Do you guys flush the toilet when you pee?

Mr Dink

formerly foamposite xi
Oct 8, 2012
I'm asking because the rare occasion I use a public restroom, I find the toilet unflushed half the time.

If not, why? That's disgusting. I make sure to flush every time.
If it's a public restroom I probably won't flush the toilet. No one wants to touch that handle b.
If it's a urinal with a lever, I don't flush...not trying to do sweet chin music. :lol:

Urinals are full and I have to use a toilet, I'll use my foot to flush.
Everytime i use the bathroom at a club, bar, or even like a restaurant i always wonder do people just walk around wit sharpies???
I always flush before I use it because I don't want to pre and that stuff water bouncing back at me. I then flush with my fist again and wash my hands

People who don't flush do by wash their hands
No, my pee is usually a shade from clear anyway, and I want people to admire my work.
If the urinal isn't an autoflush, nah b. But if I have to use the actual toilet, then I just use my shoe to hit the lever.
I avoid public bathrooms whenever possible, but there are times where a dude gotta pee.

But hell naw I ain't touching anything in that place. Not even kicking the lever to flush. If it ain't auto flush OH WELL.

I'm washing my hands, air drying and grabbing a paper towel to open the door.

Where does the paper towel go? I'm dropping it behind the door on the way out.
Tipping debate is so 2014.

2015 do you flush at public places.

TeamFlush richea
Chill y'all I sanitize my hands. Like if I'm at the library I'll ask for hand sanitizer. I usually have my own bottle though. What's that point washing your hands in a public restroom when your still going touch on the germ infested crap that's there afterwards? Use hand sanitizer....
Do y'all wash y'all hands at public restrooms???? I don't......

:lol: why wouldn't you?


Saw your response above, but washing your hands > hand sanitizer.

I only use hand sanitizer when I don't have immediate access to a sink.
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