Eagles N Ravens. Get A Life.

is my exact reaction to this
(Hook X2) Swerv Merv
(ya'll need
to get a life) (X2)
an stay
away from mine
its my time to shine
instead of waiting for
me to drop some lines

(Swerv Merv)
People look at me
and laugh,
They make fun
of my every move,
what is it about me
that people hate,
Could it be the fact
that I have
nothing to prove,
People are just
ignorant for
no appearent reason,
They talk about me
every season,
What for,
I don't know,
I don't really care,
and my attitude
shows it,
People are going
to talk But
that's okay
because I know
how to walk,
While they
are wasting
their time
talking about me,
I'm using my
time to walk away,
I don't have time
to play little
childish games,
At least I can I say,
thank you
because it means
I'm doing
something right,
just because
their life sucks
thinking they can
mess up mine
go back to
shooting ducks
maybe i gotta
act like
everyone else
ur just a elf
I have
alot of
in myself,
So people can take
their opinions
about me
and stack
them on a shelf
Swerv Merv @ 2:00 min 
(Hook X2) Swerv Merv
(ya'll need
to get a life) (X2)
an stay
away from mine
its my time to shine
instead of waiting for
me to drop some lines

(Swerv Merv)
People look at me
and laugh,
They make fun
of my every move,
what is it about me
that people hate,
Could it be the fact
that I have
nothing to prove,
People are just
ignorant for
no appearent reason,
They talk about me
every season,
What for,
I don't know,
I don't really care,
and my attitude
shows it,
People are going
to talk But
that's okay
because I know
how to walk,
While they
are wasting
their time
talking about me,
I'm using my
time to walk away,
I don't have time
to play little
childish games,
At least I can I say,
thank you
because it means
I'm doing
something right,
just because
their life sucks
thinking they can
mess up mine
go back to
shooting ducks
maybe i gotta
act like
everyone else
ur just a elf
I have
alot of
in myself,
So people can take
their opinions
about me
and stack
them on a shelf
Swerv Merv @ 2:00 min 
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