Does anybody still care about FouseyTube anymore?

anyone who doesn't love mcdonald's cheeseburgers is a hater because they sell billions of them [emoji]128580[/emoji]
Other guys with foot fetush in here too
i find feet disgusting 
internet fame doesn't buy a personality. not sure if you are familiar with his antics but this guy is the definition of a attention *****. from promoting his depression and suicidal epoch to his wanna be tough guy with that confrontation with cops.

you can call it hating, i call it not enjoying how someone is so desperate for attention they don't know who they truly are without recording it to the whole world.
how is he promoting his mental illness? do u even watch his vlogs? he talks about it every blue moon, and when he does he encourages others to stay strong. do you think his mental illness is a lie and he has never been prescribed medicine for it? I highly doubt he's lying about his illness. 

it's about to be 2017, everyone has a damn snapchat and post stories on it. you must either hate everyone, antisocial, or old with a family. 
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I bet if we had a poll asking, "would you fake a few pranks and upload vlogs daily to become a millionaire?" 80% of the votes would be yes, and the other 20 are lying their *** off.

FOH he is living the dream and its possible for him to save enough money to never have to work a 9-5
i dont worship him at all. i am just entertained by his vlogs/lifestyle. i watch his vids to pass time, fousey and casey neistat i look for everyday.

hes a success young dude, i'd support anyone if they weren't harming any other human beings. 
You have spent a good chunk of time defending him looks like you on his **** bro.

You said your piece about supporting, but you caping hard now
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