs and body parts but yet we're all unique.
Ok. And? Is that a soul? What does that have to do with anything?
 No matter how hard you try to program someone or institutionalize a set of beliefs in them they will always develop their owns opinion. We see it happen all the time. People that grew up in religious households that break out or atheists who suddenly pick up a religion and start following it. 

Does that make it true? 

If I start praying to spiderman, does that make spiderman more real?
If everything was as programmed as you say it is, shouldn't we all be the same? 
What are you talking about? I didn't say everything was "programmed"

Also, where is it?

Where are your dreams and thoughts? Your dreams and opinions exist right? Problem is there's no physical evidence of either. 
Understanding cognition is difficult. I would know. I have a degree in neuroscience from undergrad. But does that then give you the license to go forth and make stuff up about a concept of a "soul" because it souls all poetic instead of it actually being true?
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Nah, bro. You need to get with the scopalamine. 

Open your third eye. Embrace your chakras. Vibrate on your inner sanctum. 
La Rocahs
  Save that for your date rape night outs
I hope the rest of NT notices the trend here.

When you get the theists to recognize the holes in their arguments they:

1. Make fun of the time you spend on NT

2. Call you names

3. Assert that you must be gay...or something.

4. make assumptions about the person they THINK you are offline

5. insinuate that you're some sort of sociopath

6. Say that you just "love to debate" if we wouldn't do that on a message board 

7. they introduce other topics as a way to draw attention away from the original topic.

8. they don't answer direct questions.

Keep reaching. 
So this is true?
lol my bad i was lazy about what i posted, i didn't realize the person who i quoted was disputing the quran...

I used that that illustrate the various ways that Allah describes man, as mentioned in the Quran. 

To be fair, these are not literal translations, but to prove that the Quran does not just say random things about creation of man...

Keith L Moore, the writer of a current, widely used medical school textbook on embryology said in his most current edition that that the Quran describes the embryonic process to 100% accuracy and the verses of the Quran were released 1400 years ago... before microscopes, etc. etc...

Idk man, i have one thing to say about Islam. and that is that Islam does not refute any modern miracles/occurances etc... It makes sense of the world because the principle idea is that God has created everything and is the fashioner/shaper/creater/bestower... the causer of the big bang, etc. etc... meanwhile, Islam is interesting because it also makes sense of the diversity of world religions... it is mentioned in the Quran that other prophets were sent down (before Muhammad) including Jesus, Abraham, etc etc... and one prophet went to every single race and population... and some muslim scholars believe that the current world religions are examples of religions that were originally brought down by messengers of God, but were changed over time... like we believe judaism and christianity to be...but also may apply to hinduism, and bhudism and other religions.
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What was the original question?  Have you been near someone before or right at the time of death.  So why do you feel the need to keep throwing in you cadaver experience.  How in your mind would you think that would pretain to this discussion. 

Quick question tho.  Why do we have DMT in our bodies?  What does our body need it for?
WHY? I don't know. 

Why do you breathe and eat down the same tube? 

HOW do we use it? Its used to have extreme/intense dreams and is theorized to be released when you die, however I don't completely understand the studies behind the latter claim. How are the measuring that release and how aware are they that the release of this chemical is that much more present than other chemicals? 

There is a lot of research with it though and I'm interested to see what it leads to.

However, how does that have ANYTHING to do with the soul or anything supernatural? 

Chemicals altering the state of perception does NOT then mean = God. 
So this is true?
lol my bad i was lazy about what i posted, i didn't realize the person who i quoted was disputing the quran...

I used that that illustrate the various ways that Allah describes man, as mentioned in the Quran. 

To be fair, these are not literal translations, but to prove that the Quran does not just say random things about creation of man...

Keith L Moore, the writer of a current, widely used medical school textbook on embryology said in his most current edition that that the Quran describes the embryonic process to 100% accuracy and the verses of the Quran were released 1400 years ago... before microscopes, etc. etc...
Thats not what I asked you.

Is the Quran telling the truth about its version of creation? 
May I take a stab at this?

I think that a soul, is simply the essence of humanity.

Some people have it, then others do not. Personally, I think that there is a direct correlation between the stories in the bible that describe the battle between good and evil, then maintaining one's soul, and the consciousness that we exist with today while making decisions, and how they may affect those around us. 

Metaphorically speaking of course.
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Thats not what I asked you.

Is the Quran telling the truth about its version of creation? 
why would the Quran lie

I'm going to say outright, that ANYONE who understands Islam will not be able to deny it... It is the truth, the Quran is true and it is from Allah.

and I realize i sound crazy... but I went through a period of doubt and uncertainty about 8 months ago, and my belief in God is strong right now, and the reason is because my belief in god is based on reason and rationale, not on raw faith... knowledge/seeking the truth/science etc only strenghten my faith...

sorry if i'm going off topic and being kinda random lol...
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:lol: people will never get it. why go back and forth, at all?

I read this whole thread and noticed that trend, though.
May I take a stab at this?

I think that a soul, is simply the essence of humanity.

Some people have it, then others do not. Personally, I think that there is a direct correlation between the stories in the bible that describe the battle between good and evil, then maintaining one's soul, and the consciousness that we exist with today while making decisions, and how they may affect those around us. 

Metaphorically speaking of course.
Emotion? Thats it? 

Then its not a thing. Its a psychological state. 
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