do these gamma blue 11 also look legit or fake

legit. 23 in the back isn't stretched out like most fakes are, the back of the shoe has a sorta curve to it, toe box is good and not boxy like some fakes.
I am leaning towards real myself. the 23s check out fine. if you really wanted to know id ask for photos on the soles. as of right now they look fine 
The seller said he'll send me pics of the soles later after he gets off work and ill post them for yal too look at.
has he offered you anything? or is there a price set for it yet? these were $185 retail. A fair range would be around the 250 area; 300 maximum. even that seems high for these gamma blues. 
I bidded 250 on his site seller site and on another the reseller is selling his for 217.50 thats what i bidded and i dont wanna pay too much for them since i missed the release date. In December
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