Does anyone here use their family member's credit card?

Aug 7, 2012
Basically, I cant get a credit card due to unpaid school bills, so I was thinking since my sister just graduated high school and shes going to get a credit card soon, if i just jump on it with her like help her build it up by me using but in the long run i was wondering if its possible for me to use her credit to buy a house.. i dont know much about it so school me.
Basically, I cant get a credit card due to unpaid school bills, so I was thinking since my sister just graduated high school and shes going to get a credit card soon, if i just jump on it with her like help her build it up by me using but in the long run i was wondering if its possible for me to use her credit to buy a house.. i dont know much about it so school me.
This has disaster written all over it. Most 18 year olds do not know how to handle credit, so you're risking her messing up your credit even further and she is also risking you messing up her credit as well. Bottom line, co-signing rarely results in a positive effect for either party.
Hellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll to the no. Don't do it. Taking short cuts seldom yields positive results for any party involved.
Pay your debts and continue to **** up your own financial life, leave innocent little sis out of this pls.

:lol: The most bum *** thing I've heard all day.
i uses my moms for small purchases.. gas/junk food.

my sister asked me if she could use my credit for a car, i gave her a straight '**** no'
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