Does anybody still care about FouseyTube anymore?

he aint smash my chantel b. no way no how

dude is wack af to me. idc how much he's gettiing paid for that nonsense. people get paid for foolishness everyday d. aint nothing to get impressed about.
how is he promoting his mental illness? do u even watch his vlogs? he talks about it every blue moon, and when he does he encourages others to stay strong. do you think his mental illness is a lie and he has never been prescribed medicine for it? I highly doubt he's lying about his illness. 

:rofl: it's about to be 2017, everyone has a damn snapchat and post stories on it. you must either hate everyone, antisocial, or old with a family. 

he promotes everything. what are you talking about? his mission is to get views, and he will do anything at any cost to obtain that. there are plenty of people who are truly mentally ill and do not prance around parading about it. at least that is what he was doing from what i remember.

im actually neither. i don't have snapchat. i prefer talking to people in real life. not some facade on social media. but that's just how i do it. it's not really my thing to praise someone who makes a living off internet views and subscriptions. but that's just me,
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I bet if we had a poll asking, "would you fake a few pranks and upload vlogs daily to become a millionaire?" 80% of the votes would be yes, and the other 20 are lying their *** off.

FOH he is living the dream and its possible for him to save enough money to never have to work a 9-5

Wtf hell yea I would nihga

For millions I would do that **** all day
I wouldn't. Other people play video games or do funny stuff that they let people know is scripted instead of pretending it's not.
he aint smash my chantel b. no way no how

dude is wack af to me. idc how much he's gettiing paid for that nonsense. people get paid for foolishness everyday d. aint nothing to get impressed about.

Chanel is a THOT, throw money at her and she's letting you smash.

Fousey is getting more fame too. I wouldn't doubt he smashed.
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I hope he holds her tight cause a NY papi ready to make his move on baby girl.

I hope he holds her tight cause a NY papi ready to make his move on baby girl.

knowing how beta he is, i give it a couple of weeks until he starts treating her like a queen and she uses him. pretty sure the only reason she is with is for fame and money.

I hope he holds her tight cause a NY papi ready to make his move on baby girl.

knowing how beta he is, i give it a couple of weeks until he starts treating her like a queen and she uses him. pretty sure the only reason she is with is for fame and money.

Uhhh she's probably just as popular if not more popular than him.

She's one of those make up artist and has her own tutorial page.
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