Do you give bums money when they ask for it?


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So on two separate occasions in different states on Sunday and Today, I was asked my two bums if could give them money. One was in front of a gas station and the other a taco bell. The gas station bum tried to guilt trip me by opening the door to the gas station for me then asking me for money. I gave them both a dollar. Normally I try not to give them money because stereotypically they use it on alcohol and drugs.

Just curious about what you guys do when a bum asks you for money.
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yea man.. I always try to pay it forward in life 
I remember this one time I was exiting the freeway on a rainy day and I was waiting at the light. There was a bum sitting in the corner. We had a bunch of umbrellas in my car and me and my girl decided to give him one. He looked at me like :| and walked away. Didn't even say thank you. Last time I try to help a homeless.
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this bum outside trader joes..........gave me the feels, so many ppl were out that day an everybody passed him by, i actually sat in my car for a minute an observed

finally when i got out as im approaching the store i just slip him a 5 dollar bill, he was very appreciative an then told me, "here take a book, any book you want" he had all these books with him................i just said "nah, im good"

guy really wanted to give me something in return an kinda looked at me up an down kinda shocked

i dont even wanna use that word bum, upon further inspection my man was an old war

edit: this man also wasnt even asking for money, just posted up with his books............just the way he presented himself made the difference.
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occasionally sadly enough i know most of the guys brave enough to ask and most arent for the right reasons so i dont judge but rather dont give with the mindstate that maybe this one time they dont have enough to get high may be enough for them to seek help or quit somehow
Depends on my situation at the time and how they approach me.

It probably didn't help him long term but I took a local homeless dude I usually see by this bar I sometimes go to out for drinks a while back. Got the dude wasted and gave him $20 to use for whatever he felt he needed most in his life.
sometimes I try to look out for those less fortunate... I remember 1 time this chick in bmore straight up told me "Give me some money Im hungry" with a smile on her face like I was some type of sucka 
...I said Na  and proceeded to walk in 7-11 across the street and came out with 2 slices of pizza and a drink lol..she was mad lol

There's this 1 guy I see around DC askin people..I first saw him on U street then Union Station and last week downtown silver spring lol
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I hate when I'm walking out of chipotle and the dude opens the door, holds it and asks for money...

Nah bro. 

Now the dudes on the train that play instruments >
I remember me and my girl were out celebrating our "Anniversary"... this took place in the Winter.

We had reservations to some '5 star' restaurant out here in Vegas. While in route to a gas station, we noticed across the parking lot, there is this homeless man taking off his jacket and blanket and wrapping it around his dog because it was freezing.

Anyway, a few minutes past by filling up my tank, we leave off and notice the homeless man sleeping in a fetal position, while his dog is cuddled up inside the blanket with it's head sticking out and laying by the man's neck.

Me and my girl looked at each other and automatically knew what we were both thinking. It just didn't seem right that we just witnessed something like that while we were off to a 5 star restaurant, heated up in our nice car.

So we make a U-turn, my girl goes into the Wal-Greens and buys food, XL jacket, and 2 thick blankets. While I went back into the gas station and bought Hot Cocoa. After that, we cross the street into the parking lot and approached the man and his dog. Anyway this man started tearing and kept saying Thank you, God bless! And his little dog was wagging it's tail, trying to lick our face.

From there on out, me and my girl felt so generous that we completely crossed out our plans for the night and went to Wal-Mart and bought a whole bunch of food and blankets and went out to find homeless people and gave it to them.

Probably our most special and memorable Anniversaries.
occasionally sadly enough i know most of the guys brave enough to ask and most arent for the right reasons so i dont judge but rather dont give with the mindstate that maybe this one time they dont have enough to get high may be enough for them to seek help or quit somehow
Same. I also realize I don't know their story or how exactly they got there. Some pocket the money and use it for who knows what, others I've seen go right to a food spot and buy something right after...
as soon as you pay someone for begging it becomes their job.
stop enabling these dudes
Me and my friend discussed this once because one dude would be outside the train everyday begging for money but he was clean and had on decent clothes etc. I guess he got accustomed to people giving him cash, probably rakes in a money standing there for 6 hours begging, when he could be working a job.
Not sure if their homeless or not but those "showtime" dancing jabronis on the A train. I would pay them to stop doing what they do. I don't care much for a bunch of dancing you got served rejects.
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