Do people really believe in Angels?

Angels  (Arabic: ملائكة‎ malāʾikah; singular: ملاك  malāk) are heavenly beings mentioned many times in the Qur'an  and Hadith. Unlike humans or jinn, they have no free will  and therefore can do only what God  orders them to do. An example of a task they carry out is that of testing of individuals by granting them abundant wealth and curing their illness. Believing in angels  is one of the six Articles of Faith  in Islam. Just as humans are made of clay, and jinn are made of smokeless fire, angels are made of light.
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For those of you that believe in Spirits, where do these spirits reside during "down time." When there isn't anything going on, what are they doing? How are they summoned? Serious question.
For those of you that believe in Spirits, where do these spirits reside during "down time." When there isn't anything going on, what are they doing? How are they summoned? Serious question.

For me it's very simple. They exist in the subconscious, through memory stimulated by familiar encounters. My grandfather comes to me in my dreams all the time.  
Angels  (Arabic: ملائكة‎ malāʾikah; singular: ملاك  malāk) are heavenly beings mentioned many times in the Qur'an  and Hadith. Unlike humans or jinn, they have no free will  and therefore can do only what God  orders them to do. An example of a task they carry out is that of testing of individuals by granting them abundant wealth and curing their illness. Believing in angels  is one of the six Articles of Faith  in Islam. Just as humans are made of clay, and jinn are made of smokeless fire, angels are made of light.
say what? 
You'd think a gang of people who believed in this stuff would actually care to talk about it. 

Why can't you agree to disagree and leave it at that?

It gets exhausting and I couldn't care less about how you feel about my beliefs.

Not everything has to be a debate.
Because you seem to think that your opinions exist in a vacuum, untouchable or free from criticism. 
No one said that.

We get it, you think religion is stupid. Fine.

Why can't you leave it at that?

You're on a board beating up your keyboard for what? To make yourself feel like a winner and for reps?

Let it go dude.
Why should I?

Dudes really just don't like being challenged.

"Dammit FutureMD, why must you reject my opinion!" 
For those of you that believe in Spirits, where do these spirits reside during "down time." When there isn't anything going on, what are they doing? How are they summoned? Serious question.

Not exactly sure, but I would like to think spirits float around universe until they want to get re-incarnated.
Not exactly sure, but I would like to think spirits float around universe until they want to get re-incarnated.
Ok if you feel that way, how does the reincarnation process work? Does the spirit have free reign to pick and chose his earthly vessel?

I am just saying, if that is what you believe you have to have an idea as to how you THINK it works.

So you say floating around in the universe, are they "allowed" to snoop and spy on naked girls, etc?
For those of you that believe in Spirits, where do these spirits reside during "down time." When there isn't anything going on, what are they doing? How are they summoned? Serious question.

Not exactly sure, but I would like to think spirits float around universe until they want to get re-incarnated.
I understand that you "would like to think" that something works that way.

How do you go about validating this actually being true?

Do you not care about that or is it just more comfortable to make assertions, not back them up, then just build up off of them? 
say what? 
The Quran describes how Allah created Adam: "We created man from sounding clay, from mud moulded into shape..." (15:26). And, "He began the creation of man from clay, and made his progeny from a quintessence of fluid" (32:7-8). Thus, human beings have a fundamental attachment to the earth.

I wish I knew arabic/quranic context so i could explain... but it also says 

The very first revelation starts out with providing an ingredient for contradiction:
In the name of thy Lord and Cherisher, who created - 
created man, out of a mere clot of congealed blood
-- Sura 96:1-2
Apart from the fact that "a mere blood clot" is scientifically wrong, let us see what further ideas the Qur'an presents on how God creates human beings.
It is he who has created man from water  
-- Sura 25:54
And God has created every living creature  from water
-- Sura 24:45

We created man from sounding clay
from mud moulded into shape. 
-- Sura 15:26

Amongst his signs is this, 
that he created you from dust
-- Sura 30:20
Blood clot? water? clay? dust? The Qur'an doesn't really seem all that sure what God used and seems to imply that He took just anything he could get his hands on. But this is still not all in this confusion:
God createth what He willeth: 
When he hath decreed a plan, 
He but saith to it, "Be," and it is! 
-- Sura 3:47
He just says the word "be" and it is, there is no making a mess with water, clay, blood clots or dust, just a clean "there it is". Right?

Sura 4:82 claims that there is no  discrepancy in this Qur'an!
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I'm assuming you don't believe in love?

When your parent(s) / gf or bf say(said) they love(d) you, what do you feel/say ? 

What does the emotional understanding of connection to someone and the subjective societal definitions of such a thing have to do with "love?"  (or the biological underpinnings)
say what? 
The Quran describes how Allah created Adam: "We created man from sounding clay, from mud moulded into shape..." (15:26). And, "He began the creation of man from clay, and made his progeny from a quintessence of fluid" (32:7-8). Thus, human beings have a fundamental attachment to the earth.

I wish I knew arabic/quranic context so i could explain... but it also says 

The very first revelation starts out with providing an ingredient for contradiction:
In the name of thy Lord and Cherisher, who created - 
created man, out of a mere clot of congealed blood
-- Sura 96:1-2
Apart from the fact that "a mere blood clot" is scientifically wrong, let us see what further ideas the Qur'an presents on how God creates human beings.
It is he who has created man from water  
-- Sura 25:54
And God has created every living creature  from water
-- Sura 24:45

We created man from sounding clay
from mud moulded into shape. 
-- Sura 15:26

Amongst his signs is this, 
that he created you from dust
-- Sura 30:20
Blood clot? water? clay? dust? The Qur'an doesn't really seem all that sure what God used and seems to imply that He took just anything he could get his hands on. But this is still not all in this confusion:
God createth what He willeth: 
When he hath decreed a plan, 
He but saith to it, "Be," and it is! 
-- Sura 3:47
He just says the word "be" and it is, there is no making a mess with water, clay, blood clots or dust, just a clean "there it is". Right?

Sura 4:82 claims that there is no  discrepancy in this Qur'an!
So this is true?
For those of you that believe in Spirits, where do these spirits reside during "down time." When there isn't anything going on, what are they doing? How are they summoned? Serious question.
I don't believe in God and religion because my logic won't allow me. However I believe there is something to spirits. How? We all have souls. Our personality, likes/dislikes, dreams/aspirations and why and what we do is all unique. I've always felt from a young age our bodies are just vessels. What happens to our soul when we die? I don't believe we just evaporate or disappear. I believe some of the universe is compromised of energy/souls and that's why it's constantly expanding. I don't believe spirits have "down time" because they don't have a concoius. They are a spirit/energy and they are just that. They don't have a measurement of time. They help us in subtle ways. They won't move a bus out of the way from hitting you or repair a plane engine before it crashes; they will instead work through you and give you a edge in surviving certain situations. 
Yeah. It can't be poorly reasoned arguments.

Can you answer the question on love?

The thing is no one is trying to prove there point or debate like you constantly do in every thread. A lot of people come on here to unwind after a hard days work and just want to chat/browse cool things. You have a habit of FORCING people to debate in almost every thread and when they don't have the energy to go back and forth with you "they are stupid" and "don't want to be challenged". Just because you enjoy debating doesn't mean every single person on this board has to participate. Do you not see how that's selfish?

Also, Science is constantly evolving. What was true now wasn't true 100 years ago and what's true now may not be true in another 100 years. It's based on how much evidence we FIND, how much we can comprehend, and where the information is relevant. What may be true in this galaxy may be false in another one.
Ok if you feel that way, how does the reincarnation process work? Does the spirit have free reign to pick and chose his earthly vessel?
I am just saying, if that is what you believe you have to have an idea as to how you THINK it works.
So you say floating around in the universe, are they "allowed" to snoop and spy on naked girls, etc?

lmao, bruh. I don't have all the answers. However, they are some good questions.

I'm thinking since they are spirits and not in this physical realm; snooping on girls would probably not be on their motives. Shoot, if I can fly or float around universe best believe I'll be going through blackholes #pause or other galaxies, checkout their planets.
I don't believe in God and religion because my logic won't allow me. However I believe there is something to spirits. How? We all have souls. Our personality, likes/dislikes, dreams/aspirations and why and what we do is all unique. I've always felt from a young age our bodies are just vessels. What happens to our soul when we die? I don't believe we just evaporate or disappear. I believe some of the universe is compromised of energy/souls and that's why it's constantly expanding. I don't believe spirits have "down time" because they don't have a concoius. They are a spirit/energy and they are just that. They don't have a measurement of time. They help us in subtle ways. They won't move a bus out of the way from hitting you or repair a plane engine before it crashes; they will instead work through you and give you a edge in surviving certain situations. 

Can you answer the question on love?

The thing is no one is trying to prove there point or debate like you constantly do in every thread. A lot of people come on here to unwind after a hard days work and just want to chat/browse cool things. You have a habit of FORCING people to debate in almost every thread and when they don't have the energy to go back and forth with you "they are stupid" and "don't want to be challenged". Just because you enjoy debating doesn't mean every single person on this board has to participate. Do you not see how that's selfish?

Also, Science is constantly evolving. What was true now wasn't true 100 years ago and what's true now may not be true in another 100 years. It's based on how much evidence we FIND, how much we can comprehend, and where the information is relevant. What may be true in this galaxy may be false in another one.
But your logic always you to believe your a descedant of a crustacean that crawled out of the ocean.  OK
I understand that you "would like to think" that something works that way.

How do you go about validating this actually being true?

Do you not care about that or is it just more comfortable to make assertions, not back them up, then just build up off of them? 

FutureMD, you're not mad at me; you're mad at your two dads. haha jk
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