EDIT---PICS---So...I got this girls number in keyboarding today...

dude needs to go outside for a little bit. mommy prob locked him in. how u gana have that many post in 20 days

Haven't seen a NT cartoon in awhile.
Originally Posted by gaseousfashion

50 posts a day, 20 straight days. That has to be some kind of record.
yea 20 days str8 and no poon, hes tryna see if he can go his entire life with no poon
How the hell are you already at 1,000 posts? a few days ago I seen you at 500 or something.

failure of pics=failure of thread.
1000 posts
Might as well seduce her by telling her how you want to bang at your computer desk while looking at the WDYWT thread . .
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