Dwight Howard has a son! The mother is...

Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

@ the Gif and Spirit of Truth (
so, for all those coming to dwight howard's defense: i'm safe to presume that none of you have ever criticized anyone on these boards for doingsomething 'sinful', christian or not, since we're all just human and make mistakes and sin, correct?
Originally Posted by shinobiobi

so, for all those coming to dwight howard's defense: i'm safe to presume that none of you have ever criticized anyone on these boards for doing something 'sinful', christian or not, since we're all just human and make mistakes and sin, correct?

I don't really understand what you're getting at, can you explain it again/better?
Originally Posted by K8be wan Kenobi

Not quite. I don't have any direct quotes from Howard, true.. and i am generalizing a bit also. But, it doesn't mean it hasn't been thrown in all of our faces that he's this great role model christian now since he came into the league - whether that's his doing or someone elses, know for damn sure that he's going to get the business when he makes a mistake like this, which lies directly opposed to what his alleged beliefs are. If you're a hypocrite, you will hear about it... in this case, it may be the cost of fame that's really doing him in since you seem to think he hasn't been all that outward with his beliefs - But nevertheless, they're well known and spoken about, and he did something that contradicts those beliefs.. Deal with it.

so basically... once you find out someone is a Christian, you expect them to be perfect 100% of the time, and once they slip up you will eagerly go out of your way to criticize them for being a hypocrite?

what did he actually do to you? did Dwight harm you in any way? you have to take up a personal problem with someone you don't even know, just because of their beliefs?

that's definitely not cool...

Not at all what I was driving at. But about what I expected you to take from it..
Dang ya'll act like just cuz he was on his religious tip he don't sin just like every one else! Let the man live
then dont stick that bible in our face and think you are better than us.... whats worse than a extreme jesus freak? an extreme jesus freak with his own skeletons...

the boy wasnt right in the first place because all the while he was preachin the word, he was slicin and dicin them groupies...even in his highs chool days

I know this sn't going to be popular opinion, but I really don't care.

NobleKane- you're dead wrong. Everyone has 'skeletons' in their closet. Somewhere along the way, youconjured up this idea that certain people are perfect. When you get disappointed by learning that they aren't, you need to start blaming yourSELF formaking such an asinine assumption about someone.

What's worst than a Jesus freak?

His judgmental, nosy neighbors standing on their pedestals inside their glass houses.

You're not perfect, and you're a stubborn, unreasonable, simple-minded, trifling, ignoramus if you expect him to be.

I've never seen Dwight Howard come off as a Jesus freak anyways, like some in-your-face extremist bugging out about spreadin' the word. He's justlet it be known that he believes in God and that he's a follower of the Bible. That's all I've ever seen.

And that's no different than David Robinson.

Some of y'all hear someone has religious principles and you expect that person to be Jesus Christ v. 2.0 or something, quick to throw your stones and knockhim down, whether it's over something big or something small.

I know this is a discussion for General, but reading ignorant crap like that ticks me off, for a number of reasons.
#1- Dwight (and people like him) never said he was perfect; just that he was a believer in God and a follower of the Bible. All he's ever said is that hepractices Christianity. That means he said he was perfect, or that the only sins he'll ever commit would be stealing coins from the 'Take A Penny'dishes at gas stations? Nah, that's how YOU guys interpreted what he said.

#2- NONE of his critics (or the people criticizing people like him) ever compliment him on how he goes about his life;y'all just show when you think you've found dirt. You're all hushmouth the rest of the time, though.

#3- None of you are God, so who the heck are you to judge him? Since when are any of you an authority figure on Christianity? And if anyone on earthis an authority on Christianity, since when can someone who's never even studied or practiced it's doctrinesbe an authority? That's like me criticizing the work practices of an auto shop... with no prior knowledge of what it even takes to run an auto shop. Checkyourselves.

*edit* And I know some of you are just joking around, not really being serious. I see you, and obviously, I'm not responding to you guys. But I know a lotof you are being serious in the hateful tones coming through your replies, and that's what I'm responding to.
And I can already hear a bunch of your keyboards typing up responses like 'Man, quit preaching, ska, and 'See, that's why we hate your type,'and a plethora of other generic, cliche responses that only serve to shield you away from actually taking a look at your hateful, judgmental self.

Save 'em.

You're cool with Jordan running around on his wife... because he never claimed to be a Christian or anything? But let someone like D. Howard show up with akid when he's not married, and all of a sudden, you're a member of the Religious Police?

smh at yall judgemental dudes. Its one thing to claim Christian faith and another to have a holier than thou attitude.

How yall gone be mad cuz this cat claims Christian faith? Aint like he was out there sayin all yall NBA players needa get ya life right.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

You're cool with Jordan running around on his wife... because he never claimed to be a Christian or anything? But let someone like D. Howard show up with a kid when he's not married, and all of a sudden, you're a member of the Religious Police?

actually, that is kind of the point. as a public figure, when you announce that you're of any kind of high ethical, moral, or religious cause, peopleexpect you to uphold that. who really cares about what people who aren't bound by that have to say about other people who also aren't bound by thosestandards. it's to be expected. we're all hateful and judgemental, that's part of being a person, but some people use their religion as a way tojudge others, and also to shield themselves from being judged.
Ska -- I just gotta call it like I see it. From the jump Dwight professed this good boy mentality and "I play video games on the road" image whiledenouncing the groupie-ways of the NBA players and league-wide actions that took place.

For him to be smashing a cheerleader [and perhaps porn star just before...that IS what happened] just seems entirely as though he's not at all followingwhat he when entering the league claimed not to be a fan of.

I'm not saying anything about the way in which you act -- cause from all I know you're certainly a well-meaning person void of going against yourword....but this whole scenario with Dwight is just laughable to all of us "outsiders" of the religion...word to Craftsy...
Originally Posted by 5am6oody72

Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by JsindaA

Dang ya'll act like just cuz he was on his religious tip he don't sin just like every one else! Let the man live
then dont stick that bible in our face and think you are better than us.... whats worse than a extreme jesus freak? an extreme jesus freak with his own skeletons...

the boy wasnt right in the first place because all the while he was preachin the word, he was slicin and dicin them groupies...even in his highs chool days

Where in the world did anybody say Christians " are better than everybody else"

You guys act like Christians are supposed to be perfect, or that we portray ourselves to be perfect?

and before anybody gets into the word and all that... its called sin. everybody commits sin. NOBODY is perfect. Part of being Christian is acknowledging your sins.

and who said he was slicin and dicin with a groupie? Just cuz an athlete is in a picture with a female dont me dudes automatically got a groupie.

Damn you guys are quick to judge. Let the man-child be.

Goodfellaz86 wrote:


but why do these athletes not beleive in condoms? If i was rich and famous I would be sponsored by Trojan

I could just see it. Shawn Kemp or somebody in a trojan commercial

Thanks, that is exactly what I was about to say.

I would venture to say that a good number of "extreme jesus freaks" have/ had skeletons. My pastor is a former drug dealer/user. I can tell from your comments Noblekane that you don't actually know what the basis of Christianity is.

you DON'T wanna go there bro.... been going to church ever since i could talk and yes i know how MOST christians are. the last thing i wanna hearout of a christian's mouth is questioning someone else about judging people...

ill leave it as E 40 said it best. "And Church Folks Will Try To Hit You Where It Hurts, Knowing Their The Biggest Hypocites In The Church"
Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Where in the world did anybody say Christians " are better than everybody else"

You guys act like Christians are supposed to be perfect, or that we portray ourselves to be perfect?

and before anybody gets into the word and all that... its called sin. everybody commits sin. NOBODY is perfect. Part of being Christian is acknowledging your sins.

and who said he was slicin and dicin with a groupie? Just cuz an athlete is in a picture with a female dont me dudes automatically got a groupie.

Damn you guys are quick to judge. Let the man-child be.
I don't act like anybody is supposed to be perfect, unless they go around telling me how to live my life.. which these "saved" fellas tend to do. When they get caught with their pants around their ankles like the rest of us, they're going to hear about it x10 because they have it coming.

Indeed Mr. Crafty....Indeed...
Originally Posted by B1LLY HOYLE

Ska -- I just gotta call it like I see it. From the jump Dwight professed this good boy mentality and "I play video games on the road" image while denouncing the groupie-ways of the NBA players and league-wide actions that took place.

For him to be smashing a cheerleader [and perhaps porn star just before...that IS what happened] just seems entirely as though he's not at all following what he when entering the league claimed not to be a fan of.

I'm not saying anything about the way in which you act -- cause from all I know you're certainly a well-meaning person void of going against your word....but this whole scenario with Dwight is just laughable to all of us "outsiders" of the religion...word to Craftsy...
im not an outsider to this religious +#$! so i know the workings of these dudes. the fact of the matter is dont push your beliefs on others if you aintliving right by them and not commiting to your beliefs. plain and simple. alot of you so called christians are getting all worked up but save it. if you cantsee where I'm coming from then you really have no clue...
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

And I can already hear a bunch of your keyboards typing up responses like 'Man, quit preaching, ska, and 'See, that's why we hate your type,' and a plethora of other generic, cliche responses that only serve to shield you away from actually taking a look at your hateful, judgmental self.

Save 'em.

You're cool with Jordan running around on his wife... because he never claimed to be a Christian or anything? But let someone like D. Howard show up with a kid when he's not married, and all of a sudden, you're a member of the Religious Police?


For one - I was never okay with this, I've said for a long time that MJ was a dirt ball and shouldn't be looked at as a role model. But that'snot the issue with him because I've never heard him say that he was trying to live a good christian life. I'm not saying I agree with his lifestyle,it's not something I would ever do... But I'm not going to bash dude because he's never told me he was anything else - he hasn't falselyrepresented himself to us.

I think it's funny how you're describing this whole situation honestly - talking about what's worse than jesus freaks?
Like the dudes calling out jesus freaks as hypocrites are worse than thefreaks themselves? That's nonsense - one wouldn't exist without the other, and it's not a chicken or the egg situation -- the hatred biblethumpers get is completely warranted in most cases, and is mostly just a byproduct of the hatred they spew themselves.

The christians and other religious people i've met who i felt were truly centered and at peace with their beliefs have given off nothing but lovingvibes to me, and i respect them for that - they never came off as judgmental or overbearing or condemning.. in fact, they didn't come off as religious atall.
man yall sure are beating Dwight Howard on this.. I could only imagine if Michael Redd, Tony Dungy, or Derek Fisher did something wrong, how yall would crucifythese guys for being Christian??

I see most of yall say "I know how these Christians are." So, ya'll really are throwing every Christian in one big bag, and you mix em up andtake one out and there all the same.. I guess it's your own general assumptionand tere is nothing that can be said to change that..But, We all sin, we allmake mistakes.. We all acknowledge our imperfections and try to make it right.. The only difference between us is faith and belief..

I see what yall are saying also, that those Christians shouldn't point out your problems and what not while there own hands aren't clean.. But, Howardonly said he was a devout Christian and I didn't see him waving a bible in anyones face talking about do this and do that.. And yall are criticizing himfor not having his own image clean.. But, like Ska said who are you guys to judge.. Really let this guy live..
Some of yall are acting like Dwight "slipped" up. That's BS, he proactively had sex, and although I don't know the situation, chances are hedid it numerous times. The problem I have with Christians that have pre-marital sex (other then the fact they have it more than I do), is that to me that'sthe only sin that requires any kind of restraint and willpower to avoid. Anybody can avoid stealing or killing, but can you put your money where your mouth isand turn down some quality poontang. If not, you're like the rest of us. Is just that some people are real with themselves and know that it would beuseless to try and claim that you're saved 99% of the time, but when it comes down to the nitty gritty and the d-cups come flying out, your religiousprinciples disappear all of a sudden.

And then that's why a lot of these Christian broads end up getting pregnant, because they deny their true desires, and aren't proactive about their sexlife in any fashion. Most of these holy rollers wouldn't think about buying condoms.
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