Do you guys have an accent?

Everyone's got an accent and they all swear that their's is the normal one. British people swear that "American" accents sound stupid to them. Floridians think that a New Yorker accent is weird.
When I went to FSU, I was told that the only word I say with a slight Chicago accent is in fact "Chicahhhgo."

Also, I'm proud that I can speak Spanish without any American accent as I've always spoken it at home, and vice versa with English.
When I went to FSU, I was told that the only word I say with a slight Chicago accent is in fact "Chicahhhgo."

Also, I'm proud that I can speak Spanish without any American accent as I've always spoken it at home, and vice versa with English.
I have absolutely no accent so people assume I'm from California even though I was born and raised in Manhattan. I think they're mostly just shocked that I look so Hispanic but sound so white (because I am not at all Hispanic and am half white
I have absolutely no accent so people assume I'm from California even though I was born and raised in Manhattan. I think they're mostly just shocked that I look so Hispanic but sound so white (because I am not at all Hispanic and am half white
I speak with the standard, California/Hollywood/Broadcast style of American English. The only deviation is from my mom's WASPy heritage, which has left me with a few New England/Yankee style flourishes here and there, especially when it comes to differentiating between "w" and "wh." As a life-long, born and rasied in SoCal Laker fan, I have tried to keep that New England influence to a minimum during the first two weeks of June.
I speak with the standard, California/Hollywood/Broadcast style of American English. The only deviation is from my mom's WASPy heritage, which has left me with a few New England/Yankee style flourishes here and there, especially when it comes to differentiating between "w" and "wh." As a life-long, born and rasied in SoCal Laker fan, I have tried to keep that New England influence to a minimum during the first two weeks of June.
Originally Posted by Hankzilla

Originally Posted by DaNiKeRhiNo

I have a slight "street" accent, like I still say "aite" and "spose to", but most of my English is mostly properly said.

I sound like a white person but I'm black.
As do I. Also my vocabulary is vast
Originally Posted by Hankzilla

Originally Posted by DaNiKeRhiNo

I have a slight "street" accent, like I still say "aite" and "spose to", but most of my English is mostly properly said.

I sound like a white person but I'm black.
As do I. Also my vocabulary is vast
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