ELECTION DAY 2008:........... Barack Obama, the next President of the United States of America

Obama FTW!!...!! Dude is legit!! I think he can do the 4k for every college student. he's the reason why the pell grant was increased. he's the reasonfor the season which will be thanksgiving
Originally Posted by Berkeley Boy

Anyone else see Mccain with the subliminal shots at Obama in his victory speech? This is more intense than your favorite rap beef with the shots each are throwing at one another.

Mccain ending his speech with "I'm all fired up and ready to go". We all know who's catch phrase that has been.

Then with Obama calling Mccain the candidate of the past.
Oh trust me, McCain & the republicans will be going HARD, dont you doubt it

Obama hasn't seen nothin yet.... Clinton hasn't even been that bad.
Obama won't be walking away with this election, there will be a fight.
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Berkeley Boy wrote:

Anyone else see Mccain with the subliminal shots at Obama in his victory speech? This is more intense than your favorite rap beef with the shots each are
throwing at one another.

Mccain ending his speech with "I'm all fired up and ready to go". We all know who's catch phrase that has been.

Then with Obama calling Mccain the candidate of the past.

Oh trust me, McCain & the republicans will be going HARD, dont you doubt it

Obama hasn't seen nothin yet.... Clinton hasn't even been that bad.

Obama won't be walking away with this election, there will be a fight.

Yeah, this is going to get ugly before it gets pretty. BUT, i sincerely believe that Obama favors better against Mccain rather than Mrs. Clinton andapparently, I'm not the only ones (referring to

some of those CNN polls). You gotta keep in mind that Obama doesn't have a very long voting history and IMO, that plays to his advantage against Mccain.It's going to be hard to attack what

you don't know, but that won't stop them from trying to find dirt. That and the fact that Obama opposed the war from the beginning. And not to mention,the central messages from each side.

Hope being Mr. Obama's message and Fear being Mccain's. I don't think the American people wanna live in fear anymore, not when there's someonewho presents change from the last 8 years.

I think Mccain will end up painting himself into a corner as the "anti-hope" candidate.Mr. and Mrs. Obama seem like tough people though especiallyconsidering they've heard the same things

already in Illinois, but this is a bigger stage of course. I just hope they keep this momentum up and I believe they will. What's next? Wisconsin?
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by Berkeley Boy

Anyone else see Mccain with the subliminal shots at Obama in his victory speech? This is more intense than your favorite rap beef with the shots each are throwing at one another.

Mccain ending his speech with "I'm all fired up and ready to go". We all know who's catch phrase that has been.

Then with Obama calling Mccain the candidate of the past.
Oh trust me, McCain & the republicans will be going HARD, dont you doubt it

Obama hasn't seen nothin yet.... Clinton hasn't even been that bad.
Obama won't be walking away with this election, there will be a fight.
It will get ugly, but, it would be even uglier if Clinton is the nominee.

The Republicans would go off on her, since there's so much stuff she and Bill have done in the past to tick them off.

They're going to come at Obama hard no doubt, but it's hard to go that hard against the candidate that's about change and hope.

They could alienate themselves.
[h1]http://www.boston.com/news/politics/politicalintelligence/2008/02/superdelegates.htmlSuperdelegates get campaign cash[/h1]
Email|Link|Comments (157) Posted by Foon Rhee, deputy national political editor February 14, 2008 03:54 PM

Many of the superdelegates who could well decide the Democratic presidential nominee have already been plied with campaign contributions by Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, a new study shows.

"While it would be unseemly for the candidates to hand out thousands of dollars to primary voters, or to the delegates pledged to represent the will of those voters, elected officials serving as superdelegates have received about $890,000 from Obama and Clinton in the form of campaign contributions over the last three years," the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics reported today.

About half the 800 superdelegates -- elected officials, party leaders, and others -- have committed to either Clinton or Obama, though they can change their minds until the convention.

Obama's political action committee has doled out more than $694,000 to superdelegates since 2005, the study found, and of the 81 who had announced their support for Obama, 34 had received donations totaling $228,000.
Clinton's political action committee has distributed about $195,000 to superdelegates, and only 13 of the 109 who had announced for her have received money, totaling about $95,000.
"change" huh?

looks like Politic$ as usual
If Ohio votes for Hilary, I'm moving out of the state. I'm in Columbus which is pro-Obama, but my hometown isRepublican to a T...they voted for Bush in 2000 and 2004...idiots.
Bill Clinton came and talked to my school yesterday to support his wife here in texas...

Her Energy plan sounds great and all but theres noway it would ever happen...
Her Healthcare plan is nice, but again, unrealistic...
Her education plan....same thing...

Everyone of them sounded like it would cost a TON more money than what it would save the country. The only good thing i got out of them was that it would makemore jobs and put more money and put it in to the economy, which we need badly.

Obama has my vote for sure now...
Ohio gave Bush the election in 2004... of course the Republicans will go hard.... They don't have any great ideas, the only reason they win elections isbecause they scare the white folks by bashing the Democrat senseless with lies. Obama will surely be swift boated, but can he hit them back? unlike Kerry. Thatis the question.

Wisconsin Exit Polls:
Obama Won:
Women (51-49)
All age groups under 65
All education levels
All regions of the state -- urban, suburban and rural
Voters without college degrees (50-48)
Democrats (50-49)
Whites (53-46)
White men (59-38)
Voters who decided in the last week (58-42)

Won or tied voters of all income levels
Tied among white women
Tied among union members
Tied among union households



THAT MAKES IT: NINE IN A ROW![/size][/font]
so when do we find out whose running for president?

sorry im politically ******ed and yes ive tried to figure out how this works but its lead to no good...
Originally Posted by neoxfactor

so when do we find out whose running for president?

sorry im politically ******ed and yes ive tried to figure out how this works but its lead to no good...

Republicans = John McCain

Democrats = Barack Obama OR Hillary Clinton
so when do we find out whose running for president?

sorry im politically ******ed and yes ive tried to figure out how this works but its lead to no good...

between now and the summer each state will hold a primary, a mini-election where Republicans (GOP) vote for the Republican candidate they want to nominate, andDemocrats vote for the Democratic candidate they want to win. the parties hold their own private election where designated delegates from each state will castvotes for a candidate based on how the people of their state voted.

then around August, the party will have a national convention where they announce which candidate got the most delegate-votes, and they announce that guy astheir nominee for the election. from that point on, the party will put their full effort into getting that candidate the presidency on Nov 4.

what most people expect to happen is for McCain to beat out the other Rep candidates and get nominated by the GOP, and for Hilary or Barack(BARACK) to get nominated by the Dems. then McCain and the Dem nominee Barack will faceoff for the presidency when people go to the polls on Nov 4.

Barack FTW
Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

so when do we find out whose running for president?

sorry im politically ******ed and yes ive tried to figure out how this works but its lead to no good...

between now and the summer each state will hold a primary, a mini-election where Republicans (GOP) vote for the Republican candidate they want to nominate, and Democrats vote for the Democratic candidate they want to win. the parties hold their own private election where designated delegates from each state will cast votes for a candidate based on how the people of their state voted.

then around August, the party will have a national convention where they announce which candidate got the most delegate-votes, and they announce that guy as their nominee for the election. from that point on, the party will put their full effort into getting that candidate the presidency on Nov 4.

what most people expect to happen is for McCain to beat out the other Rep candidates and get nominated by the GOP, and for Hilary or Barack (BARACK) to get nominated by the Dems. then McCain and the Dem nominee Barack will face off for the presidency when people go to the polls on Nov 4.

Barack FTW

I wouldn't speak too soon. Ralph Nader just announced that he was running on "Meet the Press," this morning.
I see Obama closing the gap on Hillary in Texas...........

But I hope a strong showing by him in the debate in Ohio tomorrow will help Obama close in on Hillary in that state.
Originally Posted by TrillipinoTrapstar

I see Obama closing the gap on Hillary in Texas...........

But I hope a strong showing by him in the debate in Ohio tomorrow will help Obama close in on Hillary in that state.
Yeah he is.... Obama will probably win Texas, we'll see though.... just depends who turns out.
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