Do You Recycle?

Sep 28, 2002
I didn't see a post about this and was curious. I'm no tree hugger, but what's so hard about separating recyclables into a different bin? Myroommate just threw two cereal boxes in the trash. Son, recycle that cardboard box.

So who on NT recycles?
I only recycle plastic bottles and cans. I'm still trying to find a place that will recycle old magazines and paper. My area does not pick up recyclables,so I usually just take my bottles and cans to the centers near supermarkets, and a lot of places I've found online for recycling paper are more forbusinesses.
I don't.

At my work there's a bin for recycleables, and a dumpster for garbabge. I just put everything in the dumpster.

Sometimes I litter also.
Yeah I recycle everything I can, but I drive a car that gets 12 miles to the gallon... so I think they balance. Maybe not?
I do. Our recycling bin always ends up a lot more full then our trash bin even though our recycling bin is bigger.

We also recycle cans in our house too even though we don't drink as much canned soda as we used to.
I recycle everything that I can. I have 4 good sized totes for recycling. Sometimes it piles up, and I don't want to take it in, but then I do anyways,because it's not that hard. My garbage that I put out each week is greatly reduced. It used to be 2-4 bags, now it's usually 1, maybe 2 with garbagefrom the bathrooms.

We have 2 sites to recycle in my town of 40,000 people. It's got everything, cardboard, paper, plastic, glass, cans. Makes it wonderful.

Hell, I even started composting stuff. I have my big compost ball outside, my raw food bucket that I put food waste into until I take it out to the ball.Hopefully it'll turn into great compost for my girls flower beds this spring/summer.
The way I look at it, I'm not going to live long enough to care about how the world will be in 100 or 1,000 years

So when I have an old tv, or microwave I just throw it into the local creek
i got cans and bottles in the backyard i hope could turn into money. ive never actually been to a recylcing center though.
I didnt realize that folks in other cities gotta take their stuff to a recycling center. More props to you guys. They pick up our recycling here.
Of course, it would feel odd, for me, to throw away card board food packaging, aluminum cans, plastic bottles and other recyclables.
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