Eric Dampier

Jul 15, 2005
Does NOT belon​g in the NBA He has as much offen​sive post prese​nce as JJ Redic​k.​ I would​ never​ think​ to say Kwame​ Brown​ is a bette​r Cente​r thananyon​e .. but i have to, when it comes​ to Eric "​Dump"​-​ier.​ Mark Cuban​ shoul​d not only be charg​ed with insid​er tradi​ng,​ but with money​laund​ering​ as well,​ becau​se i know he can'​t actua​lly be payin​g this guy what his contr​act says.​ He is not worth​ it! damn shame​ ... :ohwell:
Eduardo Najera>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Eric Dampier

thats telling you something
At least if Damp is setup with an open lane, he can dunk it. The same can't be said about Ben Wallace.

I say Damp is worthier of being in the NBA than Wallace
damp swindled the hell out of cuban.

played his +@* off during that last contract season in the bay, 12 and 12, got paid, and then has been in cruise control ever since.
Ben Wallace is so terrible.

All he does is lift weights and perfect his blocking out skills. I don't see why he refuses to work on any kind of offensive game. He hasn't scoredover 5 points in a least a month.
Originally Posted by blueprynt

Eric Dampier, Doesn't belong in the NBA
Don't forget:

Chuck Hayes ( Houston Rockets ) &
Michael Ruffin: Doesn't belong in the nba, I thought dawg retired...
But i seen him on the chicago bulls bench tonite....
Actually Damp sets the best screens in the NBA as well as he commits strong fouls, very few "and 1s" when you get fouled by him. Sure he'smassively overpaid for doing so, but rarely do you see guys "get through," a Damp screen and with jumpshooters like Dirk, Jet, and Josh on the team,his ability to free them up an extra second or so for their jumpers is crucial. He is also a good offensive rebounder and plays great post defense ontraditional centers. The Mavs don't look for him to go to work offensively down there. I'd take him over Kwame 7 days a week.
Damp sucks but he isnt as bad as you describe. His offense is nonexistent but he is ok on D. I would love him if he was the Mavs backup instead of starter.
Originally Posted by DatZNasty

Actually Damp sets the best screens in the NBA as well as he commits strong fouls, very few "and 1s" when you get fouled by him. Sure he's massively overpaid for doing so, but rarely do you see guys "get through," a Damp screen and with jumpshooters like Dirk, Jet, and Josh on the team, his ability to free them up an extra second or so for their jumpers is crucial. He is also a good offensive rebounder and plays great post defense on traditional centers. The Mavs don't look for him to go to work offensively down there. I'd take him over Kwame 7 days a week.
And twice on Sundays
This is what is so great about the NBA, when you see Eric Dampier has now made $83 million so far in his career.
Originally Posted by MisterP0315

Ben Wallace is so terrible.

All he does is lift weights and perfect his blocking out skills. I don't see why he refuses to work on any kind of offensive game. He hasn't scored over 5 points in a least a month.
when i went to the cavs/blazer game, wallace and andersonvarejao were playing one-on-one during pregame warm-ups. Wallace's game made varejao's game look like Kobe's.
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