Early links in. Bots out.

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How is that supposed "kill" bots? Bots put the shoe in your size straight to the cart and all you do is checkout.

This sounds like just being able to get to the link before others who don't have the program.
i guess it wouldnt.  you would still need a bot with the early link once these links start spreading. 
i collect too.  but still i collect to profit.  i guess it depends what you consider too much effort though.  i've put in more work trying to score heroin back in the day!!!  this is like a walk in the park.
Well when you put it like that
.  Glad to see you have a much healthier pass time these days

But I just think after all the money comes in your probably looking at $2.00 an hour for all your time and effort.  When you could've taking that same time, effort, skill, and ability; and developed a app within a year or less which could possibly bring you anywhere from a 5 to 8 figure check.  Just my take on it
Well when you put it like that
.  Glad to see you have a much healthier pass time these days

But I just think after all the money comes in your probably looking at $2.00 an hour for all your time and effort.  When you could've taking that same time, effort, skill, and ability; and developed a app within a year or less which could possibly bring you anywhere from a 5 to 8 figure check.  Just my take on it
i agree though with that too.  can't get stuck using your skills for one little menial thing such as copping a pair of shoes.  definitly better to keep on moving.....
Man these shoe collectors are thirsty.  One day when you get older your going to open your closet one day and ask yourself why do I have so many shoes. What a waste lol
collecting shoes is cool, but if it's about the dollar at the end of the day you got to look at the big picture.  Does the money equate or exceed the time and effort put in.
I hope everyone is prepared for their bots to be obsolete within the next few weeks.  Early links are the way of the future.  

way of the future? we BEEN on early links since before bots

only noobs lose to bots :lol:
Poked my head in the bot thread once

:x :rofl: @ all the ego's in there

:lol: dudes really hold themselves in high regards, talmbout if you haven't been here since day one, you don't deserve help and then NT claims the DB thread is the douchey corner of the forum :lol:
your right on the money though.  after the early links it will be something else.  but, hey, evolution is in our genes, and to have to adapt to such drastically changing conditions is a challenge for me.  and i enjoy it.  bring it.  

I can see in the near future dudes legit moving to China to work at the factories in order to secure their pairs...I wonder how many dudes with relatives out there prolly asked them to get a job at the sweatshops...lol
I can see in the near future dudes legit moving to China to work at the factories in order to secure their pairs...I wonder how many dudes with relatives out there prolly asked them to get a job at the sweatshops...lol
that made me lol.  so ******g sad, but so ******g real.  
he's trippin.  you sit around for 2 days max and then do whatever the **** you want while you reap the benefits of your hard days work for months to come.  

Reap the benefits?...what benefits?...a couple of dollars on resale?
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Some **** aint just a couple of dollars anymore

Those oregon foams went for about 800+ day of release on eBay

Not all kicks are a guaranteed come up tho....and you have very little margin for error...because as soon as hype dies down which has like 1-2 week expiration before hypebeasts move on to the next thing...you are stuck with the shoes and find yourself hustling with dudes trying to get back as much as possible....it's an idiots game....
Reap the benefits?...what benefits?...a couple of dollars on resale?
if i spend 4 hours making a bot.  with that bot i got 4 pairs of kobes and 2 pairs of oregon foams, so far.  thats $1200 in 4 hours, and then lets say i spend 2 hours selling them for a total of 6 hours.  6 hours / $1200 is 200 dollars an hour.  maybe thats not worth it for you, but i like it.  
Y'all Must not know about the dudes making thousands every week off this stuff
Selling shoes is just like selling dope.  What you see is not the actual profit.  You got to reup.  I check resell prices on CL, and these dudes are barely making $60 off the $170 out of pocket.  Lets not include time spent and gas wasted to get the shoe.  You can shape it anyway you like, but it's not worth it at all.  Now more then ever.
Selling shoes is just like selling dope.  What you see is not the actual profit.  You got to reup.  I check resell prices on CL, and these dudes are barely making $60 off the $170 out of pocket.  Lets not include time spent and gas wasted to get the shoe.  You can shape it anyway you like, but it's not worth it at all.  Now more then ever.
the money is in the numbers.  selling one shoe at 60 dollar profit aint even worth it  if you sell rsvps, for $30 bucks or more and sell 1000 or more, your probably doing alright. 
if i spend 4 hours making a bot.  with that bot i got 4 pairs of kobes and 2 pairs of oregon foams, so far.  thats $1200 in 4 hours, and then lets say i spend 2 hours selling them for a total of 6 hours.  6 hours / $1200 is 200 dollars an hour.  maybe thats not worth it for you, but i like it.
NM if that's what your really seeing, but don't sit on them.  But what I've noticed with reselling is you maximize your profit day of the release.  After that your dealing with a lot of looky lou time wasting bargain hunters
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Technology will continue to take over. Everything evolves or it dies. Sad I know...at least I can can say I've had plenty of ogs back in the day. I didn't have to camp or run threw fire[emoji]128293[/emoji]for any of the ogs. I was born into this. 83" that's a blessing. It's hard for these kids to cop nowadays. I get what I can and appreciate what I got. [emoji]9996[/emoji]️
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NM if that's what your really seeing, but don't sit on them.  But what I've noticed with reselling is you maximize your profit day of the release.  After that your dealing with a lot of looky lou time wasters
1000% accurate.  i always think about that if i wanna keep anything/  
Selling shoes is just like selling dope.  What you see is not the actual profit.  You got to reup.  I check resell prices on CL, and these dudes are barely making $60 off the $170 out of pocket.  Lets not include time spent and gas wasted to get the shoe.  You can shape it anyway you like, but it's not worth it at all.  Now more then ever.

Bruh. I def agree with your analogy but I know dudes CAKING off this...Thousands every weekend bro....some dudes don't even leave their house. Just collect money all week and wake up on Saturday and type some **** in. They don't even have to buy the shoes.

And even the people who you are talking about who do have to buy the shoes make excellent money to play with. I used to sell real heavy a year ago. Once u build up your clientele the profit is just a message away
the money is in the numbers.  selling one shoe at 60 dollar profit aint even worth it  if you sell rsvps, for $30 bucks or more and sell 1000 or more, your probably doing alright.
Tru dat.  A chic did tell me some dudes do b paying like $100 for RSVP's
  Silly tricks
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