Do People Really Buy These Shirts?

even if you're intending for it to be an ironic joke, "swag" on a shirt is not worth the $30+

if you're really set on poking fun at hipsters by ironically also being a hipster, then just buy one of those many fake mustaches for $1
What's up with all these NT posts about dudes caring so much about what other dudes wear though!? :smh: Do you and keep it moving...
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If I had one tattoo or owned one snapback...

I'd be all over this...

1992+ swag... :pimp:

Besides that "How's Second Taste" shirt (if the only thing you get is first >D), all those shirts are LOL. "Girls My Swag" though? Was the Adidas symbol supposed to represent "Love"? Ok then :lol:

What's up with all these NT posts about dudes caring so much about what other dudes wear though!? :smh: Do you and keep it moving...

Dis you?
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I knew when I clicked this thread I knew it would be about those ridiculous Nike shirts :lol:
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Besides that "How's Second Taste" shirt (if the only thing you get is first >D), all those shirts are LOL. "Girls My Swag" though? Was the Adidas symbol supposed to represent "Love"? Ok then :lol:
Dis you?

Come better than that dude. Never owned one of those shirts in my life but I don't bash nor do I care who does. Simple as that. Too busy doing my own thing...
is it just me or is there a new shirt for every new shoe release. the guy at champs tried to sell me 2 shirts the other day when i bought my marino speed turfs.
so you dont care about what other men do- but you find it meaningful enough to post twice when other men comment about it. Okay, that makes sense :rolleyes Its a topic, and we're on NT- so we added are 2 cents- theyre hilarious, we dont wear em, yet find it ridiculous that others do and that Nike is getting away with charging $30 for these hunks of junk. Its mainly kids anyways, You dont seem that busy, and we really arent bashing- just sharing our thoughts on the topic

I commented on it cause I find it extremely confusing is all. If your idea of "doing you" is bashing other dudes for whatever trend of the moment they decide to follow then carry on my friend. Would I wear one of those shirts, probably not. Personally I just don't give it that much of a thought but since I've been cooped up in the house all weekend sick, browsing NT, I did notice this is the 2nd thread in two days from a guy criticizing what another guy wears. It baffles me is all. Keep doing your thing pleighboi :nthat:
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What's up with all these NT posts about dudes caring so much about what other dudes wear though!?
Do you and keep it moving...
But how else will I know who I really am if I can't follow others?!
i don't care what the next man wears.. but those shirts are awful :lol:
and if you have to wear some shirt with some lame phrase or anything along those lines, it just lets everyone around you know, you are a douchebag.
I've been tempted to pull the trigger so many times just for the lols. But for their price tag, they're not worth it.

I especially like the "Every Damn Day" one. 
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Lol I'm not gonna lie though, I was tempted to get the "I'm that Dude" one about a year ago when they first started poppin...:lol:
What's up with all these NT posts about dudes caring so much about what other dudes wear though!? :smh: Do you and keep it moving...

I'll skip over the self explanatory facts that this is NT General where we all opine on everything, usually for lulz

In terms of these shirts, they are, in my opinion, literally and figuratively statements that deserve a counter punch. It's different from the typical fashion bashing where someone can argue "I like (insert brand) because of the quality, material, fit, color, branding, etc". Someone is actually picking these shirts because of the bold print text on the front. Picture someone standing out in public yelling "Don't Sweat My Swag" "Damn, I'm Good" or "Your Girl Gets It". That person would deserve to be flamed on his/her soapbox and stomped out.
I own two of those Nike tees, in navy and royal and both say "Get There First, Just Do it". I primarily wear them for sleep and working out.
Can Nike please broker a deal with Scholastic Books to bring back some Goosebumps shirts?

It's about damn time I hit a crossover on the court with a Haunted Mask shirt.
i chuckle when i see dudes wear it in public

only nike clothing i got is a all black hoody with the tiny nike logo

id never wear a graphic tee with corny lines on em ever :lol:
I see people wearing these all the time with shoes that match them. People really think they're doing it, especially when the word Swag is on it. 
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