Does Anyone Even Feeling Jordan Anymore?

Aug 28, 2007
I use to be the biggest jordan head. After the 17s though they have gone down hill slowly, and now it is simply dead. Fusions, 6 rings and all this crap killed
jordan smh.

Edit: What I am saying is are anyone actually feeling the new stuff that is being put out. Yeah the retros will be hot forever but this new stuff is hot trash.
Even team jordan stuff use to be nice and other non Sig Jordans. Now they are turrible
im into jordans for the sole purpose of getting shoes that i couldnt get when i was a kid........other then that.......all these jordans coming out isgarbage.....includin a new team jordan every month........

the game is cool......because all these new jordans are keepin the hypebeast busy.......while i go and collect older shoes that i wasnt able to acquire....., i'm only after the OGs now, eff the CDPs. Even tho i want me some XVIIIs, XVII, XVIs
. And its sad that i'm slowly feelin the 6Rings, but hell no i'm notgonna ever purchase these things.

R.I.P. jb:1985-01
I'm a Jordan retro head, not feeling most of the newer stuff other than the Spi'izke's line.
i have always been and always will be a jordanHead, as long as there are retro's and OG's to copp, im still in the game
Cool with me cause the less peoplen like jays the cheaper the prices will become and I can get for cheaper. Dunks, pennys, foams and creatives are popping upalot
I mostly collect the OGs now, but I can't get enough of the XX3s. Appearance wise, they're the best design since the XIs, and overall the best designever, IMO.
"Does Anyone Even Feeling Jordan Anymore?" lol thank you for making me laugh for a good 30 seconds.
Originally Posted by youngmonc

im into jordans for the sole purpose of getting shoes that i couldnt get when i was a kid........other then that.......all these jordans coming out is garbage.....includin a new team jordan every month........

the game is cool......because all these new jordans are keepin the hypebeast busy.......while i go and collect older shoes that i wasnt able to acquire.....
The thing is they created a shoe that is "PHENOMENAL" and the JB brand to go with that, soooooooo being a company in success that it is, it will usethe NAME to sell other items, whether you like them or not. They continue to produce them and people are obviously buying them because they haven'tstopped. ITS CALLED "success" WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT

Oh and JB didnt fall after the XVII, the XX and the XIII are sick wit it
Its easy for someone to say theyre no longer feeling Jordan Brand but if you have a full understanding of where the brand came from on how it started legaciesfor other signature and Nike basketball shoes period, you wouldnt say you're not feeling them anymore. You would simply say, you may not agree with thedirection they are headed in the short run, but I personally know people's outlook will change but it wont come overnight. Its a 2-3 yr timeframe. Also,people kill me when they say a certain person's name when it has nothing to do with them whatsoever. If you want to say a name, I'll give youtwo........Josiah & Footlocker. Thanks for your time!
Originally Posted by youngmonc

im into jordans for the sole purpose of getting shoes that i couldnt get when i was a kid........other then that.......all these jordans coming out is garbage.....includin a new team jordan every month........

the game is cool......because all these new jordans are keepin the hypebeast busy.......while i go and collect older shoes that i wasnt able to acquire.....
I couldn't have said it any better
I stopped buying J's a while ago for the same reason, they are garbage. Very dissapointed.
i just dont care about the fusions and what not..

as long as there is a retro that i like i will buy it.
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