E3 Thread of confusion, rage, and other stuff.

do the Elder Scrolls game have mp?

i never play these games but that vid from last page is...

also is it for ps3?
Yes it is for PS3 too, and no it won't have a multiplayer, unless anything has changed. I know I read that they didn't want to include multiplayer to ruin the game...but enh

It's just a really big open world where you can spend tons of hours doing crap and upgrading and stuff, it's pretty deep.
Yes it is for PS3 too, and no it won't have a multiplayer, unless anything has changed. I know I read that they didn't want to include multiplayer to ruin the game...but enh

It's just a really big open world where you can spend tons of hours doing crap and upgrading and stuff, it's pretty deep.
elder scrolls is kinda like GTA's single player but with more stuff to do and usually a bigger world...and set in a fantasy middle ages like world

it is on every system and the pc...pc is always superior though


elder scrolls is kinda like GTA's single player but with more stuff to do and usually a bigger world...and set in a fantasy middle ages like world

it is on every system and the pc...pc is always superior though


Day One recap-

There was certainly no shortage of news between the pricing and naming of the PS Vita and a metric ton of Uncharted demos -- but man, if we'd gotten a new PS3 bundle, we would have been made in the shade. Check out the full wrapup after the jump!http://
The games list leaked earlier this morning was right on the money, revealing all of the presentation's potentially huge surprises.
I'm reading that the Playstation TV is really a monitor, as it has no built in TV tuner. Still nice for a smaller room, I think.
Day One recap-

There was certainly no shortage of news between the pricing and naming of the PS Vita and a metric ton of Uncharted demos -- but man, if we'd gotten a new PS3 bundle, we would have been made in the shade. Check out the full wrapup after the jump!http://
The games list leaked earlier this morning was right on the money, revealing all of the presentation's potentially huge surprises.
I'm reading that the Playstation TV is really a monitor, as it has no built in TV tuner. Still nice for a smaller room, I think.
^ yup. Oh well.

The next question then is, can people who've already copped 3DTVs have the same multiplayer functionality as this monitor?
^ yup. Oh well.

The next question then is, can people who've already copped 3DTVs have the same multiplayer functionality as this monitor?
I mean, if you have cable, this won't be an issue for to watch TV on it, but I don't know how things work overseas.

What functionality?Where each player "sees" a different screen? I do believe that Sony has it patented.
[h4]Sony's 24-inch PlayStation 3D display first hands-on![/h4]
By Sean Buckley posted Jun 7th 2011 12:02AM


We knew you were dying to know what Sony was planning with those stereoscopic multiplayer display patents last year, so we took a look at Sony's new PlayStation-branded 3D display, just for you. True to its schtick, the stereoscopic display simultaneously displays two separate full screen images, hidden behind the smoke and mirrors of active shutter 3D technology -- while suffering only a minimal amount of ghosting. The dual-full-screen trick will only work with PlayStation 3 games specifically programmed to make use of the feature, and although none have been announced yet, we wouldn't be surprised if pack-in title Resistance 3 is compatible. Staff couldn't say if the games featured in the demo video, Motorstorm Apocalypse and Wipeout, would be updated to support this feature. While the demo units we saw performed their trick reasonably well, visible ghosting and flat, muted colors give us some reservations about that competitive $499 price tag.
I mean, if you have cable, this won't be an issue for to watch TV on it, but I don't know how things work overseas.

What functionality?Where each player "sees" a different screen? I do believe that Sony has it patented.
[h4]Sony's 24-inch PlayStation 3D display first hands-on![/h4]
By Sean Buckley posted Jun 7th 2011 12:02AM


We knew you were dying to know what Sony was planning with those stereoscopic multiplayer display patents last year, so we took a look at Sony's new PlayStation-branded 3D display, just for you. True to its schtick, the stereoscopic display simultaneously displays two separate full screen images, hidden behind the smoke and mirrors of active shutter 3D technology -- while suffering only a minimal amount of ghosting. The dual-full-screen trick will only work with PlayStation 3 games specifically programmed to make use of the feature, and although none have been announced yet, we wouldn't be surprised if pack-in title Resistance 3 is compatible. Staff couldn't say if the games featured in the demo video, Motorstorm Apocalypse and Wipeout, would be updated to support this feature. While the demo units we saw performed their trick reasonably well, visible ghosting and flat, muted colors give us some reservations about that competitive $499 price tag.
Originally Posted by empirestrikesfirst

I am trying to temper my excitement. But Skyrim looks like the best game this generation. 

Pretty much. It's gonna sweep GOTY awards worldwide.
Originally Posted by empirestrikesfirst

I am trying to temper my excitement. But Skyrim looks like the best game this generation. 

Pretty much. It's gonna sweep GOTY awards worldwide.
All the Bioshock news yesterday? Words.. not.. damb. Cant wait.

Except the Move capability. That gimmick trash can die in a fire and get rammed in the %!* by Satan himself for eternity for all I care.
All the Bioshock news yesterday? Words.. not.. damb. Cant wait.

Except the Move capability. That gimmick trash can die in a fire and get rammed in the %!* by Satan himself for eternity for all I care.
I think i posted part of that article a few pages back.
Not quite sure where this feature is based: the console or the monitor? That feature, IMO, should be PS3-based for use with existing 3DTVs (even if they start with only Sony 3DTVs would do). Sony loves their exclusive/proprietary stuff; almost as much as Apple does (hence, alienating a lot of the market in the process).
But it is somewhat affordable.

Anyway, guess i'll be holding back on 3DTVs until glasses-free 3DTVs become mainstream. They're really pushing hard for 3D to be the next big thing in entertainment. Not really a fan... for now.
I think i posted part of that article a few pages back.
Not quite sure where this feature is based: the console or the monitor? That feature, IMO, should be PS3-based for use with existing 3DTVs (even if they start with only Sony 3DTVs would do). Sony loves their exclusive/proprietary stuff; almost as much as Apple does (hence, alienating a lot of the market in the process).
But it is somewhat affordable.

Anyway, guess i'll be holding back on 3DTVs until glasses-free 3DTVs become mainstream. They're really pushing hard for 3D to be the next big thing in entertainment. Not really a fan... for now.
Originally Posted by sole vintage

Originally Posted by NobleKane

the greatest ever was halo 2 but its not online anymore. i couldnt tell you though. isnt odst just halo 3 multiplayer with more maps?
agree with the halo 2

yea ODST is halo 3 muiltplayer with extra maps

RIP Halo2
    Definitely the best game of all time. I really really hope Halo4 gets the BR right this time.

Halo ODST comes with 2 disc, one for a new campaign and one for Multiplayer with all the maps. I rarely play online now but it's slowly dying out 
Originally Posted by sole vintage

Originally Posted by NobleKane

the greatest ever was halo 2 but its not online anymore. i couldnt tell you though. isnt odst just halo 3 multiplayer with more maps?
agree with the halo 2

yea ODST is halo 3 muiltplayer with extra maps

RIP Halo2
    Definitely the best game of all time. I really really hope Halo4 gets the BR right this time.

Halo ODST comes with 2 disc, one for a new campaign and one for Multiplayer with all the maps. I rarely play online now but it's slowly dying out 
Originally Posted by empirestrikesfirst

I am trying to temper my excitement. But Skyrim looks like the best game this generation. 

Yupppp I'm hyped about this and the new Deus Ex game.
Did they show that at all?
Originally Posted by empirestrikesfirst

I am trying to temper my excitement. But Skyrim looks like the best game this generation. 

Yupppp I'm hyped about this and the new Deus Ex game.
Did they show that at all?
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