Do you believe in hunting for sport?

the hunters i know (quite a few of them) who hunt for "sport" would never be seen on a basketball court or a field of any sort. they are generally fat, slobbish men who think they are superior because an intelligent member of their species invented something to shoot lead projectiles with a high velocity.

on the other hand, my friends who are hunters and eat their kill, are some bad mother ******* who appreciate and respect nature but also understand how to use it to their advantage.

and venison is delicious.
yup. I told myself i'm getting my own bear rug before i die.

animals are cute, we like them, we play with them i get it.

but they're still animals. we also eat them, and many would eat us given the opportunity.
No, I only condone slaughter houses because not everyone may be competent enough to safely capture, kill and properly prepare their own animals.
i've always wanted to go big game hunting, it seems more fair than shooting a weak *** deer, i'd rather have a death match with a bear
The only animal I really don't mind feasting on is a gator, because I know he'd eat me first if he had the chance.
I don't hunt animals (although I'd like to try it once or twice), but I don't really care about animals as a whole. As long as hunting isn't pushing them to the point of extinction I don't see the issue.
any1 notice this?
I had promised that if I got a good leopard I would dance in front of the fire in a leopard G-string. My daughter, however, had no idea of my plan and shrieked hysterically with laughter while holding my new Canon digital video camera recording me dancing to Led Zeppelin “Heartbreaker” as I stripped off all my clothes except the thong. Some of the natives joined in this ritual dance with me and they all got free beer that night; kabubi, kabubi!!
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if you eat them then i dont see why not. you living in your house is displacement of a natural habitat, you driving your cars kills the ozone layer, everything we do is unnatural so save me the PETA speeches please.
I don't agree with hunting for sport.
Like a few other have said, if you're not eating the animal or using their remains for fur, oil, etc. then why kill it? \
It's pretty cruel to me.
it ruins the ecology and is inhumane. We'll look at recreational hunting and factory farming like slavery one day.
i've always wanted to go big game hunting, it seems more fair than shooting a weak *** deer, i'd rather have a death match with a bear:nthat:
My uncle got a bear about 2 weeks ago. that thing scared the hell out of him when it popped out of the bushes about 20 feet away from him. :lol:
I hunt deer "for sport" but I enjoy all aspects of the hunt.  The preparation, the walk out at 6am, the wait, enjoying nature, spotting the animal, and the kill.  The entire thing is a good experience for me even when I go home empty-handed.

I honestly feel better about eating a venison steak from an animal that I killed ethically rather than an animal that was deprived of a full life in a slaughterhouse and raised simply for profitability. 
Personally I don't have a problem with hunting for sport if you're not wasting the food.

However that man and what he does disgust me.
I am completely against it but I did read somewhere that deer reproduce at such a high rate that it being legal is the way of controlling the population. I will have to go verify but I do remember reading about this somewhere.
Yes and no. I don't believe in killing animals solely for a trophy. I do believe in hunting and for most 'hunters' the 'sport' in it is getting a bigger deer/elk whatever. But to me that means eating the meat or helping control a population and donating the meat to someone who is in need.

I bought a rifle and went hunting for my first time this year. I shot a deer, which was one of the more spiritual and amazing experiences of my life. I'm hooked. Not because I like killing but the whole experience thought the process. From scouting the land to processing the deer. When I first shot the deer I felt terrible. As time passed I became more comfortable with it. I got nearly seventy pounds of meat off of it and won't have to buy meat at the grocery store, other than bacon, for a long time. It was a great experience. It's not for all but I have to say I loved it.
If you eat what you hunt, like venison, then I'm alright with it.

In AZ there are farmers who will pay you to kill coyotes and deer around their farm. They are a real pest out in the farmlands
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My uncle got a bear about 2 weeks ago. that thing scared the hell out of him when it popped out of the bushes about 20 feet away from him.
haha **** i would too, if a bear wants to be funny and surprise me then it's getting shot instead of choked out
If you want to shoot a duck or deer to eat cool. Shooting elephants, bears, wolves, lions, giraffes and all the other stuff he shot and definitely didn't eat is foul. I'm pretty sure elephants and lions aren't so abundant they are getting hit by cars like deer are. That dude just likes to kill. Dude has no respect and too much money. Nobody is eating a 40 year old elephant. The though is disgusting and they are already getting killed enough illegally.
Not a fan but I dont care enough to protest against the activity.
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I used to work in certain financial offices that no longer exist.

it's hilarious how they think you'd be impressed by this.
Hey, I visited Africa, killed some animals and posed with the locals, cool right?
... you too scared to goto a bodega uptown, I'm not impressed pleighboi
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