DRUNK, BLACKOUT NIGHTS UNAPPRECITED...stop playing no i didnt!!!

Was out drinking with this one girl at a party on halloween, ended up in a car with my boys going to Atlanta for the weekend. Turns out we got pulled overand I was shouting "Holeeee *@%+ ! Cops. Sober up! sober the +%$! UP !"

Apparently I wasn't the only one drunk in the car
Man, I have like 3 blackout stories but one isn't good enough and one is just too much. The first time I blacked out at my friends party at home, they alltold me I was comedy so it's all good. The same night, I woke up to come to my brothers room, with a big @%! rock and a hole in the window

For some reason, I couldn't remember the walk home from a party (in college), and people were telling me extra details about stuff I said in the dorms thatI don't remember saying, like when I was in my floormates room, she asked for whiteout, then I responded "why don't you just erase it!?"
. On the walk home, they were telling me I was talking about killing people and all that. Damn
at being an angry drunk. I'm gonna limit myself nexttime
I blacked out just once in my life, on my 23rd birthday party. As a host I had to be super early and organize everything, so I came straight form practice andtotally forgot to eat something before we started drinking. I remember I was having a blast at the party and then I woke up on the floor of a completelydifferent room, with my hair all stuck together with puke. I got up and found out it was my boys room, so I hit the toilet, clean myself a bit, and then startto wake him up asking what happened. He we pretty much hangover as well, so he tells me to get back to sleep, I felt just a little tired, so I fell asleepagain. I woke up aroung 2 hours later feeling like crap, and was puking for almost rest of the day.

That night I got a lot of Finlandia shots in me, which hit me really hard and really all at once, because of an empty stomach. We got out of the dorms and wentto hit the club. On the way there I was hiting on all the girls we saw, but when we got to thclub I told them I need to stay outside a little longer for thefresh air

Couple minutes later my boys found me puking on some park bench outside the club. I wasnt able to walk, so we stayed there for some time and I was stillthrowing up all over the place. Then the cops came and wanted to take me, but my boy convinced them that we were just about to go home. He got me up and westarted to "walk" and all I remember from that night was him saying "left, right!", which was him telling me which leg I should use at thattime

After that I was on about 2 month brake from vodka, cuz everytime I even looked at it I feelt like throwing up again
Originally Posted by itz rOLLi

Originally Posted by nycknicks105

I blacked out last new years eve, and woke up in my boys room. Crazzzzy night

.....really though< you gotta clear that up.

My one and only blackout resulted in me trynna smash some ol' girl I've seen around the way, but never thought of speaking to. I'd give her a6.5/10. Later in the night, I fell asleep on my boy's couch (actually his grandmas). I wake up outta nowhere, stand up, turn around and proceed to unzipand piss on the couch as if I walked to the toilet in the bathroom. SMH, luckily that joint was saran wrapped as all old people's furniture is.

The worst part is my moms came and got me the next morning and dragged me home
Ughh one time in mexico this past summer i was driving around with my brother, i took about 6 shots of tequila, i was feeling good then i smoked 2 joints on myroof, later on me and a couple of buddies went to some pizza shop to eat, I dont remember %@#@ after that, they told me i was sweating like crazy in the shopand they took me outside, then they said i puked like 3 times right in front of the shop, and we ran back to my house because the owners wife was yelling at usbecause she wanted me to clean up my puke, woke up with a mean hangover and cotten mouth, after that it was so emmbarassing passing by that shop again

Alcohol+weed=Bad combo
Originally Posted by solefood229

blacking out around people who do some ayoo stuff FTL

my homie once blacked out and some random dude at the party thought it would be funny to lube his butt up

son woke up feeling straight violated,
These were my exact facial expressions.



Originally Posted by aztek67890

Ughh one time in mexico this past summer i was driving around with my brother, i took about 6 shots of tequila, i was feeling good then i smoked 2 joints on my roof, later on me and a couple of buddies went to some pizza shop to eat, I dont remember %@#@ after that, they told me i was sweating like crazy in the shop and they took me outside, then they said i puked like 3 times right in front of the shop, and we ran back to my house because the owners wife was yelling at us because she wanted me to clean up my puke, woke up with a mean hangover and cotten mouth, after that it was so emmbarassing passing by that shop again

Alcohol+weed=Bad combo
Terrific combo bro. I'll tell you about it on the 1st.
Originally Posted by eight2one

Originally Posted by aztek67890

Alcohol+weed=Bad combo

aint the truth
thats my favorite combo
. It's been provenscientifically that if you smoke enough you won't get a hangover(but it's all anecdotal evidence) plus one time I smoked like 7 blunts and had atleasta 12 pk and a 5th of bartons(broke ftl
) and drove from Ku-Kstate at4am
:smh:it was the worst idea i've ever had, I mean I do seem to make worst decisions but the physical effects don't seem that bad, and I alwaysremember whats going on.
Originally Posted by eight2one

Originally Posted by aztek67890

Alcohol+weed=Bad combo

aint the truth
Yea i know ive done it many times before its just that at the time it was because i puked, and i got real embarrased, and i never puked from thatcombo up until that one time, I still blaze though
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