Do you guys have an accent?

I'm from Philly. I say my words different than everyone else, and use heavy slang. The "normal" American accent sounds ridiculous to me, therefore I believe I talk normal and the rest of you have accents.
I'm from Philly. I say my words different than everyone else, and use heavy slang. The "normal" American accent sounds ridiculous to me, therefore I believe I talk normal and the rest of you have accents.
Originally Posted by Hankzilla

Originally Posted by DaNiKeRhiNo

I have a slight "street" accent, like I still say "aite" and "spose to", but most of my English is mostly properly said.

I sound like a white person but I'm black.
As do I. Also my vocabulary is vast
Originally Posted by Hankzilla

Originally Posted by DaNiKeRhiNo

I have a slight "street" accent, like I still say "aite" and "spose to", but most of my English is mostly properly said.

I sound like a white person but I'm black.
As do I. Also my vocabulary is vast
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