E3 Thread of confusion, rage, and other stuff.

Originally Posted by empirestrikesfirst

Originally Posted by knightngale

Originally Posted by IRockTMacs

It's 2011, though.
and there still has not been that fabled "year of the ps3"

maybe next gen

*pats back*
You made the right choice buying a 360.
There, I justified your purchase for you. Happy?
I have all 3 consoles this gen and a psp. I actually love the ps3's non gaming aspect more than the 360.

I also think that kinect is garbage but Iheartboost never has anything positive to say about anything non sony when it comes to games.
knightngale wrote:

Remember when sony had pure CGI in 2005 and you were like "ITS OVAH"

No I don't, because I never said that. Keep my name and that bogus lie to yourself shorty.
knightngale wrote:

Remember when sony had pure CGI in 2005 and you were like "ITS OVAH"

No I don't, because I never said that. Keep my name and that bogus lie to yourself shorty.
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