El Chapo had a deal with the U.S. Gov't all along

are you ******ed? we're talking about the government 

of course the cartels don't care 

yall got some poor comprehension skills or all yall that naive.......i'll side w/ the latter 
of course the US supports folks that poison the black community......I mean they started the crack movement which surprisingly coincided w/ the positive movements coming out of the black community at the time 
i am well aware of crack being introduced by the cia..

it was for money though, not to bring down black people.

drugs are a big business in the hood, so i'd imagine it was a no brainer to bring it to the inner cities as opposed to the burbs.

plus i think that their whole plan would be ruined if folks started blabbing that crips and bloods moved into their nice neighborhoods and have sketchy people coming and going 24/7.

but yeah the crack law is made to keep the business of prisons going, of course they are gonna catch more people with some $20 rocks in the hood than someone with a kilo of snow.

im well of aware of the drug laws and history, most of the people that think they know about these kinds of issues have never even seen drugs done em or know what they do.

dudes watch some youtube videos read some google results and all of a sudden everyone is an expert.
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But it happened. You guys speak often about everything is unfair, and the little guy can't catch a break. You bring up the crack and powder disparity as evidence that the government doesn't care, but neglect to mention that that wrong has been righted. I just think if your going to get on your soapbox and preach, you should tell the full narraritive.
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Racism/classism has been institutionalized, you have to be pretty naive not to believe it or argue. Pretty much all the drug laws in this country were targeted towards minorities or certain demographics.

Money is just the cherry on the sundae, especially with the rise in private prisons.
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But it happened. You guys speak often about everything is unfair, and the little guy can't catch a break. You bring up the crack and powder disparity as evidence that the government doesn't care, but neglect to mention that that wrong has been righted. I just think if your going to get on your soapbox and preach, you should tell the full narraritive.

The full narrative being that it took this country's first Black president to right that wrong? I already addressed that...

...or do you mean the full narrative of millions of African Americans locked away for decades for engaging in the same lifestyle and drug as the "Wolf of Wall St"?

...or maybe you mean the full narrative of the African Americans that died in prison after being sent in on an unequal dope charge? How does the Fair Sentencing Act help them? Maybe we can hook up the NT ouija and let 'em post their perspective.

Or perhaps maybe you mean the full narrative of the prison population and which races were in there the most off of cocaine?

Please, enlighten me - what in Dante's seven levels of Hell is this "full narrative" that you're ****** talkin' about?
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Our government has poisoned a lot of it's own people's mind with misinformation because there's nothing like an iignorant American who doesn't know,care to know or is willing to grasp what is happening when it comes to this war on drugs.

The war on drugs is rooted in America's war on race,do your research and you can see how far that goes back to and sadly it's having an affect on this country today in more ways than the average person could imagine.

it was for money though, not to bring down black people
:lol:Right,what do you think it was introduced to the black community for? to create Alpo's,Richard Porter's and,Az's of the communities so we would benefit from the wealth and move on up to the eastside to that deluxe apartment in the sky?then when that started happening they created laws to put those young poor black men in PRISON FOR THE REST OF THEIR LIVES.Once the old prison's became over populated they build new state of the art prisons with the backing from already wealthy individuals who make up the 1% because there is money to be made off of a three time felon with no education who if released has a 75% chance he will end up back in prison.
Why do people who are caught with crack get ten times more time than someone with cocaine?right.

The end goal is that money is to be made but we've most def other streams of income have been built off of that one simple goal with that has messed up generations of families,did more damage than heroin and that was and is bad but it did spawn into whole families being screwed up because of addiction or poverty.

This isn't some **** I read in a book or seen on a dvd,I've live this ****,seen it up close,touched it,felt the pain from it,cursed it,stood in front of judge because of it and watch other's mentally break down because when they'll be able to experience freedom physically again will be in graveyard.
Full narraritive meaning that the same government your villifying has righted the wrong that has ruined countless lives.

I see you have an agenda, that's cool. Everyone does. Just tell the full story. The Fair Sentencing Act wasn't mentioned until I brought it up.
Full narraritive meaning that the same government your villifying has righted the wrong that has ruined countless lives.

I see you have an agenda, that's cool. Everyone does. Just tell the full story. The Fair Sentencing Act wasn't mentioned until I brought it up.

An agenda? I look like I'm chillin' with Biggie in a Sentra to you? What are you even talkin' about man?

If you go back and read my post, you'll see that I said we wouldn't even weigh in on the sentencing issue yet...

...you jumped the gun trying to cape for unequal legislation by highlighting an Act that was long overdue - what you don't want to do is look at the damage that inequality cause before it was corrected.
Not trying to cape, just putting all the facts on the table. The uninformed deserve to know what is going on.

I'm not turning a blind eye to anything. I just don't live in the past. Bad things happened and continue to happen. I rather fight the battles of today instead of bickering about what once was. However, I'm sure a lot of people on here appreciate the information your giving.
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What's odd to me is all the things Gary Webb reported and was black balled from the journalism world and kills himself...illuminate
Not trying to cape, just putting all the facts on the table. The uninformed deserve to know what is going on.

I'm not turning a blind eye to anything. I just don't live in the past. Bad things happened and continue to happen. I rather fight the battles of today instead of bickering about what once was. However, I'm sure a lot of people on here appreciate the information your giving.

Right on bruh...

...at the end of the day, regardless of the circumstances and the factors that may influence a decision - everyone makes their own decisions and has to live with the consequences.

I agree with you that we shouldn't live in the past, but be it Black, Latino, Asian, White whatever - I do feel everyone (as an American citizen) needs solid knowledge of their own history in this country we reside in...

...some of that history isn't pretty, but the unsightliness doesn't make it any less important.


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What's odd to me is all the things Gary Webb reported and was black balled from the journalism world and kills himself...illuminate

whats odd to me is how quickly yall like to blame "the Illuminati" for everything

Dude was trying to expose the Cartel. a group who actually exists and is actually known to eliminate anybody in their way. how about we start there before believing in a devil worshiping cult of government officials.
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