Elementary School Shooting: Newtown, Connecticut. 28 confirmed dead, 18 were children

Is this how you people cope? If you can fit this incident into a box, does it make it easier to swallow?

Well, of course this happened, gun control is blah blah blah.

You see, he's the exact type you gotta watch out cuz blah bla-******g-blah.

You don't see this blah blah blah in blah-istan.

If they banned all non-hunting rifles and concealed weapons in America, this could still happen.

Maybe they should just pat down every oddball white guy in connecticut?

Maybe we should have a law banning groups of people anywhere?

Maybe every elementary school teacher should be strapped, just in case?

Maybe you can shut the **** up, leave your condolences and see your way elsewhere.
Post your word vomit in the thread about nothing.

maybe people cant just leave their condolensces. How do we make sure something like this doesnt happen again should be a talking point.
"How many young people have to die senselessly? How many lives have to be ruined before we realize the right to bear arms doesn't protect us from a government equipped with stealth bombers, predator drones, tanks and nuclear weapons?...Handguns do not enhance our safety. They exacerbate our flaws, tempt us to escalate arguments, and bait us into embracing confrontation rather than avoiding it." - Jason Whitlock. and sadly, the CT shooting won't change a damn thing.
All you people relating this story the one in china in which a man stabbed 22 kids as leverage to your argument about gun control. None of them were killed. All were harmed, and will be able to tell their stories forever. These kids were murdered. Stabbing argument debunked.
Your right it doesnt kill them....but what about the emotional and phychological  trauma caused during that inncident. It must be unbearable especially at a young age. It can mess up a kid for life.

I was in a car accident at 14. After the incident I was traumatized to get into a car for at least 1 year. I would tense up,tweak and be paraniod.

I can only imagine being stabbed, partially dying, at such a young age.

But not trying to argue,they both leave people hurt.

Someone please answer my question. What if there were a stabbing tomorrow where 22 were killed?  Would you guys want to ban knives and sharp objects?

Only the over-the-top, unnecessary guns need to be banned.
Has anyone even made the argument that all guns should be banned?
My point is that it doesn't matter what weapon a person decides to use.  If they are out to kill, they are going to kill.  Yes, I understand that guns can kill more in less time, but does body count matter that much?  Even one person dying from a stab wound is unfortunate.  You all act like it has to be some ungodly number of deaths for it to be considered bad.
Think about the time in the near future where they have to go back to school. At such a young age. This will be with them forever. :smh:
Why the **** some of yall in here arguing about little stupid **** :smh: I swear some ****** on NT can be :x
Children were just killed yall just chill the **** out.
The shooter, 10 days ago (name withheld) RT @ : the feeling when you know youve lost everyone who used too care about you

I find it esp sad that this whole tragedy stemmed from something like this, but I guess there's no situation where such a tragedy would "make sense"
https://twitter.com/Ryan__Lanza check out his ****... 
Man Christmas is right around the corner.  **** is going to be rough for those that lost.  I couldn't imagine looking at those toys I just brought my baby for Christmas.  
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