Driving Pet Peeves

whenever there's a decent amount of traffic, i hate the dudes that keep zooming around across lanes trying to find a gap and get ahead. they'll go to the left lane, then when the middle lane starts moving they switch back, then to the right lane when that starts moving, then back to the middle, etc etc. calm down fool, this aint a video game

i just stay in the same lane the whole time, and i still end up passing them after they did all that work. i always look sideways at em like "thats right *#%+%" and zoom ahead

every morning on the way to school matter of fact in the afternoon too dudes be trying so hard and we all end up at the same place at thesame time
Drivers who don't know what yield means. Some idiot almost hit me today because of this.
Ppl that drive slow in the middle lane, to the point where other drivers in the fast and slow lane are passing them up.
Originally Posted by JDMEVOIXMR

People in the passenger seat with their feet on the dashboard, or out the window.

lol i do that in the passenger seat (on the dash..not out the window) on long drives if i get really bored....sorryy
Originally Posted by TH0MAS CR0WN

big *#* 18 wheelers in the fast lane
Lifted trucks.
One time I gave this turbo diesel a run, pretty funny seeing him drop back with black smoke coming out of the exhaust
People ahead of you who wait to switch into your lane just as you are about to pass them. And then switch back
Originally Posted by RocSole

I hate when people are at a stop light and there is a huge gap between them and the car ahead of them.
this is actually appreciated. i dont want someone bumper to bumper with me at a stop light. if someone comes up behind them not realizing werestopped or something and plows into them, they wont necessarily slam into me.

one of my girls was at a red light one day when the guy who was stopped behind her hit her all of a sudden. turns out about 5 cars back some moron comesflying over the hill where everyone is stopped at the light, slams into the last person setting off a chain reaction going all the way to my friend who was thefirst person waiting for the light. everyone but her got a ticket for hitting the car in front of them (she had no one in front of her being the first car). the cop who wrote the tickets explained that they needed to leave more room between themselves and the car in front of them, and thats why they got tickets.
When a car turns onto your lane from a parking lot/store or whatever doing like 10 mph with you going speed limit and then you having to stomp on your brake toavoid hitting them.
Originally Posted by J d0t c0medy

- Mopeds, Cyclists, & Slow drivers should be murdered.

- Get off your phone, or put it on speaker.

- Trucks with High beams on 24/7, I can't see @%% (So I drive slower you can honk your horn but my music is pretty loud)

- I don't understand why people aren't just happy with their cars I hate driving and seeing Year 1998 & below Honda Civics with...
- Loud exhaust : You ain't getting anywhere quicker.
- Body Kits : All that money you spent on parts & labor you could have bought something better.
- Tv's in the headrest: Really? It's a 94 Civic Hatchback...SMH
- Horrible sound systems(rattling, buzzing too much, making horrible noises) : I don't think your Reggaeton should be sounding that bad Papi.

slow drivers.

people who are at the very right lane, then suddenly turn to the left turn lane hella suddenly. especially when they dont signal

folks who hog the lane.
i had to drive 30mins. today to go fix my cousins tire. she got a flat trying to turn, she was accelerating and hit the curb on an island.
People in a rush to get to work in the morning then driving slow to get home. Hey, your personal life might suck, but just get out of the way. Some of usactually enjoy our personal lives.
i have a small car so i'm constantly dodging cars that think nobody is in the next lane cause they are too lazy to FULLY check their blind spot
Stupid and slow drivers here in Seattle. You live here, it rains, get used to driving in the rain.
People that don't/don't know how to yield and/or merge correctly. SMH
Originally Posted by MidEastBeast

best response. with women arises all the problems. that and dumb suv drivers which are usually women and also those ******ed harley bikers. itpisses me off that they have to ride thru a residential neighborhood at like 3am going WOT. i hope that @#$@# blows up in their face.
Originally Posted by treewing

The Toyota Prius...

Prius> you i hate people that dont let you in when u need to merge! i hate when people brake randomly when no one is infront of them -_- i hate people whostart traffic on one side of the highway when there is an accident on the otherside. just to stare at it.... wth!
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