Dwight Howard has a son! The mother is...

^ Doing drugs is a SPECIFIC ACTION.

Being a Christian is a SET OF BELIEFS.

If you say, "Drugs are bad I don't believe in doing drugs," and then I see you smoking a j, my first thought would be, "Well that's interesting. I thought he said he didn't believe in doing drugs."
And that's still different than, "Effing hypocrite.
I thought he said he didn't believe in doingdrugs."

And if you were to say, "I'm a Christian," and then I see you lighting up, it would be a similar first thought. "Well that's interesting. I could have swore he said he was a Christian. I wonder why he's smoking a j."
And (again), that's entirely different than what's going on in this thread (which is what people LOVE to do when they hear of/ see a Christian falter)"Effing hypocrite.
Sittingover there smokin a j like he didn't just tell me last week that he was a Christian."

In those scenarios, there's nothing wrong with the blue, but there is with the green, in my opinion.

Because in the end, you haven't done anything to me. So you're smokin' a j after telling me you don't believe in drugs; and? Why would I laughat you or attempt to knock you down? Craftsy used the example earlier of someone's mother being raped, andthat person judging the offender in that situation. That's understandable, but how have you hurt me or affected my life by telling me you don't believein drugs and then toking up? You haven't.

Or... so you're smoking a j after telling me you're a Christian; and? Once again, that affects me... none.

Here's the thing y'all fail to realize: a Christian smoking a joint does NOT mean that person is not a Christian; it only means that they are imperfectin their execution of living by God's standards.

Dwight getting this chick pregnant does NOT mean he is not a Christian; it only means that he is imperfect in his execution of living by God's standards.

And that's nothing for any of us to judge him about, nothing for any of us to ridicule him over; none of us are in any position to second-guess whether ornot he's a Christian.
Dwight Howard has only proved what all of you should of known in the first place...No matterwhat religion, race, socio-economic background, lifestyle, level of education, etc.etc., PEOPLE ARE HUMAN AND AS HUMANS WE ARE GONNA MESS UP SOMETIME IN OURLIVES.

Hopefully you learn to minimize your mistakes and blunders as you get wiser and more experienced, but truth of the matter is we all gonna eff up, some morethan others, but we all gonna mess up in our lifetimes.

Maybe he wanted to have a kid with this woman. He's going to be even more of a problem

on the court in a couple years because fatherhood tends to settle down most people.
The problem I have with what some of you guys are saying is the presumption that Dwight "messed up" or is imperfect. I don't know Dwight'ssituation so I can't speak on it, but in the strong majority of these type situations, the Christians aren't "messing up", they areintentionally disregarding their belief system when it comes to committing the same act that the non devout get criticized for pursuing. Yes, the devout maynot criticize those people themselves, but when the preacher talks trash about people who go out and have sex, the Dwight Howard's of the world say"Amen", knowing full well he got one off the night before, if not that morning. That's being a hypocrite. Yeah, if Dwight slipped up once ortwice and just happened to get the girl pregnant, then I'll go along with the "nobody's perfect and who am I to judge" philosphy. But if heproactively had sex for an extende period of time (which is generally the case in unplanned pregnancies), while at the same time being a member of the churchand promoting the gospel in everyday situations, then he's a hypocrite. At a certain point you gotta look at yourself and say "What's the purposeof promoting the word if you're not going to make a serious attempt to live by it?"
^ False.
Speak on Christianity only after studying it.
Some of you would really do well to learn about the principles of Christianity before attempting to speak on it, becausethe only thing you know about Christianity is the distorted view of it you've adopted by watching the sins of Christians you know.

Now maybe in YOUR belief system, when you say you're against something (like smoking, for example), that means that you will never ever, EVER do it. Maybein YOUR belief system, if you do something that you claim to be against, that means you're not actually against it.

But that's YOUR belief system; not God's.

Now on to the final line of your reply: "At a certain point you gotta look at yourself and say "What's the purpose of promoting the word ifyou're not going to make a serious attempt to live by it?"

That's true; Dwight Howard should take a cold, hard look at himself and think about how seriously he is following God's word..

So... everyone who is Dwight Howard of the Orlando Magic has the right to analyze his life that way.

Everyone playing for the Magic named Dwight Howard has a right to question Dwight Howard; no one else.

So is there anyone in here named Dwight Howard who plays for the Magic?

HE is the only person who has the right to question how seriously he believes in God and follows Christ's teachings; not ANYONE else.

Sin does NOT mean you're not a Christian, because God never asked for His people to be perfect. In fact, there are numerous places in the Bible where Godmakes it clear that He understand our humanity, that He knows how we are and how we think because He made us.

So if you are Dwight Howard and you play for the Magic, I would have no argument against you if you were to say, "Man, Dwight really needs to think aboutwhether or not he's a Christian, because he's not acting like it."
Originally Posted by North Dade Represent

The problem I have with what some of you guys are saying is the presumption that Dwight "messed up" or is imperfect. I don't know Dwight's situation so I can't speak on it, but in the strong majority of these type situations, the Christians aren't "messing up", they are intentionally disregarding their belief system when it comes to committing the same act that the non devout get criticized for pursuing. Yes, the devout may not criticize those people themselves, but when the preacher talks trash about people who go out and have sex, the Dwight Howard's of the world say "Amen", knowing full well he got one off the night before, if not that morning. That's being a hypocrite. Yeah, if Dwight slipped up once or twice and just happened to get the girl pregnant, then I'll go along with the "nobody's perfect and who am I to judge" philosphy. But if he proactively had sex for an extende period of time (which is generally the case in unplanned pregnancies), while at the same time being a member of the church and promoting the gospel in everyday situations, then he's a hypocrite. At a certain point you gotta look at yourself and say "What's the purpose of promoting the word if you're not going to make a serious attempt to live by it?"

And ska, nobody is saying, "Well, Dwight isn't a Christian anymore because of this act."

Go through all the pages.

What people ARE saying is, he's a hypocrite.

Considering the circumstances, it's true.

Dwight has carried himself as this religious, 'head on my shoulders,' my lifestyle and actions are predicated on the bible type tip, and BECAUSE ofthis act, that's the reason why people are coming out and calling him a hypocrite.

There's a lot of NBA Christian faith based players in the NBA, and a lot of them have/had a lot of premarital sex and/or other sins they have committed. Nobody gets on their case about it. It's their life to live. Nobody passes judgement. Nobody cares.

BUT, if you come out and try to portray a certain lifestyle, and not live up to that lifestyle, of course people are going to scratch their heads and say."WAIT A MINUTE..."

Does this make him any less of a person? Of course not.

Dwight put this all out there himself. Himself. He's the one who portrayed himself one way, went the other way, and now NT is chiming in.

You reap what you sow.
North Dade Represent:
The problem I have with what some of you guys are saying is the presumption that Dwight "messed up" or is imperfect. I don't know Dwight's situation so I can't speak on it, but in the strong majority of these type situations, the Christians aren't "messing up", they are intentionally disregarding their belief system when it comes to committing the same act that the non devout get criticized for pursuing. Yes, the devout may not criticize those people themselves, but when the preacher talks trash about people who go out and have sex, the Dwight Howard's of the world say "Amen", knowing full well he got one off the night before, if not that morning. That's being a hypocrite. Yeah, if Dwight slipped up once or twice and just happened to get the girl pregnant, then I'll go along with the "nobody's perfect and who am I to judge" philosphy. But if he proactively had sex for an extende period of time (which is generally the case in unplanned pregnancies), while at the same time being a member of the church and promoting the gospel in everyday situations, then he's a hypocrite. At a certain point you gotta look at yourself and say "What's the purpose of promoting the word if you're not going to make a serious attempt to live by it?"

And ska, nobody is saying, "Well, Dwight isn't a Christian anymore because of this act."

Go through all the pages.

What people ARE saying is, he's a hypocrite.

Considering the circumstances, it's true.

Dwight has carried himself as this religious, 'head on my shoulders,' my lifestyle and actions are predicated on the bible type tip, and BECAUSE of this act, that's the reason why people are coming out and calling him a hypocrite.

There's a lot of NBA Christian faith based players in the NBA, and a lot of them have/had a lot of premarital sex and/or other sins they have committed. Nobody gets on their case about it. It's their life to live. Nobody passes judgement. Nobody cares.

BUT, if you come out and try to portray a certain lifestyle, and not live up to that lifestyle, of course people are going to scratch their heads and say. "WAIT A MINUTE..."

Does this make him any less of a person? Of course not.

Dwight put this all out there himself. Himself. He's the one who portrayed himself one way, went the other way, and now NT is chiming in.

You reap what you sow.

Nah, man... that logic is flawed.

First off, yes, people are saying, "Dwight isn't a Christian." When you mockingly reply, "
I thought he was supposed to be a Christian," you're expressing your opinion thathe's not one.

Secondly, David Robinson and A.C. Green are revered as stand-up Christian athletes. Guess what? They are just as Christian as Dwight Howard, and just ashypocritical.

A.C. Green is as big/small of a hypocrite as Dwight Howard.

Because Dwight is NOT a hypocrite, because he religion is the same as Green's (and the same as mmine), and it's a religion you guys are apparentlyignorant towards and unlearned about. You have your opinions and inaccurate facts about it, but that's it. Because if you knew Christianity, you would knowthat A) Dwight is no hypocrite, B) you have no right to label him/judge him as such.

I know good and well that every single one of you labeling him a hypocrite has done something that goes against what you would normally do; maybe driving homedrunk one time when that is something you've always been against, I don't know. I just know that you're all human, and that you don't perfectlyexecute the practice of your belief system/moral code.

And if you have no moral code, then you REALLY have place judging him.

And that last line you tried to use to justify ridiculing him ("You reap what you sow"); you're not using that right. It is a Biblical proverb(in case you weren't aware), and it means that there are natural consequences to your actions. So aside from trying to obey God, you also need to considerthat disobedience to Him is not the only thing to worry about. Having sex before marriage isn't just disobedient to God; it's also going to REAPsomething that is SEWN through sex sometimes; a child.
And ska, nobody is saying, "Well, Dwight isn't a Christian anymore because of this act."

Go through all the pages.

What people ARE saying is, he's a hypocrite.

Yeah, it's like you be part of Team Grammar Police. Were all just sitting hear, waiting four you too make a mistake.
And ska, nobody is saying, "Well, Dwight isn't a Christian anymore because of this act."

Go through all the pages.

What people ARE saying is, he's a hypocrite.
Yeah, it's like you be part of Team Grammar Police. Were all just sitting hear, waiting four you too make a mistake.

You know what, I have no idea wht you're getting at there, but I'm going to run with your response.

This is going to be WAAAAAY under scale here.

I'm on Team Grammar Police. I definitely do care about proper grammar and vocabulary and blah, blah, blah.

Say I had 'Team Grammar Police' in my sig. I didn't put anyone ELSE down for not putting as much effort towards their grammar as I put towardsmine, but my sig does let people know that I care about my grammar.

Again, I'm not putting others down for not caring about being grammatically correct, but I do let people know that I care about being grammaticallycorrect.

So I make a reply to something, and that reply is RIDDLED with errors.

Would that mean that I no longer care about being grammatically correct?

Or... would it mean that I made a mistake, a mistake that doesn't accurately reflect my beliefs?
I'm a Houston Rockets fan. I definitely do care about T-Macr and Yao and blah, blah, blah.

Say I had 'Houston Rockets' in my sig. I didn't put any other Rockets fan down for not putting as much effort towards their fandom as I put towardsmine, but my sig does let people know that I care about the Rockets.

Again, I'm not putting other Rockets fans down for not caring about the Rockets as much as I do, but I do let people know that I care about the Rockets.

Rockets make the playoffs and face the Lakers in the first round of the playoffs, and I make posts here on NT rooting for the Lakers.

Would that mean that I no longer care about the Rockets?

Or... would it mean that I made a mistake, a mistake that doesn't accurately reflect my beliefs?

Orrrrr.... would people on NT call me out about it, and call me a hyopcrite.

Let's go with door #2, just like how people have here with the Dwight situation.

It is is what is.
look he's young....and impressionable.....how many times have you seen kids run their mouth bout jesus, only to come up short and making mistakes.

I know many in my church youth group who have succumbed to the temptations of premarital sex.

he's a hypocrit to me, but then again who is perfect? we're all hypocrits, just some more than others.
But let's say other members of Team Grammar Police are arrogant and overly critical of others. Even though YOU may not be that way, whenever YOU make amistake, expect to hear about it.
Exactly, nothing more, nothing less.

Nobody is perfect.

Dwight is still that dude.

I don't look down at Dwight because of this.

BUT, the ONLY reason THIS is a topic and 6 pages long here on NT, is BECAUSE of how Dwight portrayed HIMSELF/LIFESTYLE prior to this incident.

That's basically all there is to it.

He protrayed himself one way, did the opposite, and now people are reamarking about the situation.

It is what it is.
We are all sinner and shaped in inequities.... nothing new she's hot and he's young and rich. It ain't like his seed is not going to have a future
And that last line you tried to use to justify ridiculing him ("You reap what you sow"); you're not using that right. It is a Biblical proverb (in case you weren't aware), and it means that there are natural consequences to your actions. So aside from trying to obey God, you also need to consider that disobedience to Him is not the only thing to worry about. Having sex before marriage isn't just disobedient to God; it's also going to REAP something that is SEWN through sex sometimes; a child.


People are remarking about the situation BECAUSE of the circumstances involved.

Replace Greg Oden in place of Dwight Howard, and this thread doesn't go 6 pages.

But because of Dwight's protrayal of his lifestyle/beliefs, this thread is 6 pages with people calling him out about it.

That's what I was getting at when I said you reap what you sow.

This wouldn't even be an issue, if he lived by his beliefs.

Again, NOBODY is perfect. I'm not judging dude.

But, he did what he did, and now is getting a reaction out of it.

He could have avoided this himself..
^ Bro, you're trying to get me to say, "Yeah, I see how you guys are o.k. with judging him in this situation. Go on judging him. Here, let me allgather some real heavy rocks to throw at him," but it's just not going to happen. I wish you guys could see how damaging and self-glorifying it is tojump on an opportunity to put someone else down, but it's not looking like any of you are willing to break down your walls.

I see you're trying to spin this like it's a bunch of people innocently declaring, "Oh well, I guess he's not perfect after all," but gothrough the thread and see the underlying disrespect for him AND Christianity.
But let's say other members of Team Grammar Police are arrogant and overly critical of others. Even though YOU may not be that way, whenever YOU make a mistake, expect to hear about it.
I already addressed that pages ago:
...so a group of Christians act ******ed, and they now represent Christians everywhere? That's how it works? A group of Christians wake you up to try and shove the word down your throat and try to get you to come to their neat-o buffet this Sunday and won't stop talking until you've agreed to think about it, and that represents the whole group? Some Christians show up and picket outside of an abortion clinic, talking about people going to hell for murder and what not, and they represent the whole group?

A group of people now represents the whole?

Y'all just set the equal rights movement back like 100 years with that bull.

Save that crap about, "The hate Christians get is deserved, because they hate. The judgment they get is deserved, because they judge." Seriously? The whole damn group? All of 'em?

Let me spin it like this, then (and I swear, none of you oafs better even THINK about sayng that the following is how I think; you only further display your simple-mindedness if you even attempt that accusation): what if someone were to say, "The hate black people get is deserved, because there are a lot of black people charged with murder and drug possession. So they represent the whole group"? What if someone were to say that? You'd be hot, right? Well, you shouldn't be. Y'all need to stop telling KKK members to think right, because they are thinking right. A group of people is representative of the whole group now.

Or what if someone were to say, "There are hateful, discriminatory gays, so the hate and discrimination they get is deserved as well. Those hateful gays mean that every gay person is hateful, so gay bashing should be promoted, encouraged, and accepted... because they deserve it." Some of them are hateful and discriminatory, so they're all hateful and discriminatory, right? Those that are hateful and discriminatory represent the whole group, right?

Sounds pretty ridiculous, right?

It should sound ridiculous, because it is freaking ridiculous.

"Oh, that's different, ska. Christians aren't born that way; they choose to be that way."

Please respond with that bull. Please. I need to know who has any sort of reasoning about them and who doesn't. And those that respond with that have no reaosning. Why? Because you're still missing the point, which is that it is asinine, ignorant, simple-minded and PREJUDICED to say... IN ANY SITUATION... that a group of people represents the whole sum of people.

It's prejudiced to say that a SMALL group of people represents the whole.

It's prejudiced to say that a LARGE group of people represents the whole.

It's prejudiced to say that EXACTLY HALF of a group of people represents the whole.

It's prejudiced to say that a GROUP of people... represents the whole.

It's STEREOTYPING to choose characteristics from that group of people and apply them to the whole of people.

Y'all are stereotyping Dwight; like it or love it.

And you're prejudiced against Christians.

Wake up.

Open your minds and see the crap you're saying about a group of people.

Wake up, open your minds, and get it right.

It's just as wrong to say 'All the hate Christians get is deserved because they're hateful' as it is to say 'The discrimination gays get is deserved because they discriminate' or 'The hate black people get is deserved because they're hateful.'

P.S. I swear, let someone come through and try to accuse me of being prejudiced against black people or gays.
Let someone come through and try to say I just tried to paint black people or gays in a negative light. Stop before you start typing, whoever you are. I'm making a point, not expressing my beliefs. Well, I am expressing one belief, and that is: we all need to be more open-minded about things we think we know, less judgmental to groups of people we condemn, and less stubborn about the stereotypes we've imposed on those groups of people.

I am speaking on the underlying hatred that some people are o.k. with imposing on groups of their choice, and I used as an example the top two most hated, discriminated groups I could think of in this country, two groups that I constantly fight for despite being a member of neither. I've had countless discussion on here attempting to right the wrong thoughts people harbor towards gays and black people, because the discrimination against them (or any group... ANY group) and the hatred towards them (or any group... ANY group) is unwarranted, bigoted, disrespectful, elementary, stubborn, and unacceptable.

I'm a Houston Rockets fan. I definitely do care about T-Macr and Yao and blah, blah, blah.

Say I had 'Houston Rockets' in my sig. I didn't put any other Rockets fan down for not putting as much effort towards their fandom as I put towards mine, but my sig does let people know that I care about the Rockets.

Again, I'm not putting other Rockets fans down for not caring about the Rockets as much as I do, but I do let people know that I care about the Rockets.

Rockets make the playoffs and face the Lakers in the first round of the playoffs, and I make posts here on NT rooting for the Lakers.

Would that mean that I no longer care about the Rockets?

Or... would it mean that I made a mistake, a mistake that doesn't accurately reflect my beliefs?

Orrrrr.... would people on NT call me out about it, and call me a hyopcrite.

Let's go with door #2, just like how people have here with the Dwight situation.

It is is what is.

That's the thing you're not understanding; rooting for the Lakers COMPLETELY goes against your fandom for the Rockets if the Lakers areplaying the Rockets.

Having sex before marriage does NOT completely go against belief in God and a submission to His will.

You're failing to understand this because you don't now Christianity.

And in order to say he is a hypocrite (someone who goes against the values they claim to hold, right?), you need to know about his values. In order to knowabout his values, you need to know about Christianity.

Cheering for the Lakers as they're playing the Rockets means that you are cheering for the Rockets to lose, and you can't be a fan of a team AND wishthey lose.

Cheering against your team is turning your back on them; sinning is NOT turning your back on God, or Christianity.
I know good and well that every single one of you labeling him a hypocrite has done something that goes against what you would normally do; maybe driving home drunk one time when that is something you've always been against, I don't know. I just know that you're all human, and that you don't perfectly execute the practice of your belief system/moral code.

The difference is how proactive you are about it and how often you do it. Like I said before, if Dwight slipped up and smashed once or twice, then maybetempation got the best of him and did something against his religious priniciples. However, we're making two assumptions:

A. Dwight smashed numerous times over a extended period of time (I'm making this assumption because of the fact he got her pregnant, and very rarely does agirl get pregnant on the first or second time
B. Dwight continued to spread the gospel, continued his membership and attendance in church, and did nothing to tone down the publicity of his devotion to theChristian faith

If those assumptions are true, then he repeatedly disregarded the faith he lives by and promotes, when it was physically satisfying to do so. People have anissue with that because principles like that what drove them away from being devoutly religious in the first place. Since they are looked at as"heathens" that weren't willing sacrifice to be saved, it's disturbing to see the cat that is allegedly "saved" consistently do thesame things you do, if not worse (i.e. going raw)

Also, for your drunk driving analogy, If some claims to be against drunk driving, drives drunk every weekend he's a hyporcrite. But If he find ways not todrive drunk 95% of the time, but slipped up a couple times, then he's not. Nobody's perfect, but if you repeatedly do something that you"believe" is wrong, then it's not a mistake anymore, it's what you intend to do. The pastor of my church when I was child used to say,don't join the church if you are not ready to give your life over to God. He didn't mean that Christians weren't expected to sin, but if you arecommitting the same sin intentionally, repeatedly, and on a consistent basis, have you really given your life over? And if you are receiving praise andaccolades for giving your life over, when in reality you haven't, wouldn't that be an issue?
^ Just because he's doing something wrong that isn't inline with his beliefs doesn't mean that he should be (or is) required to keep quiet abouthis faith.

As for the question, "if you are committing the same sin intentionally, repeatedly, and on a consistent basis, have you really given your lifeover?", the only right response for that is: THAT... is for GOD... to decide. Has he really given his life over to God? That is for GOD to decide.

None of us here is God.

Only God and Dwight Howard know the heart of Dwight Howard, and none of us is God... or Dwight Howard.

What is easy for you to give up might not be so easy for me to give up. So you can NOT tell me, "Well, I gave it up easily, so I'm a Christian, andyou're still struggling, so you're not a Christian."
The difference is how proactive you are about it and how often you do it. Like I said before, if Dwight slipped up and smashed once or twice, then maybe tempation got the best of him and did something against his religious priniciples. However, we're making two assumptions:

A. Dwight smashed numerous times over a extended period of time (I'm making this assumption because of the fact he got her pregnant, and very rarely does a girl get pregnant on the first or second time
B. Dwight continued to spread the gospel, continued his membership and attendance in church, and did nothing to tone down the publicity of his devotion to the Christian faith

If those assumptions are true, then repeatedly disregarded the faith he lives by and promotes, when it was physically satisfying to do so. People have an issue with that because principles like that what drove them away from being devoutly religious in the first place. Since they are looked at as "heathens" that weren't willing sacrifice to be saved, it's disturbing to see the cat that is allegedly "saved" consistently do the same things you do, if not worse (i.e. going raw)

Also, for your drunk driving analogy, If some claims to be against drunk driving, drives drunk every weekend he's a hyporcrite. But If he find ways not to drive drunk 95% of the time, but slipped up a couple times, then he's not. Nobody's perfect, but if you repeatedly do something that you "believe" is wrong, then it's not a mistake anymore, it's what you intend to do. The pastor of my church when I was child used to say, don't join the church if you are not ready to give your life over to God. He didn't mean that Christians weren't expected to sin, but if you are committing the same sin intentionally, repeatedly, and on a consistent basis, have you really given your life over? And if you are receiving praise and accolades for giving your life over, when in reality you haven't, wouldn't that be an issue/

ya but that's an assumption you are making . We don't know how many times they did it......
Christians make bad choices and decisions all the time. Just because you profess your commitment to serving Christ doesn't mean there won't be bumps onthe road. I look at my life and I've done alot of things that aren't right but that doesn't mean that I'm not a Christian anymore. As I figureRomans 3:23 isn't in the Bible for nothing. "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God"
^ Bro, you're trying to get me to say, "Yeah, I see how you guys are o.k. with judging him in this situation. Go on judging him. Here, let me all gather some real heavy rocks to throw at him," but it's just not going to happen. I wish you guys could see how damaging and self-glorifying it is to jump on an opportunity to put someone else down, but it's not looking like any of you are willing to break down your walls.

I see you're trying to spin this like it's a bunch of people innocently declaring, "Oh well, I guess he's not perfect after all," but go through the thread and see the underlying disrespect for him AND Christianity.
Where are people disrespecting him and/or Christianity?

Please go back through the pages and let me see some quotes since you're making the claim.

..or is it because we're calling Dwight a hypocrite?

I'm NOT trying to get you nor anybody else to comment about Dwight, his beliefs, his actions.

What I AM trying to get at is, there is a REASON WHY people are saying what they are saying.

There is a reason WHY this thread is 6 pages.

..and it's because of Dwight's OWN actions.

And the ONLY reason why people are commenting to begin with, is again, because of his portrayal of his lifestyle up until this point.

Lebron has like 2 kids, nobody is calling him a hyopcrite. Nobody cares. The reason why people are calling Dwight a hypocrite, is, because a lot of peoplefeel he was saying one thing, and did another.

That's the thing you're not understanding; rooting for the Lakers COMPLETELY goes against your fandom for the Rockets if the Lakers are playing the Rockets.

Having sex before marriage does NOT completely go against belief in God and a submission to His will.

You're failing to understand this because you don't now Christianity.

And in order to say he is a hypocrite (someone who goes against the values they claim to hold, right?), you need to know about his values. In order to know about his values, you need to know about Christianity.

Cheering for the Lakers as they're playing the Rockets means that you are cheering for the Rockets to lose, and you can't be a fan of a team AND wish they lose.

Cheering against your team is turning your back on them; sinning is NOT turning your back on God, or Christianity.
I've looked through the thread, and I've seen people call Dwight a hypocrite.

I haven't seen anybody say that Dwight is turning his back on God, nor is he 'less Christian' because of this act.

What it comes down to a lot of people is the notion of:

You also can't claim to live your life by the good book, and then go against what the good book preaches.

Again, I'm not blasting Dwight for making a mistake. I'm not looking at him any less of a person. All I'm saying is, you can't claim onething, go against it, and then NOT expect people to say 'hypocrite' In all aspects of life. No matter the claim or belief.

Just because Dwight is a Christian, doesn't mean he can't be a hyopcrite.

Or is it what you're saying is, yes, there are hyopcrites in the world, the word hyopcrite exsists for a reason, but, when it comes to those of Christianfaith, there are no hyopcrites. Only sinners.
ya but that's an assumption you are making . We don't know how many times they did it......
True. He might have gotten her pregnant the first time. If that was the case I don't have an issue with it. He slipped up. I was sayingchances are it wasn't a "mistake" and that it was a result of repeated sexual activity.

For the record, congrats to Dwight and the mother. I think he's a good guy, but we all need to be real with ourselves on what our desires and intentionsare.
Wonder how Jesus feels about this.
Dude came in the league on some T.D. Jakes tip.

I guess not so much anymore

= 'Dude came in like he was T.D. Jakes; now we now he's not' = 'Dude is no model Christian' (which he isn't, because noone is a model Christian, but that's a statement rooted in disrespect + comedy)

Gee another fake bible thumper comes to the fold.

Perhaps he hadnt completely given himself to christ though, just parts.

How can you say that's NO disrespect on Dwight?
Dude aint that damn holy as many would think...
dont stick that bible in our face and think you are better than us
Looks to me like a bunch of YOU are happy to know you're actually better than him.
the boy wasnt right in the first place

Like any one but God has to say whether or not he's 'right'.

But that's no disrespect on Dwight either, right?
i kind of think the whole religious thing was apart of an image thing.

= "No disrespect, Dwight, but I think you're fake."

How the heck is it not disrespectful to tell someone that you think they're fake?! Tell me someone that you RESPECT that you think is FAKE, in hip-hop,politics, ANYTHING. Tell me someone you respect as a person, but you happen to think they're fake.

And someone said something about leaving Dwight alone and ended their reply with, "I'm'a pray for y'all," and what was the next response?
Thanks for reminding us all why we hate your types
Nope, that's not disrespectful to Christians at all.
ill leave it as E 40 said it best. "And Church Folks Will Try To Hit You Where It Hurts, Knowing Their The Biggest Hypocites In The Church"

No disrespect there, either.
alot of you so called christians are getting all worked up

Or there.
the hatred bible thumpers get is completely warranted in most cases, and is mostly just a byproduct of the hatred they spew themselves.
True story.

Wait... that 'true story' was you.

That's why you can't see the disrespect in any of this; you're a part of it.

Trying to get you to see the disrespect here is like trying to single out a racist and attempting to get him to see how hurtful the racism of his friends is.


Of course he's not going to see it, not as long as he maintains the same stubborn, closed-minded thinking that it took for him to subscribe to his racistthoughts.

Until he lets go of his stubbornness and approaches the issue with an open-mind, he'll never see his racist thought as wrong, and he'll always justifythem as acceptable.

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