Do you have african background(that includes african americans) and if so what country you from


East Africa >>> West Africa

just kidding
I was born in Brooklyn USA. My parents are from TnT. Anything before that we don't know because our culture and history was raped and is now forgotten.
Moms is west African but

East African Women>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> West AfricanWomen

and its not even close..
Originally Posted by OnTheNephs

Egypt in the god dam house baby.

i lived there for 5 years before moving to U.S, Imfrom Sudan BTW Southern Sudan>>>>North
I'm from Nigeria, Benin City. I sound like a 40 year old white I am told. My mom's side of the family is from Amsterdam, Netherlands and mydad's side Nigeria, Benin City. SO I guess I'm half Nigerian/Dutch. My mom's first language was French, then Benin, then English. My dad'sfirst language was Benin, English, and Spanish. I ONLY speak English. Both my parents are crazy christians and I'm an Atheist. I dislike my culture I havea fasination with Japanese culture it's much better in my opinion,but Nigerian jollof rice is pretty bomb. I don't like talking to Africans becausemost of them have thick accents and I feel uncomfortable because they expect me to relate to them but I only lived in Nigeria for 4 years.

EAST AFRICA STAND UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

East African girls >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> WestAfrican Girls.
I believe that Lew Alcindor/Kareem Abdul-Jabbar was able to trace his heritage to the smallest detail. If he was able to, then most people should at leasttrace what region/country in Africa they're from.
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

I believe that Lew Alcindor/Kareem Abdul-Jabbar was able to trace his heritage to the smallest detail. If he was able to, then most people should at least trace what region/country in Africa they're from.
Most black people in this country could care less about where they are from.
Originally Posted by King Beef

Originally Posted by cartune

Slavery FTL ... O wait "it happened get over it"

How in any way does this have to do with anything.

he doesnt know what part of africa hes from because of slavery

i think that has something to do with it
I live with Africans but I'm full Filipino ....The Africans that I live with are one of the most down to earth and nicest people on the planet.I swear theymake fun of me though but other than that..I probably don't belong on this
Originally Posted by SoleWoman

Originally Posted by MrMoneyInDaBank

unfortunately most African Americans have no idea where in Africa to trace their heritage. I'd would love to know but the furthest I've been able to trace back to is Georgia during slavery.

i dont know...ive heard all diff stories about where my fam is from (both sides)...from jamaica to yes i said ireland.
Same here, my great great grandfather was an Irishman. My aunt has a book on our family's genealogy. Truth is, slavery messed up a lot ofthings.
I was born in Jamaica but my blood line got mixed up somewhere, I know I have british in me and from what i piece together Egyptian.

The vast majority of Africans taken as slaves into the US came from West Africa.
The records of "legal" importation of Slaves into the South still exist today and the document the general regions from where those slaves wereimported.
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