Dr. Phil...anyone hate this dude as much as I do???

the hose love me, i'm dr. phil

but yeah i hate this guy with a passion.
I have heard that Dr.Phil has no degrees or credentials, and just happens to be a decent talker. Any truth to this?
dr. phil is pure comedy.

@ oprah launch dr. phil and rachael ray's careers.

their both under oprah's production company.

@ oprah pimpin' white folks.

i guarantee dr. oz will have his own show under oprah by end of 2008.
damn hate is such a strong word but yeah he gets annoying .... that's if you let him get to you. if ya'll hate the dude so much, then stop watchin thashow.
he says the most obvious of things and then they act like it was something so deep that only a professional could've advised.

I also hate how he tries to act tough in certain episodes when he knows he has full force security there to handle his dirty work.
He was awarded a football scholarship to attend the University of Tulsa, but was injured and transferred to Midwestern State University in Wichita Falls, Texas. McGraw graduated from the Midwestern State University in 1975 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in psychology. He went on to earn a master's degree in experimental psychology, and a Ph.D in clinical psychology at the University of North Texas, where his dissertation was titled "Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Psychological Intervention." He also participated in the swimming programs at the two schools.[sup][3][/sup]
he got a scholorship to play fb
He is like that dude that let the chicks lean on his and listens to them about their boyfriends, hoping to get some action by being mr. sentimental. Eventhough those girls like being treated like trash. Guy is a total joke. He sits up their as mr. self-righteous, yet his wife has boob-job that she tries to showoff at all chances. Only reason he is famous is because of Oprah, he needs to remember that. Oprah sucks too. Chick TV, SMH!
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