EWD's Tech Start-Up Company Vol...Iono

Ummm that would be delusions of grandeur Sir. Even a guy who didn't graduate from H.S. knows that.
But you keep ignoring the only question that needs to be answered, why?

Let me type it in your language.

What does your company do?
[COLOR=#red]Ok this thread has run it's course. It's been a whole week already...I'm not giving out any further details. For those who supported me, much appreciated. This has been a great experience so far. I look forward to continued growth and learning with my business.

Every thread this dude ever makes end with this statement lol. He's gonna take his toys and go home. Didn't nobody care about your start up to begin with homie. Most these dudes in here probably half your age, go wash your face.
Oh wow, you're deeply affected I see. You put a lot of thought into that sentence.

You know what makes me feel good? Not that you asked but I'll say it anyway...I have lived one heaven of a life when the things that actually happened people don't believe. I tell my true stories, people think they're BS, I feel blessed. I instantly recycle negativity into positivity. This is what allows me to keep it up in here. Only way EWD stops what I do on NT is if I get perma-banned, or when I'm no longer able to post.
[COLOR=#red]Ummm that would be delusions of grandeur Sir. Even a guy who didn't graduate from H.S. knows that. :D[/COLOR]

i had my phone on auto correct.

yet you don't the difference between loyalties and royalties even a person not in the drone business knows that right ?

you continue to avoid answering the question which are posted. you nip pick what you want, good luck trying that when go out making your case with VCs
Every thread this dude ever makes end with this statement lol. He's gonna take his toys and go home. Didn't nobody care about your start up to begin with homie. Most these dudes in here probably half your age, go wash your face.

[COLOR=#red]Guess you toooold me! I'm like an M-1 Abrams main battle tank, and you guys are shooting me with BB guns.[/COLOR]
At some point homie gonna hit rock bottom and just stop posting in here. Until then, fuel for the fire.
No one is obsessed with you. Your posts are just this constant fountain of stupidity that everyone can often revisit. Between your arrogance, delusion and unearned bravado, you're the gift that keeps on giving. You've never given anyone a reason to lay off. Every time you post is a golden boon of material. It just keeps coming and everyone can see right through it. It's great. I'd find you pathetic even if I didn't make gifs or whatever.

[COLOR=#red]Oh wow, you're deeply affected I see. You put a lot of thought into that sentence.

Why do people say stuff like this? Since when does coherent speech mean a person is personally hurt by the words and actions of another.
Is he supposed to just cuss youbout and not respond?
It truly confuses me when people say stuff like this.
"You responded to what I said so you must care".
I genuinely don't understand.
Can someone please explain it to me?
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Why do people say stuff like this? Since when does coherent speech mean a person is personally hurt by the words and actions of another.
Is he supposed to just cuss youbout and not respond?
It truly confuses me when people say stuff like this.
"You responded to what I said so you must care".
I genuinely don't understand.
Can someone please explain it to me?

Results, bro!
No one is obsessed with you. Your posts are just this constant fountain of stupidity that everyone can often revisit. Between your arrogance, delusion and unearned bravado, you're the gift that keeps on giving. You've never given anyone a reason to lay off. Every time you post is a golden boon of material. It just keeps coming and everyone can see right through it. It's great. I'd find you pathetic even if I didn't make gifs or whatever.
Oh wow, you're deeply affected I see. You put a lot of thought into that sentence.
it's like he keeps playin the part
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Why do people say stuff like this? Since when does coherent speech mean a person is personally hurt by the words and actions of another.
Is he supposed to just cuss youbout and not respond?
It truly confuses me when people say stuff like this.
"You responded to what I said so you must care".
I genuinely don't understand.
Can someone please explain it to me?

it's self explanatory because

EWD is a guy that's intellectual, cool, athletic/in-shape, successful, ambitious, going places in life, not bad looking, respectful, protective, strong when needed, sensitive when needed, expressive, self-confident, and can deal with adversity and come out on top anyway.
it's self explanatory because

EWD is a guy that's intellectual, cool, athletic/in-shape, successful, ambitious, going places in life, not bad looking, respectful, protective, strong when needed, sensitive when needed, expressive, self-confident, and can deal with adversity and come out on top anyway.


Don't even ask me how..
Are there any other serious contenders for thread of the year? This **** had me lol for real. Damn :rofl:
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