Everyone on S&T, what are your goals this summer? (health/body wise) how do you plan on achieving?

Feb 26, 2002
just looking to getting bigger and stronger of course

--running through the park every other morning
-heavy lifting
- smart eating
I'd like to add more definition to my arms within the next couple of months. I've been in the gym for over a year now & since then I've wentfrom 225 to 210. I'm sure that I would be even more toned but I still have a weakness for junk food & stuff. I basically do majority of cardio becauseI still have a lil' gut. Right now, my arms are a generous size & you can see slight definition but I want to make them look even more detailed. If Ican get some cuts on my arm by the middle of August, I'll be happy....
- I need to put on about 13-15 more pounds to be physically ready for college athletics
- I need to eat better
Pretty much maintaining....had a decent winter/spring and have crazy work hours this summer so Im gonna continue to mix up my workouts and get stuff done butnot kill myself.

Getting up at 5:30 a.m. for morning runs will be the hardest.
I'm going to try to regain strength in my knee. 5 months after surgery, and my knee still swells for a week after plyos.
I want to put on about 10 pounds of muscle and I figure if I work out 4 times a week and eat right enough I should be able to reach that.
My goal every summer has been to get into single digit body fat. Right now, I estimate I'm at approximately 12-13%. If I can achieve 9%, while maintaininga weight of 195-200 (I'm currently 205), I'll be a happy camper.
- Need to get up early and do my cardio. Been slacking and hating the morning is my biggest hurdle.
- Need to get the diet cleaned up. Shouldn't be that hard but I need to keep it consistent.
- Need to get the fiance working out with me. She always complains about stuff so this summer I am gonna work her out in many ways.
- Need to tighten the body up overall. Winter started great but then things popped up in the spring and I have been terrible the last 2 months. Starting tosort things out and a consistent plan is much easier.
i'd like to lose 30 pounds. so, basically, eating better (Cutting off the sodas/late night junk food), trying to add some muscle, and decreasing thewaistline.
My summer is dedicated to the game of golf. Yeah, I'll play ball too, but I'm really trying to tidy up my game. I want to get to maybe a 13 handicap.
Gain a lot of muscle. For all of my sports. Football, Basketball, Lacrosse.

Get stronger in general.

Trying to eat right and lift a lot. I had a trainer set up a plan for me so I know exactly what I should do at the gym.
Continue running 5k/day and get stronger...we'll see how this goes while working a 9-5.
I'm only working part time this summer (wanna take advantage of my last one
) so I would use that to my advantage and hit the gym as hard and as much aspossible. I am cool with my weight right now, so I guess just try to cut so fat and add some more muscle and it'll be cool. I also want to get my verticalleap up so I can finally throw down a basketball
Trying to lose about 10 lbs and gain it back in muscle. I plan on doing a lot of HIIT and going to the gym four days a week. It'll be a lot easier for meto eat healthier because I'll be home for the summer, and my mom has been cooking a lot more healthy stuff for the family.
Lose about 20lbs while keeping as much muscle as I can..and try to get stronger during this process..

Plan to achieve by keeping my carb intake at 200grams a day..Protein at 250-300grams a day..Fat intake at 50grams a day..Drink a gallon of water a day..

Basketball 2-3 times a week for cardio..

Lift about 4 times a week as well..

Supplement with Protein..Glutamine and Multi-vitamins
Originally Posted by BattsLM

Lose about 20lbs while keeping as much muscle as I can..and try to get stronger during this process..

Plan to achieve by keeping my carb intake at 200grams a day..Protein at 250-300grams a day..Fat intake at 50grams a day..Drink a gallon of water a day..

Basketball 2-3 times a week for cardio..

Lift about 4 times a week as well..

Supplement with Protein..Glutamine and Multi-vitamins

almost the same exact thing I was thinking. Except maybe the last line. Either way, I got to get in shape for bball seasons coming up.

Go Cowboys.
Well I'm a good solid 5'10 195, like people still think i look good, but i dont think im good enough yet. But these last 2 months have been rough and iwent on a mad beer drinking binge, i literally did not go to be sober any night for 2 months....so i have accumulated a slight beer gut from it now. My goalsis to shed this gut in probably 2 or 3 weeks by:

following a stricter diet
HIIT on the cardio
Limit my calorie intake
Perhaps by a case of Redline or two (yikes thats expensive)

and then hopefully i get down to about 180-185 by July. It'll be tough cuz all my bb life i've been working to gain mass and size; and have neveractually had to cut or lose weight.
Wish me luch.
start working out again

get started with cycling and kickboxing

eat a salad everyday other than on the weekends
Run 6 miles five times a week
315lb flat bench
275lb incline bench
400lb squat
350lb deadlift
- Need to get up early and do my cardio. Been slacking and hating the morning is my biggest hurdle.
- Need to get the diet cleaned up. Shouldn't be that hard but I need to keep it consistent.

yea along with keeping up with my weightlifting. been seeing some noticeable results already and its been 1 month.
I hope to lose 20 lbs. of fat and gain some muscle.
I want to get more toned and larger in my arms.
I need to stay consistent(I haven't worked out in a week).
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