
Oct 13, 2008

Why should we draw Muhammad?

Because Muslims say we can’t. They say any depiction of Muhammad is offensive, whether he’s angry or smiling or not even human.

The Muhammad who was recently depicted on South Park did not need to be censored.

The stick figure drawings of Muhammad that appeared on college campuses over the past couple weeks were pretty mild, too. They were not offensive to anyone looking at it rationally.

You know what is offensive?

Killing or attacking people because they draw a picture.

Censoring people who are exercising their right to free speech — as if free speech is allowed only when it doesn’t upset your personal sensibilities. It’s ridiculous that Pakistan censored Facebook altogether because people would be drawing pictures of Muhammad today.

I’m also offended by anyone calling the courageous people who risk verbal threats and physical harm by drawing these mild images “jerks
to each their own.

just cause i dont believe in a certain faith or religion doesn't mean its right of me to piss all over it. do i have that right? sure. should i do it? probably not.

Disrespecting an entire religion for shiggles, and using the actions of a small population of extremists to justify it. Disgusting.

Im not even muslim btw.
I just wanna make one thing clear...I didn't draw any of those. It's not worth it.
some of those pictures are wildly offensive nick. regardless of whatever your religious convictions. there's free speech, then there's inflammatory behavior just to be controversial.

the "muhammed" with the bomb hat? unnecessary.
Originally Posted by Nako XL

some of those pictures are wildly offensive nick. regardless of whatever your religious convictions. there's free speech, then there's inflammatory behavior just to be controversial.

the "muhammed" with the bomb hat? unnecessary.

I didn't draw any of those you melonfarmer. And the people who did this are not doing it JUST TO BE CONTROVERSIAL. Someone has to take a stand against the pervasive hypocrisy, lack of accountability, blatant sexism (41 virgins..word?), violence....the list goes on in certain religions.

I'm not brave enough to do this....AGAIN YOU CAN QUOTE ME "I DIDN'T DRAW ANY OF THESE"
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Nako XL

some of those pictures are wildly offensive nick. regardless of whatever your religious convictions. there's free speech, then there's inflammatory behavior just to be controversial.

the "muhammed" with the bomb hat? unnecessary.

I didn't draw any of those you melonfarmer. And the people who did this are not doing it JUST TO BE CONTROVERSIAL.

then why are they doing it?  and dont say they are doing it just to exercise their right of free speech.  like Nako said "there's free speech, then there's inflammatory behavior just to be controversial."  Definitely the latter here.
Originally Posted by Nako XL

some of those pictures are wildly offensive nick. regardless of whatever your religious convictions. there's free speech, then there's inflammatory behavior just to be controversial.

the "muhammed" with the bomb hat? unnecessary
Again, I didn't draw it...I'm not tryna end up on the next Al Qaeda beheading mixtape.

that one is offensive......the stick figures not so much. Are you also offended by stick figures of muhammed?
I grew up Muslim, am wholly agnostic at this point and firmly believe that all religions are elaborate jokes, but this is just idiotic. I love when people make it seem like free speech is all about offending other people for the hell of it. I have the "right" to go up to people and call them ugly or stupid, and they may even be ugly or stupid, but do I go and do it? No, because that'd be uncalled for and childish.
I'm not Muslim, nor am I religious by any means, but this is just pointless

Of ALL the things in the world that atheists could pick and choose to go after, they do this, at a time where relations to/with Muslims are already at an alltime low? this isn't something that appeared overnight with Muham\, what's the point of aggrivating an already sore issue? this only leads to more potential problems rather than trying to fix relations - there are Muslims in America, this is just another way of alienating them and clearly putting them in the position of the "other", and some of them are just classless, a bomb, really? generalizations only lead to broken communities

how in the world is that site called the "Friendly Athiest"?

Than again, looks like this issue could bring a lot of traffic to the website... makes you wonder what the alterior motives are..

My $0.02
so i can burn an American flag because im not supposed to

im muslim and i dont really care but if i saw someone who drew a picture like one of those that is just trying to be funny i would +!+@ them up

i mean its enough to say +!+@ it im going to draw mohamad why would you try to be funny with it and racist
What's the purpose of these pictures and this thread?

You posted pictures you acknowledge are offensive but you try to deflect blame from yourself by saying you didn't draw them. By promoting these images and this kind of behaviour, you are just as guilty of being offensive and inflammatory as the people who drew these images.

I am all for freedom of speech as long as its constructive. There is nothing constructive about drawing pictures that have no other purpose but to piss people off.
I always felt Muslims should lighten up on this topic. I think I've seen one depiction of Muhammad in my entire life. Like I actually am not sure what he looks like
(not that it matters much).

I'm surprised /b/ haven't focused on these guys getting mad over drawings with all the raptor Jesus, Jesus carrying the L and other pics of that kind out there.

Seriously they need to get over it. Some ppl are making a harmless joke, some are purposely trying to create controversy, then there's the gray area. Either way, so what, resulting to violence over this sets the bar for irrational even higher. What happened to ignoring ignorance if that's how you see it?

I say keep it up.
Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

then why are they doing it? 

Draw Muhammad day is the provocation towards Muslim extremists to prove that we aren't afraid of them, and basically saying "bring it on". I can't really pick a side of whether I'm for this sort of action or against it because of what could potentially happen. I understand that some may feel if we don't flex our muscles we will appear weak, but is it worth the risk in the end? I know all parties participating in this act would feel terrible if someone's death was actually due to Draw Muhammad day. An analogy made by someone on this topic was:

"A coworker of mines joins a cult, he comes to work the next day to see me drinking a glass of orange juice. He says, 'I've just joined a cult that finds it highly offensive for you to drink orange juice in front of anyone, I demand that you stop drinking orange juice immediately". Because the coworker demands of you to stop drinking orange juice, does that mean you have to stop drinking orange juice? No. Does that mean you have to drink an extra glass of orange juice to piss him off? No.

 Huh?  Bring it on?  Does we include non-extreme Muslims?
This is just ridiculous. Why go out of your way to offend people? You know how atheists complain about how religion is shoved down their throats from time to time, why shove your beliefs down someone elses and offend them in the process? This all coming FROM an atheist. There's just no need for this whatsoever.
Yet they produce art like the Virgin Mary out of Elephant dung and such and that's okay?

Most religious people are hypocrites in general. They just need to lighten up overall.
There's a whole slew of things that are offensive to Christians/Muslims/Mormons. Am I missing something about why drawing Muhammad would be anymore offensive than breaking another covenant with their religion?

It's not going to make me stop saying goddamn it or saying jesus christ (taking the lords name in vain).

Are we talking about two different levels of disrespect because I just don't see it...

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