Everyone who doesn't like the gas prices enter here!!!

Jun 18, 2007
i thought of a way to lower the gas prices.I don't know if this will work or not but lets try it out. Well lets pick a gas station like Exxon, telleverybody not to go to exxon for like a good 3 weeks or month like the end of june and the end of july because of people traveling during the summer with cars,so when where going to the other gas stations like sunoco, shell, ect., exxon prices will drop. Then everyone will be going to exxon. Then all the other gasstations will lower the price because everone will be heading to exxon. And if it all boosts back up. Well do the same thing.But the thing is its probably notgoing to work because alot of people wont do it. anyone willing to do it??
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I actually applaud the CEO's/Tycoons and whoever else is involved in these rising gasprices.. Gas is about 4 bucks a gallon.. PEOPLE STILL PAY FOR IT!!!!.. Why lower the cost?[/color]
well first off that is a direct rip off of spam type material off of like facebook or myspace, secondly it will not work since those who own those gas stationswill go out of business since they only make a few cents off of every gallon. Before you start affecting the big oil companies, all the smaller gas stationswill go out of business thus in turn allowing the other gas stations remaining to basically monopolize you and raise prices even higher...
Exxon makes $1,861 or something like that a SECOND....by the time you took the time out to write that, Exxon made over$30,000.

Just to make you feel better.

gas prices =
but we al own cars and need gas, so shut up and get abike, or pay for gas.
we should all grow solo staches to protest the gas prices. ( I actually owe this idea to fraij da 5 11's avy)
Originally Posted by FreshProduct

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I actually applaud the CEO's/Tycoons and whoever else is involved in these rising gas prices.. Gas is about 4 bucks a gallon.. PEOPLE STILL PAY FOR IT!!!!.. Why lower the cost?[/color]
gas prices =
but we al own cars and need gas, so shut up and get a bike, or pay for gas.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]See...[/color]
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