
Sep 22, 2008
Everybodys complaining about are economy going down hill ,and we need a bailout plan to help save the economy from going into a ressecion, that some say we arealready inn , but my qeustion is this, how are we in a resssecion when every other person i see with a car has $2000 rims and $1000 sound system and allthis.not to mention a car that they cant afford with a years salary.
not to mention the stupid money that we give to athletes ,and all the churches that we have today is redicolous, alot of stuff. So im tryin to figure out whywe need a bailout plan ,and all this stuff. Seems to me that the goverment did its job of goverment sevices, the people messed up with their exccesive spendingon none needed items for their cars.
, its a lot to say , but i wontwaist my time
You don't understand what the term "recession" means, which is funny because it's actually just how it sounds... the economy is receeding.

By the way, ever heard of the concept of debt? Most of the people you see with stuff you're talking about don't actually own it - they do however,likely own a lot of debt instead.

And you should really focus on learning the basics of the English language before you try to tackle the world of economics.
The people who run the economy run the country and they will always have their way. They fail, we all fail.
Originally Posted by Craftsy21

You don't understand what the term "recession" means, which is funny because it's actually just how it sounds... the economy is receeding.

By the way, ever heard of the concept of debt? Most of the people you see with stuff you're talking about don't actually own it - they do however, likely own a lot of debt instead.

And you should really focus on learning the basics of the English language before you try to tackle the world of economics.
This is the answer to your question. Banks lent out too much money and people aren't paying back the debt. Lots of people can be blamed forthis. But this is all because of the greedy people on top, the democrats "good intentions"
I bet you're too young to really understand economics and personal finance. A lot of people are hurting right now, from shrinking retirement savings toupside down mortgages to job instability. This coupled with fear in the loan industry means people are tightening their wallets. People not spending meansother people out of jobs.

The economy sucks right now. A lot of the bling you see can be attributed to overextended credit and people taking out second mortgages to finance that newEscalade. That money has now dried up and everyone is taking a hit.

Should there be a bailout? I can't say. It seems like everyone is paying for the bad decisions of the banks during the real estate boom, but the banks arethe only ones getting bailed out.
first of all barack was not poor ,that guy went to harvard before he was persident so look it up, plus i wasnt trying to get the best english grade on niketalk@#$#% read what i wrote carefully ,and you will see that the people have been complaining about jobs and all this and all the bailout stuff . I was just sayingthat everybody should do their part instead of expecting the goverment to bail them out. Now the goverment is plannin to give the BAILOUT MONEY to the banks,and car industry people "again" ,like they didnt mess up in the first place ( its crazy how you put your money in the bank all your life , and cantget a loan if you apply for one) i think they should give a huge stimulus this year, cus one thing the people do is pay their taxes (no choice) .So we deservesomething.This is what i think their going to do with the money. First of all me and you wont see none of it exceot the stimulus we hopefully get ,but afterthat me and you wont see nothin, maybe new streets and stuff like that but no real answers.

were not in english class people . dont type the english teacher quotes please.
and for everybody information commas come after a run-on sentence but, and ,so etc.
that was actually funny PASTELLELOVER i didnt know girls was intopolitics
Originally Posted by Biggie62

Originally Posted by Craftsy21

You don't understand what the term "recession" means, which is funny because it's actually just how it sounds... the economy is receeding.

By the way, ever heard of the concept of debt? Most of the people you see with stuff you're talking about don't actually own it - they do however, likely own a lot of debt instead.

And you should really focus on learning the basics of the English language before you try to tackle the world of economics.
This is the answer to your question. Banks lent out too much money and people aren't paying back the debt. Lots of people can be blamed for this. But this is all because of the greedy people on top, the democrats "good intentions"

Got to disagree with it being all because of the greedy people on top. Greedy people in the middle and on bottom deserve half the credit, if not more. Peoplebuying houses twice as big as they need, for about twice what they KNOW they can afford, contributed greatly. If a house costs $250,000, and you pay nothingdown, and your payments are $700 a month, common sense tells you over 30 years that doens't even cover the principal. So banks pushed variable rate loans,and people being blinded by greed said "Give it here. where do I sign?" Three years later, rate goes up, foreclosure. Now the bank pushed it, but theperson didn't have to bite on the line. As for people living on credit, too bad suckers. Buying that Caddy on 22's or the latest Jordan pack and notbeing able to buy groceries later is YOUR fault. No one else. I heard an analogy I kind of stuck to on this situation. Think of this as a forest fire. Thescrub brush (small, get rich now companies) get burned out and die, but the large, strong trees live after bearing the brunt of the fire. Get rid of the scrub.
Not even trying to take this one.....look for others posts that touch on whatever the hell you tried to comment on or ask.
"not to mention the stupid money that we give to athletes"

Why don't people ever bring up the money that actors and directors make for 1 film. Could it be that the actors and directors that make the most money perfilm are not a minority? When I worked for Nike all I would hear from my co-worker's is how much money "these spoiled athletes make". Could itbe that the athletes making the most money are a minority. They both serve the same purpose, to entertain us.
atheletes and actors all that dog. you know what i was talkin about dude
Originally Posted by justhotkicks

Originally Posted by Ghenges

Re-read what I wrote and decided it was too harsh.
Dammit, quickstrike flame.

It wasn't even a flame.. it's just something you would read and ruin your whole day.

because we're gonna be socialists now....DUH

You mean like Paris Hilton and Kim K??!?!?

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