Dwight Howard is part asian but is Derrick Rose part asian too?

Jan 4, 2008
They look like they're mixed with asian
not sure about Derrick Rosethough
Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43


Dwight Howard is black dude

black peeps already claiming him like they did with Tiger Woods.He's mixed, like it or not.
Originally Posted by VIIheaven

Do you find him attractive now?

I never knew that he was mixed. It doesn't really make a difference though. He's still a big dude
Dwight probably has a little Asian in him. 99.9 percent of African-Americans are not 100% black as they have been mixed in with many other ethnicities over theyears. Hell, Oprah is part asian. Dwight probably is a little Asian himself.
Originally Posted by worldbeefreeg

Dwight probably has a little Asian in him. 99.9 percent of African-Americans are not 100% black as they have been mixed in with many other ethnicities over the years. Hell, Oprah is part asian. Dwight probably is a little Asian himself.

His mom claimed she's mixed on that Family Feud but Oprah looks nothing mixed. You know back in the day, Chinese immigrants used to work on theplantation after the black slaves were freed. They must have gotten with the sisters.

Edit: I thought Nters knew about this because there was a post a few months back.
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

rocboys wrote:
You know back in the day, Chinese immigrants used to work on the plantation after the black slaves were freed. They must have gotten with the sisters.


funny but it's true look up in your history book.
This thread has loads of potential, just like the other Dwight Howard is AZN thread a few months back.
Originally Posted by southzeztpdot

Damn Asian people want to be in basktball culture very hard for some strange reason.

I told you! loads.

I guess Asian ppl aren't allowed to partake in the game of basketball.
Why the hell does it matter? I swear some races just want to claim people like they're accomplishing something.

Let's say Dwight is part Asian, you still suck.
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