eBAY auctions won...don't post live links

JordanHead21 wrote:

I don't really see buying shoes that aren't your size for cheap as something to brag about, I could have done that numerous times but it's kinda lame IMO, but if makin a $40 profit is that big for you, then more power to ya.

Team Ebay Steals?!

Someone make a sig

Look in the general for my thread

And yeah I do that from time to time

Originally Posted by DZaster

Originally Posted by denverairforce

I won a pair of kicks recently, the auction had pretty small pics and the description said "in used condition" and that is it. I got the shoes, one shoe is crumbling, falling apart with paint chips rattling around inside the deflated bubble. seller is saying no refunds, not his problem. is this dispute worthy? or do I just leave a negative and take the L? I want my money back, the shoes are unwearable garbage. anybody tried a dispute in a similar situation?

Are you serious? If you contacted the seller and he said no refund, file that dispute man... But...If you could see the shoes crumbling in the pictures - you're taking an L.
seller's offering a partial refund, leaves me paying about $38 total.  the shoes can't be restored back to a normal wearable condition since the bubble on one shoe is deflated, but if I take the partial refund, I can use the shoes to experiment with shoe goo and whatever else to see if it's possible to make them halfway wearable again.  it's that or I continue to argue and see if I can get the full amount back.  I'm not sure yet...
Honestly bro i would probably take the partial. You gotta think about paying shipping to get them back and then waiting forever for paypal to settle the dispute. But like you said if they were in the pics then you probably wont get a full refund. Just get the partial and maybe sell them or experiment with them
yeah I was thinking I probably wouldn't get my shipping back, then I'd have to pay to ship them to the seller, that's $30 right there. so for $38 I just keep them, might as well, right?
Originally Posted by denverairforce

yeah I was thinking I probably wouldn't get my shipping back, then I'd have to pay to ship them to the seller, that's $30 right there. so for $38 I just keep them, might as well, right?
Yeah, it doesn't seem worth the hassle.  What shoes were they anyway?
JordanHead21, beautiful, too bad they're so small. one of the cleanest pairs i've seen. top of the list most wanted jordan shoe for me (and it's a short list). nice.
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