Do you have african background(that includes african americans) and if so what country you from

unfortunately most African Americans have no idea where in Africa to trace their heritage. I'd would love to know but the furthest I've been able totrace back to is Georgia during slavery.
Originally Posted by MrMoneyInDaBank

unfortunately most African Americans have no idea where in Africa to trace their heritage. I'd would love to know but the furthest I've been able to trace back to is Georgia during slavery.

i dont know...ive heard all diff stories about where my fam is from (both sides)...from jamaica to yes i said ireland.
I have no idea where my African roots start [one of my cousins told me Egypt when I was younger, but I'm not exactly sure], but I have some roots fromNative America.

My dad is Nigerian, as far as my mom all I know is that both of her parents were mixed
All I know is that 1 of my greatrandmothers moved to Trinidad from Sierra Leone.
And judging by the time she came I assume it was voluntary.
Thats still more than most ppl know whish shows you how %%+!+* up slavery was.
I love to have relations with african-american women. Thats as far as my background goes.
Dunno why you put African Americans in the title, we don't know what country we came from other than that it was in west Africa
Originally Posted by ABOOGiiE

West Africa, as well. Liberia to be exact.

Oh man, a Liberian on Niketalk. Not many of yall out there. You guys are cool and your food taste great.
my computer desktop background is a beach and my laptop background is a pic of my dog.

Why would you want an African in your background it seems odd unless:

1. A nigerian soccer player
2. A family member
3. An adopted family member
4. An african warrior
5. A hot African model
6. You work for world vision
6. Is Obama considered 'African'?
African NTers what religion are you guys? I'm Vietnamese and we still practice ancestor worship. I heard some parts of Africa still does this.
off topic but why do some African Americans dislike Africans who immigrate to America?

I have seen this happen many times while I was going to school
Originally Posted by FungusFoot85

my computer desktop background is a beach and my laptop background is a pic of my dog.

Why would you want an African in your background it seems odd unless:

1. A nigerian soccer player
2. A family member
3. An adopted family member
4. An african warrior
5. A hot African model
6. You work for world vision
6. Is Obama considered 'African'?
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