Do you view wealthy people negatively?

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I saw this on another board and thought it might spur interesting discussions amongst the oft-opinionated NT crowd. I did not define wealthy, like the originalposter, because everybody has their own definition and I did not want to poison the well by imposing my qualification.

Here is a link to the original post.
i am around a lot of wealthy people now, and i do seem to hate on them, i wish i had that much money
Originally Posted by SWiFT Yons

No i don't... does that answer the question lol.

In fact, it does.

I wish our board had a "poll" feature like the one from which I got the idea.
No, if they earned it legitimately. I dislike their kids who I have classes with who haven't earned a dime of it and spend it recklessly but don't knowwhat the true value of a dollar is.
No, not at all, if anything, they could be an inspiration and a proverbial 'bar" to be reached, because they've obviouslyu set a bar as far as agoals go and have succeeded by being able to make a lot of money and most of the time working hard to get there. So if anything, I don't hate them butadmire them because one day in my life I would like to be wealthy.
Originally Posted by jrellcuse10

No, if they earned it legitimately. I dislike their kids who I have classes with who haven't earned a dime of it and spend it recklessly but don't know what the true value of a dollar is.
i share this guy's sentiments.
I deal with them everyday I work.

Some are jerks, some are great people.

Like anything, you can't stereotype them.

I dislike their kids who I have classes with who haven't earned a dime of it and spend it recklessly but don't know what the true value of a dollar is.

It's hard to say, but like the other dude said it's there kids who annoy the hell out of me.

I don't respect or care for people who have things given to them and not earn it, but at the same time if you a Billionaire you're not going to haveyou kids driving a Geo Prizm where PayLess Shoes.

Not that there's anything wrong with the aformentioned, but you know what I'm getting at.
Originally Posted by jrellcuse10

No, if they earned it legitimately. I dislike their kids who I have classes with who haven't earned a dime of it and spend it recklessly but don't know what the true value of a dollar is.


My Commercial Law professor is wealthy...Dude is 39 and a damn genius....he knows all financial, accounting, economics everything.....he invested money in thestock market and has a few million...he said his son wont have to work if he dont want to.....

Now the dude had cancer and might have it again.....Every time he gets stock and sells for a profit he gives 50% of the money to a medicine developer in NCthat is trying to get enough money to be approved to test out a new cancer pill that will kill a tumor but stop radiation from spreading.....The other 50% heputs in accounts for his son......Dude made a clean $1mil. at the beginning of the week.
No, I am not a jealous person, and to hate the wealthy would make me a hater. I am related to a lot of wealthy people, and have wealthy friends. My immediatefamily doesn't do too bad for ourself either. What I do hate is wealthy people who think that they are better than others because they have things, orpeople who rub their money in your face. If Bill Gates can stay humble about his money than everybody else can too.
I don't. I'm too busy worried about trying to better myself. I ain't worried about the next man. I'm eatin.
depends whether their snobs about it or not.

cool wealthy guy = this white dude in woodside, ca who sponsored my aau basketball team and paid for EVERYTHING. (uniforms, tournaments, travel fees, hotelrooms, plain tickets... etc.)

not so cool wealthy guy = someone on this board ( no names) who thinks that just cause he got money, it automatically makes his "opinion" mean morethen others just cause they ain't caked up like him.
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