Does anybody still care about FouseyTube anymore?

Looking up his channel and dude pulled like 122M on one of his videos...

That's crazy. There are hit records that can't pull that for their music videos.

Get your money mane.
People forget Fousey studied Theater in college... before all this **** popped off. He using his talent. Who else would give a young Palestinian-American man an acting gig? Da world is his stage, playboy.
he's right and taught us all a lesson...we do fiend for the dramatics, I'm am glad for being shown the error of my ways
People forget Fousey studied Theater in college... before all this **** popped off. He using his talent. Who else would give a young Palestinian-American man an acting gig? Da world is his stage, playboy.


As if dudes on SNL weren't pulling the same stunt as Fousey.
He has to pay people to hang out with him,

The only reasons girls are around him is to get their ig fame.
Hes corny and loves the attention and I don't like or care for him 

but he's getting money 
Yeah i hate to pull the "but he getting money doe" card, but for as corny as his humor is, he seems to be living his dreams and genuinely a positive dude

i can't really be mad at that
he comes off as an emotional wreck thats gonna blow up when he gets depressed when life gets "boring". he got those psudo-deep emotions.

he got the money, but at the expense for being a clown. all his fans are like 12 years old, just like all the other youtube stars. thats like being popular and rich for being that blues clues guy.

cant knock the hustle but id cringe if i had to look at those old tapes if i was him, 10 to 20 years from now lol.

but regardless, as long as he isnt a horrible person, i'd dap a fellow nt bro.
never liked dude lol seemed annoying way back from when he'd throw parties back in like 07 and show them off here.

anywho, he's making ends, smashing thots, getting good fame. not mad.
Nt has been pretty tame to dude. There have been some corn balls over the years who got roasted for way less, who had less fame even.

Faking stuff but "he's getting paid" and getting a pass sort of posts would never have been tolerated. I get sick thinking of those that are being called out for "hating".
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